Single Touch Payroll (STP) - Issue management 277-24011649
This document explains the process for staff in Employer Services (ES) when investigating STP pay event submissions with exceptions and reporting issues.
On this page:
Digitally Enabled Process (DEP) to discard zeros
Digitally Enabled Process (DEP) to automatically process STP split submissions
Assigning a STP Employer CSRN due to multiple CSRN mismatch
Duplicate reporting of a customer for one pay date
STP and Advance (ADV) reason code
STP data reported and not received
Digitally Enabled Process (DEP) to discard zeros
Table 1
Step |
Action |
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Background The purpose of this DEP is to discard unnecessary STP data that is not required in the: The Discard Zero DEPs will run daily from 7:00 am, and are redirected to Split Submission DEPs from 1:30 pm each day. Before taking any manual action, Service Officers need to allow the DEP processes to complete. This will increase DEP processing outcomes. The Discard Zero DEP, will review the: |
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Pay Date Level Discard |
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Customer Level Discards The DEP will discard customers within a submission that meet the following criteria:
Before the Discard Zero DEP discards any customer/s, it will go to the Pay Date List window and filter the search to 3 months earlier. This aligns with the 3 month display in the STP Mismatch List. The DEP will:
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STPN Only Discards After the DEP has checked the customer level discards, it will review the entire submission. If only STPN customers remain the entire submission is unnecessary and will be discarded. The DEP will discard submissions that meet the following criteria:
The DEP will enter a notepad on all discarded submissions. |
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Action taken by DEP A notepad automatically creates detailing the action taken when the DEP reviews the submission. The notepad is saved on the STP Mismatch List. The notepads are as follows: Submission discarded This notepad creates when the DEP successfully discards the submission. Notepad text: Digitally Enabled Processing has reviewed and identified that this submission is able to be discarded. This is due to the Total Submitted Amount, Total Expected Amount and Total Actual Amount all displaying as $0.00. Details of submission Pay date: PD Submission ID: SID Discard zero customers This notepad creates when the DEP successfully discards a customer/s within a submission. Notepad text: Digitally Enabled Processing has reviewed the submission to identify customer/s that are eligible to be discarded. Customer/s that were unable to be discarded require Service Officer investigation. The customer/s are unable to be discarded due to displaying with an expected amount in the pay dates list. Pay date: PD Submission ID: SID Customer/s Discarded NAME, CSRN Customers Unable to be Discarded NAME, CSRN STPN only submission discarded This notepad creates when the DEP successfully discards the entire submission for STPN customers, once the DEP has checked customer level discards. Notepad text: Digitally Enabled Processing has reviewed and identified that this submission is able to be discarded. This is due to all customers in the submission displaying with a Total Actual Amount displaying as $0.00 and a reason code of STPN. Details of submission Pay date: PD Submission ID: SID Total Submitted Amount: $0 Total Actual/Derived Amount: $0 Customer unable to be discarded This notepad creates when the DEP is unable to discard a customer due to displaying with an expected amount in the pay dates list. Notepad text: Digitally Enabled Processing has reviewed the submission to identify customer/s that are eligible to be discarded. Customer/s that were unable to be discarded require Service Officer investigation. The customer/s are unable to be discarded due to displaying with an expected amount in the pay dates list. Pay date: PD Submission ID: SID Customer/s Discarded NONE Customers Unable to be Discarded NAME, CSRN |
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Customers unable to be discarded When the Discard Zero DEP has not been able to discard a customer with an expected amount in the pay dates list, check the case to see if the customer needs to be delinked. Check if the:
In the above circumstances, end employer withholding (EW) as soon as possible. See Table 6, Step 7 in Employer Service Officer (ESO) role in setting up employer withholding (EW) linking. |
Digitally Enabled Process (DEP) to automatically process STP split submissions
Table 2
Step |
Action |
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Background A split submission occurs when an employer reports multiple STP submissions for the one pay date. This may occur when:
Cuba requires one report per pay date to move to the next stage of the reconciliation process. Where possible, the DEP merge the multiple submissions into one submission. If the merge is successful, the submission will either:
When the submission lodgement status changes to FINALISED, an ERR creates in the Reconciliation Report List. The Service Officer can match the ERR to the payment or use top up which can be applied to ERRs from the second Wednesday of the month until the end of the month. See Table 7 in Employer withholding reconciliation and top up. Note: the merge process does not include s72A deductions. |
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Action taken by DEP A notepad automatically creates detailing the action taken when the DEP reviews the submission. The notepad is saved on the STP Mismatch List. The notepads are as follows: Split submission unable to merge This notepad creates when the DEP is unable to merge the submission due to:
Notepad text Digitally Enabled Processing has reviewed and identified that submissions are unable to be merged. Submission to be finalised manually by Service Officer. Details of the submission Pay Date: PD Submission ID: SID Total Submitted Amount: TSA Total Expected Amount: TEA Total Actual Amount: TAA Split submission merged This notepad creates when the:
