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Coding ABSTUDY education details 010-23042024

This document outlines how to code education details for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (EPA) customers.

On this page:

Customer advises education details

Coding education details for ABSTUDY

Coding education details for EPA

Finalising update

Customer advises education details

Table 1




Customer advises a change to education details + Read more ...

If the customer advises:

If none of the above apply go to Step 2.


Approved course + Read more ...


Education provider and/or course are not listed + Read more ...

Make a referral to the Course Assessment and Liaison Officer (CALO) if the education provider and/or the course are not listed on the National Course Approvals sub-site.

For a new claim or non-new claim transaction:

For general enquiries:

Once the CALO referral is returned with the outcome, if the course and/or education provider is:


Full course details + Read more ...

Where the course is approved, the customer needs to confirm:

  • course name
  • institution
  • study load
  • start date
  • end date
  • STARTUP-HELP Loan entitlement - if the customer is studying a Startup Year Course

Where the customer does not have full course details, advise them no updates can be made until they can provide this information.

Does the customer have their full course details?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No:
    • Request the customer to return with the required information which can be accepted verbally
    • Record details on a DOC
    • Procedure ends here


Concurrent course + Read more ...

Is the customer advising course details of a concurrent course?

  • Yes, the customer must provide Proof of Enrolment before coding a concurrent course. Once POE has been provided, to code the new course:
  • No, to code course details:

Coding education details for ABSTUDY

Table 2




Coding the EDC screen + Read more ...

Select the correct system. Code ISS in the Sys: field and SVABY in the Next: field.

On the Education Course Details (EDC) screen, complete the following fields based on the student's circumstances. A list of available codes can be found in field help (? in each field), if required:

  • Participation Status Event Date
  • Participation Status
  • Enrolment Verification
  • Course Level
  • Inst Course Start Date
  • Inst Course End Date field
  • Education Institute ID field
  • Field of Study
  • Institution Course Code
  • Student ID Number
  • Concurrent Institution for this course
  • Student Start Date
  • Student End Date
  • Allowable Time End Date
  • STARTUP-HELP Loan Ind - if the student is studying a Startup Year Course

For Testing and Assessment, go to Step 19. For all other students go to Step 2


Participation Status Event Date field + Read more ...

Complete specific coding requirements for paying ABSTUDY students over a vacation break before adding a new EDC screen. This ensures there is no gap in ABSTUDY entitlement.

For new claims:

  • for new ABSTUDY secondary non-school or tertiary students, the PSED is the start date of the course
  • for new ABSTUDY secondary students, use 1 January of the relevant academic year
  • for new ABSTUDY students transferring from Youth Allowance (YA) as a student or Austudy remaining in the same course, the PSED is the start date of the course. Where this needs correcting, reinsert the current line with the correct PSED ensuring there is no duplicate lines for the same course

For continuing students:

  • for continuing ABSTUDY secondary non-school or tertiary students, it is the previous Student End Date (SED) + 1 day. Note: this is the amended SED after the Specific coding requirements for paying ABSTUDY students over a vacation break is completed
  • for continuing ABSTUDY secondary students (excluding Schooling A students) over summer vacation period, use 1 January of the relevant academic year
  • for continuing ABSTUDY Schooling A students (such as students who move from one year of study to the next), use 1 January of the relevant academic year
  • for ABSTUDY Schooling A students that change schools during the year, it is the same date as the Student Start Date (SSD)
  • for ABSTUDY Schooling B students that change schools during the year:

Note: the Participation Status Event Date should be the PSED + 1 day for students:

  • accessing ABSTUDY Incidentals Allowance for a concurrent or additional course, and
  • where the Participation Status Event Date matches an already existing entry.


Participation Status field + Read more ...

To calculate a student’s study load see the Assessing Information tab in the Institutions National Course Approvals sub-site. For information on concessional study load, see Assessing the two-thirds study load concession for ABSTUDY or Assessing the disability study load concession for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

These calculations will assist in determining the correct coding for the field.

For ABSTUDY, only use the following codes in the field:

  • FTS = Full-time student
  • PTS = Part-time student
  • FTI = Full-time student (Incidentals Only)
  • C66 = 66% Concessional Student
  • C25 = 25% Concessional Student


  • customers wanting to access the Part-time Award only, code the field as PTS (part-time student), or
  • full-time students wanting to only receive Incidentals Allowance, or for a second or additional full-time course code the field as FTI

This will generate Incidentals Allowance payment only.


Enrolment Verification field + Read more ...

Some ABSTUDY customers have to provide Proof of enrolment (POE) in a course of study.