Notepad text Digitally Enabled Processing has successfully merged submissions. Details of the submission Pay Date: PD Submission ID: SID Total Submitted Amount: TSA Total Expected Amount: TEA Total Actual Amount: TAA NAME, CSRN Expected Amount: EA Actual Amount: AA Reported YTD: RYTD Previous YTD: PYTD Note: continue listing all customers Split submission merged f/u required This notepad creates when:
The submission lodgement status remains as ‘EXCEPTION ERROR’. Notepad text Digitally Enabled Processing has successfully merged submissions, existing mismatches require Service Officer investigation prior to finalising submission. Details of the submission Pay Date: PD Submission ID: SID Total Submitted Amount: TSA Total Expected Amount: TEA Total Actual Amount: TAA NAME, CSRN Expected Amount: EA Actual Amount: AA Reported YTD: RYTD Previous YTD: PYTD Note: continue listing all customers Submission updated to record only This notepad creates when the DEP successfully merges the split submissions. This results in the remaining submission/s updating to ‘Record Only’ as the information is transferred to the merged submission. Notepad text Submission updated to Record Only as Digitally Enabled Processing has merged related submissions. Details of the submission Pay Date: PD Submission ID: SID Total Submitted Amount: TSA Total Expected Amount: TEA Total Actual Amount: TAA NAME, CSRN Expected Amount: EA Actual Amount: AA Reported YTD: RYTD Previous YTD: PYTD Note: continue listing all customers |
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How to make sure a split submission is allocated to a DEP? The Split Submission DEPs start their daily run from 1:30 pm to try to merge submissions. If the DEP has not actioned a split submission and there are no Single Touch Payroll Not reported employees (STPN), this may indicate:
An employer is excluded if: No multiple EW submissions exist for the same pay date with a status of ‘EXCEPTION ERRORS’ Multi CSRN Check if the employer still needs the multi CSRN. E.g., the employer has one ABN and multiple records in Cuba (multiple CSRNs) as they previously ran payroll out of multiple locations. Contact the employer to find out if:
If the employer confirms all the above are correct, refer the request to merge the multi CSRN to one CSRN to an SSO The SSO will check:
The SSO via the site PSM emails the request to National ICS. National ICS will:
If the decision is to merge the multi CSRN to one CSRN, to allow the employer to get allocated to a DEP for processing, the Service Officer must:
Note: if the duplicated organisation status is updated to ‘CEASED’ instead of ‘DUPLICATE’ the organisation will still be a MULTICSRN record in Cuba. The DEP is unable to process a MULTICSRN. Hold Auto Reconciliation indicator Check if the hold auto reconciliation is still needed and if any outstanding issue/s can be actioned. STPN reason code
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Action to make sure the DEP successfully merges a split submission Once the DEP identifies an employer with split submissions, the submissions must meet the eligibility criteria. Multiple submissions with the same pay date must have all the following:
To make sure the criteria is met:
STP historical information
Table 3
Step |
Action |
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Background The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) automatically send STP information to child support for the purposes of Employer Withholding for confirmed mutual customers. This is known as ‘ongoing’ pay event information. Ongoing pay events for the customer will display 1000 of the most recent records. Historical pay event requests make it easier to find any date range requested and display the latest information from the ATO. Use historical STP year to date information to: |
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Go to the STP historical information window |
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View ongoing pay event details The STP Historical Information window displays up to 1000 pay events. The Pay Event Requests displays the: The Pay Events displays the ongoing Pay Event information received for the customer. Use the Pay Event Request function to display more pay events, go to Step 4. |
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Request STP historical pay events To display a pay event that is not displayed in the 1000 pay events, use the Pay Event Request function. Use this to request a pay event for aged account discrepancies. From the STP Historical window select > New. This will display the New Pay Event Request box. The new request appears in the Pay Event Requests table with the status SENT. The status will change to PROG (In Progress), if the window is refreshed. Note: if there is an uncompleted request with a status of PROG, a new request will not be made until the previous request is returned. |
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Review completed pay event request |
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Filter pay event requests and pay events |
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Other response/s reason received If other responses are received, employer contact may be needed. Select from the responses below for more details. Partial response received expected XX Actual XX This message indicates a partial response for the period requested has been received. This may mean one or more of the pay events in the requested period could not be retrieved. No pay event criteria match |
Future and Parked pay dates
Table 4
Step |
Action |
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Background |
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Checking a Future or Parked submission There are several reasons to check a Future or Parked submission:
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Viewing the intray To view the notepad, select the STP Submission details from the Intray Details. The future pay date is displayed in the notepad. To action the intrays, see Resources page > Table 4 in Employer reconciliation Single Touch Payroll (STP). |
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STP submission for a future pay date If the date is in the future, it will not display on the STP Mismatch List window unless the date range is expanded. To search for an STP submission for a future pay date:
If the employer advises they lodged the submission in error:
Assigning a STP Employer CSRN due to multiple CSRN mismatch
Table 5: this table explains how to action the ‘ONE ABN – MULTIPLE CSRNS’ mismatch reason.