For secondary school students, Proof of enrolment (POE) is not required. Code this field as VNR (verification not required).

Tertiary students:

  • code VER (Enrolment verified) if proof of enrolment has been provided or is not required.
  • If proof of enrolment is required, code VRR (Verification required). Where VRR is recorded, the system will request proof of enrolment from the customer 14 days prior to the study start date. It will suspend payments 14 days after the study start date if proof of enrolment has not been provided


Course Level field + Read more ...

Valid codes are in the drop down list or via field help (?). Some codes are only available for certain payment types.

Tertiary Students

For assistance in coding the Course Level field for Tertiary student, see the Assessed Courses tab in the Institutions National Course Approvals sub-site.

Approved Scholarship courses: Some Tertiary Group C (TGC) and Secondary Non Schooling (SNS) courses may qualify a customer for a scholarship payment, if it is an approved scholarship course. Code:

  • TGC level courses as TSC
  • SNS level courses as SSN
  • University Preparation Courses as UPC

Combined Degrees: for ABSTUDY customers undertaking an approved combined degree that has both a Bachelor component and a Masters component approved, code the Course Level: field with the lower level.

Combined Course with Startup Year Course in final year: Students who enrol in a combined course that includes a final year Startup Year Course must have their entitlement for a STARTUP-HELP loan verified prior to commencing the Startup Year Course.

As students will not be selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan place until the end of their degree, only record the undergraduate component of the combined course on the EDC screen in the first instance.

The student will be issued with a Course End Date review at the time of completion of their degree. Students must advise if they are undertaking the Startup Year Course component of the Combined Degree. The students entitlement to a STARTUP-HELP loan must also be verified. Record the Startup Year Course on the EDC screen as a separate entry.

See Startup Year Courses for more information.

Honours: Code HGB where a student is undertaking standalone Honours level study:

  • immediately after a prerequisite course but at a different education provider, or
  • after a break in study from a prerequisite course

Note: this definition of a standalone Honours year may differ from what the education provider's handbook describes. See Student intending to undertake a course at Honours level.

Certificate courses: If the student is studying a Certificate course and is receiving ABSTUDY, code the Course level as:

  • Certificate 1 - C01
  • Certificate 2 - C02
  • Certificate 3 - C03
  • Certificate 4 - C04

Code a secondary level Certificate course as:

  • Certificate 1 - SC1
  • Certificate 2 - SC2
  • Certificate 3 – SNS
  • Certificate 4 – SNS

Secondary school students

For secondary school students receiving ABSTUDY, code the Course Level: field as follows:

  • Year 7 students with Year 7 Secondary Studies
  • Year 8 students with Year 8 Secondary Studies
  • Year 9 students with Year 9 Secondary Studies
  • Year 10 students with Year 10 Secondary Studies
  • Year 11 students with Year 11 Secondary Studies
  • Year 12 students with Year 12 Secondary Studies
  • Year 13 students with Year 13 Secondary Studies

If a customer repeats a year of school, code this as a separate course. For example, if a student repeats Year 12, the second attempt is coded on a new Education Course Details (EDC) screen as Course Level S12.

For special school students: For students considered to be studying at a secondary level: the year of study for coding purposes is Year 9, unless a year level has been specifically advised by the relevant education authority for that student.


Inst Course Start Date field + Read more ...

The Inst Course Start Date should be the actual course start date at the institution.

To code the correct Inst Course Start Date, you must use the:

  • date provided on the National Course Approvals sub site, or
  • Proof of Enrolment (POE) document, if different from the above dates

Where neither of the above are available, use the:

  • education provider's website, or
  • date advised in the students claim

The Inst Course Start Date will be the date the course started in the year they are recommencing, if:

  • an ABSTUDY customer is recommencing a course they studied previously, and
  • there is a gap in ABSTUDY entitlement

The Inst Course Start Date should not be coded as 1 January unless:

  • classes actually start on that day (record a DOC confirming this), or
  • following specific coding instructions to ensure payment of ABSTUDY during a vacation break for certain students

The Inst Course Start Date can be in the past. For example, when a student has started a course in a previous year but has only just claimed payment.

Orientation Week (O Week) for ABSTUDY

Higher education courses are not considered to have commenced from the start of O Week. The first day of the course is the earlier of the following:

  • the first day of attendance at classes in the course (not O Week), or
  • for external students, the first day of the enrolment period


Inst Course End Date field + Read more ...

Tertiary course

Code the Inst Course End Date with the education provider's anticipated course end date shown on:

  • the National Course Approvals sub-site, where available, noting exceptions for complete by and enrol by dates. This date should also be used as an estimate for future years
  • the education provider's website (including the exam period for enrolled study period/s). If no current year end date is available on the National Course Approvals sub-site, or
  • a Proof of Enrolment (POE) document, if different from both the above dates

Where a customer indicates a course end date before all of the above, code the earliest date of those above. Students enrolled in an accelerated course program, will have a different Inst course end date from their student end date. If the date is not available from any of these sources, use the date advised by the customer. Note: ABSTUDY Incidentals Allowance is paid based on the duration of the course dates coded on the EDC screen.

It is reasonable to use the course end date from the current academic year as an estimate for future years. Note: any date within 14 days before or after this estimated date will be accepted for QOL/QMA purposes.

Do not code the Inst Course End Date as 31 December unless classes actually finish on that date. If using 31 December, record a DOC confirming classes finished on that date.

Combined degrees with Masters Component

All Masters courses at recognised higher education providers are approved. The Education Course Details (EDC) screen must reflect the two components to ensure the higher rate of Living Allowance is paid.

Secondary students

The Inst Course End Date for full-time secondary students, who do not intend to re-enrol at the next available opportunity, is deemed to be the last day of the last term in the year as set by the relevant State/Territory education department.

End date for year 12 students should be:

  • the last date the school considered the student enrolled, or
  • the date of the last exam, if this is earlier than the date the school considered the student to be no longer enrolled


Institution field + Read more ...

Institution codes can be found using the:

  • Web Link provided next to the Institution field on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First
  • Search for Institution link provided on Updating study details screen within the Staff Process Claim workflow
  • Via the Education Institution Summary Screen (EIS) screen

For institution codes for Higher Education, TAFE and Private Provider education institutions see the National Course Approvals sub-site.

Field of Study field

This field is used to enter and display the field of study for the course the customer is currently undertaking.

Using the drop down list or field help (?) select the field of study based on the customer’s course.

Note: This field is only compulsory for tertiary students receiving Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) or Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).

Institution Course Code field

This field is used to enter the course code issued to the customer from their educational institution. It can normally be found on the proof of enrolment.

If the customer provides the Course Code for the course they are undertaking, enter the code here. For Private Providers, course codes are on the National Course Approvals sub-site.

The Institution Course Code field is not mandatory; however, failure to complete may result in a Student Payment Review generating.

Student ID Number field

The customer must provide a Student ID number. Leave the field blank and A self service option is available for customers: Placed under section headings or general content where self service options are available. advise the student to provide the Student ID number via the My Profile Study Card option in their Centrelink online account within 14 days of it becoming available, if the customer:

  • does not have a Student ID number because the institution does not issue these, or
  • has an intention to study and has not yet enrolled

Concurrent Institution for This Course field

If the course involves study at a second institution, enter the code for the second institution in the Concurrent Institution For This Course field. Only code this field if the concurrent study is credited toward the same course at the primary education provider that the customer is enrolled with.


Student Start Date field + Read more ...

ABSTUDY customers must start their studies by the third Friday after the provider's course start date.

If a customer starts study:

  • earlier or on the third Friday after the Inst Course Start Date, code the Student Start Date the same as the Inst Course Start Date
  • later than the third Friday after the Inst Course Start Date, the student is only considered a student from the day they start studying. Code the Student Start Date as the actual day the customer started studying

Where the customer's start date is after the third Friday due to circumstances beyond the student's control, code the Student Start Date the same as the Inst Course Start Date.

Note: the above coding does not apply for students applying for or receiving ABSTUDY Schooling A payments. Code the Student Start Date as the actual day the customer started studying for ABSTUDY Schooling A.


Student End Date field + Read more ...

The Student End Date: field will default with the date entered in the Inst Course End Date: field.

This field may need to be corrected if the student's actual study end date differs from the formal course end date. For example, the customer advises they enrolled in an accelerated course program or have finished (or will finish) study in their course early.

Only code the Student End Date field as follows. If the customer:

  • has lodged a claim, record the anticipated Inst Course End Date for the new course unless the customer has indicated a Student End Date that is earlier than the Inst Course End Date. In this case, use the date advised by the customer
  • has deferred or discontinued study during a study period, code the date the student last attended studies
  • is no longer undertaking a sufficient study load to qualify for payment, code the date the student last met the study load requirements. That is, the day before their study load reduced


Startup Year Course + Read more ...

Is the student studying a Startup Year Course?


Allowable Time End Date + Read more ...

The Allowable Time End Date: field on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen does not need to be coded for each student. However, the date must be coded where the student’s reasonable time is expected to expire prior to the student completing their course.