Step |
Action |
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Background The ONE ABN – MULTIPLE CSRNS mismatch reason displays if an employer reports an STP submission and they have one ABN and multiple CSRNs. Service Officers need to decide if the submission needs to be assigned to an associated CSRN. Escalate any issues relating to this process to a Service Support Officer (SSO). |
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Check customer link/section 72A notice Check who the customer is linked to for employer withholding (EW), or if there is a s72A garnishee notice. Compare the current EW or s72A details with the STP submission. Has the STP submission been assigned to the correct CSRN?
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Assign STP pay date To select the submission to be reassigned:
Note: when the STP Mismatch List window opens, if there is an active hold auto reconciliation in place, a warning message displays to alert the Service Officer. The message will not display again until the Service Officer leaves the record, enters another record, or returns to the record. |
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View the associated organisations |
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Assign the employer CSRN
The ABN Mismatch Reason will display blank. |
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Document From the Organisation the STP Submission was assigned to:
Subject: MULTCSRN Detail: STP Submission has been received for MULTCSRN. Submission has been manually assigned to CSRN xxxxxxxxxxxx. Customer CSRN xxxxxxxxxxxx has a current link/s72A notice for associated organisation. |
Duplicate reporting of a customer for one pay date
Table 6
Step |
Action |
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Reasons for duplicate reporting Employers may report an employee twice in the one pay date for differing reasons. For example:
While duplicate reporting creates a mismatch, this is allowed as part of STP, and the employer may be unable to change this. When a duplicate submission is reported, the following intrays create: For more information about the intrays, see Table 4 on the Resources page in Single Touch Payroll (STP) - Employer reconciliation. |
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Review past employer contact Review past mismatch reconciliation documents to identify if the employer reports this way due to their software. Is there a document to indicate this is how the employer’s software makes them report?
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Review the STP Mismatch List The STP submission shows as either:
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Actual amount shows as double the expected In the STP Mismatch List, the total actual amount shows as double the expected deduction amount, however the employer total submitted amount matches an expected deduction amount. For example: Employer Total Submitted Amount = $100.00 Total Expected Amount = $100.00 Total Actual/Derived Amount = $200.00 To check:
The STP Mismatch Summary window will show the customer listed twice. Check:
This indicates the double reporting of the customer in the submission is a Services Australia system error. This duplication can occur when the data does not come through to Cuba and the STP data team has to ‘replay’ the event. If the difference between the reported YTD and previous YTD has changed by more than what the employer total submitted is, contact the employer to confirm what they deducted for each customer in the submission. Proceed to action the mismatch, in the STP mismatch Summary window. Discard the duplicate report for the customer, Cuba will not allow 2 entries for the same customer on the same pay date. To discard a customer from the submission, from the STP Mismatch summary window:
Escalate any issues to a SSO who can escalate to National ICS, via the site PSM if needed. |
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Two submissions for the same paying parent with the same pay date Action the duplicate submission in the STP Mismatch List window. Cuba will not allow 2 submissions for the same customer and the same pay date to be finalised to the reconciliation report list:
STP and Advance (ADV) reason code
Table 7
Step |
Action |
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Deduction is more than the expected deduction The ADV reason code is for manual reconciliation only. If ADV is used for an STP reporter, Cuba cannot calculate a previously deducted payment in the next expected pay date. Cuba will only show the expected amount. Using ADV in STP can cause an out of sync account. Reason for an ADV variance in the deduction amounts may include:
If the amount reported for the customer is more than the expected amount, contact the employer to confirm the reason for the extra deduction. If the employer advised the:
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Reported deduction is for a future pay date Has the employer submitted deductions for more than one customer?