In some cases the Allowable Time End Date: field is automatically calculated, and coded by the system. It is not necessary to remove this coding where:

  • the date has been automatically coded, and
  • the allowable time end date is later than the student end date

For more information see https://ourblueprint.internal.dept.local/Pages/students-and-trainees/010-07010030-01.html Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study and Determining progress and duration of assistance for ABSTUDY.

An ABSTUDY student’s eligibility under reasonable time rules:

  • is measured at the start of the academic year for which assistance is being sought, and
  • at that time, the student must have studied less than the maximum time allowed

Where a student is eligible under reasonable time at the start of the academic year, they remain eligible under reasonable time until the end of the academic year. This includes where reasonable time would have been met or exceeded during that year.

Has the student reached their maximum reasonable time or limits of assistance for the course of study?


New claim, Exceeded Reasonable Time + Read more ...

An ABSTUDY student’s eligibility under reasonable time rules:

  • is measured at the start of the academic year for which assistance is being sought, and
  • at that time, the student must have studied less than the maximum time allowed

Where a student is eligible under reasonable time at the start of the academic year, they remain eligible under reasonable time until the end of the academic year. This includes where reasonable time would have been met or exceeded during that year.

Scenario 1: Student has met or exceeded reasonable time/limits of assistance before starting the new course:

  • student is not eligible for ABSTUDY assistance for this course
  • streamline reject claim COP
  • record details in a DOC
  • procedure ends here

Scenario 2: Reasonable time/limits of assistance will be met during the new course:

  • record Allowable Time End Date field with the final day of the academic calendar in the year which reasonable time has been met after that years Institution start date
  • go to Step 15


Non New claim, Exceeded Reasonable Time + Read more ...

An ABSTUDY student’s eligibility under reasonable time rules:

  • is measured at the start of the academic year for which assistance is being sought, and
  • at that time, the student must have studied less than the maximum time allowed

Where a student is eligible under reasonable time at the start of the academic year, they remain eligible under reasonable time until the end of the academic year. This includes where reasonable time would have been met or exceeded during that year.

Scenario 1: Student has exceeded reasonable time/limits of assistance before starting the new course:

  • customer has no entitlement for the new course
  • delete provision coding for new course on EDC
  • select the previous study’s EDC and record the Inst Course End Date for the new course in the Allowable Time End Date field
  • record details in a DOC
  • procedure ends here

Scenario 2: Reasonable time/limits of assistance will be met during the new course:

  • record Allowable Time End Date field with the final day of the academic calendar in the year which reasonable time has been met after that years Institution start date
  • go to Step 15


Coding course details + Read more ...

The Comments field is only used to record the exact name of the course the student is enrolled in. Do not record reasonable time assessments or any other comments here as this field displays to the customer when they use 'Manage study details'. All additional comments must be recorded in a DOC.

This field:

  • can be left blank for Secondary students
  • must be completed with course name only for all other study levels


Coding the Footer Details + Read more ...

If required, in Customer First, go to the:

  • Source: field, to key the source of the information
  • Receipt Date: field, key the day the customer provided the information
  • Action: field, select INS or key I to insert the information recorded


Combined course with a Masters component + Read more ...

Is the student undertaking a combined course that has an approved Masters component?


Coding the EDC screen for a combined course with approved Masters/Doctorate component for ABSTUDY only + Read more ...

For further information about approval of combined courses with a Masters/Doctorate component, see Approved courses of study for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).

Code the following to ensure no further Incidentals Allowance is incorrectly paid to ABSTUDY customers if a new EDC line is created.

  • From the EDCH screen, select the combined course that has just been created
  • Input a new Participation Status Event Date (PSED) as the date the approved Masters/Doctorate component starts
    • Note: due to system restrictions, a Participation Status Event Date (PSED) can only be coded up to 12 months in advance
    • To determine the start of the Masters/Doctorate component of the combined course, identify the Masters/Doctorate level units by comparing the units in the Masters component of the combined course with those in the standalone Masters/Doctorate Degree course offered at the same educational institution. Also, refer to the 'AQF qualification type learning outcomes descriptors for Level 9 (the relevant Masters/Doctorate Degree type - Research, Coursework or Extended) in the Australian Qualifications Framework.
    • Note: that there are specific coding requirements for paying ABSTUDY students over a vacation break
  • Key I in the Action field to Insert the new information and select [Enter]. This will display 2 lines on the EDCH screen for the current course (same course ID). Both will show as full-time with only the PSED being different

Update both of the