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More than one customer If the employer has deducted an advance deduction for one customer and all other customers have not been reported for the future pay date:
Do not manually create an ERR for one customer if there is more than one customer linked to the employer. Creating an ERR will mean the STP report for the future pay date cannot be created for reconciliation. |
Pay date not reported - NRSTP
Table 8
Step |
Action |
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Not reported STP auto-reconciliation Occurs overnight when:
Cuba creates the ERR and auto reconciles to the payment. The not reported STP auto-reconciliation ERR has a create ID of NRSTP. See Hold auto reconciliation and Single Touch Payroll (STP) auto reconciliation. Note: STP Employer records will not auto-reconcile when there is more than one pay date created in a month. STP employers who report weekly or fortnightly need manual matching to the payment/s. |
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Deductions not reported Contact the employer if deductions have not been reported through STP and Cuba is auto reconciling the pay date to the payment received (NRSTP). Ask the employer if they have stopped reporting deductions via STP. If they have, end the STP Reporter Indicator, see Table 6, Step 5 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) – Employer reconciliation. If the employer advises they have changed payroll software. Does the new software support the STP reporting of deductions and garnishees?
Escalating issues with STP
Table 9
Step |
Action |
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Service Officer action When escalating a STP issue to an SSO, provide the following information via email.
The Service Officer must:
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SSO action Check the:
If further action is required, refer to the Service Officer. If the Service Officer has provided all the required information, escalate the STP issue via email to the site PSM. |
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PSM action
If the SSO has provided all the required information, escalate the STP issue via email to National Intensive Collection Services (ICS). |
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National Intensive Collection Services (ICS) action |
Different software options
Table 10
STP data reported and not received
Table 11
Step |
Action |
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Investigate Service Officers must investigate if an employer confirms STP data has been reported and not received (STPN). This may indicate that there are STP pay events where the deduction data has not flowed through to Cuba. This is a known data migration issue and is not a software issue, therefore do not ask the employer to follow up with their software provider. |
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Identify if STP data was reported and not received Check:
Services Officer who are unsure if the deduction was reported and not received, can seek support from an SSO. Were all of the above criteria met?
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National ICS team
Table 12
Step |
Action |
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STP exception treatments – NO ABN STP matching batch runs daily, including public holidays. The batch completes employer matching first. If errors and/or warnings are identified in the STP matching batch the submission will go the mismatch list window. Any non-matched employer submissions will appear in the STP Data Submission List with ABN mismatch reason NOABN and will have a submission lodgement status of EXCEPTION ERROR. National ICS run a weekly NOABN report to: |
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STP submission manually assigned by National ICS National ICS will check if the new ABN has created, since running the weekly NOABN report. Has the new ABN been created?
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No ABN Report notepads National ICS will add one of the below documentation templates to the Organisation Follow up intray. No ABN Report review delink\relink assoc org STP submissions have been received by a New Organisation ABN xxxxxxxxxxx Name xxxxxxxxxxx which appears to be an associated employer. (Optional text – The new org has been created CSRN xxxxxxxxxxxx and marked as associated.) The PP in the STP submission has a notice or was linked to Associated ABN xxxxxxxxxxx Name xxxxxxxxxxx which is a different ABN, and this requires urgent review for a delink\relink and new org creation so that the notice is legally valid. No ABN Report review s72A An STP submission has been received by a New Organisation ABN xxxxxxxxxxx Name xxxxxxxxxxx which appears to be an associated employer. PP in STP submission has a current notice with an Associated ABN xxxxxxxxxxx Name xxxxxxxxxxx which is a different ABN. Please review for a New Org creation and create a Collection Activity Required intray on the PP for the withdrawal and re-issue of a new s72A notice. No ABN Report – New Org created An STP submission has been received by a New Organisation ABN xxxxxxxxxxx Name xxxxxxxxxxx. This org has since been created and assigning the STP submission to the new org CSRN xxxxxxxxxxxx. No ABN Report – Multcsrn STP submission received xx/xx/xx for ABN xxxxxxxxxxx This ABN has Multi CSRNs. STP submission has been manually assigned to MULT CSRN xxxxxxxxxxxx. No ABN Report – Existing DUP Org An STP submission has been received by an ABN xxxxxxxxxxx Name xxxxxxxxxxx which has an incorrect status of duplicate and appears to be an associated employer. This requires a review for: delink\relink organisation status to be updated from duplicate to active and employer to be updated as associated and reported as associated. No ABN report – Not a child support customer |
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No ABN auto reconciliation STP reporting manually assigned from the NOABN report will auto finalise to the reconciliation report list with status of INIT where: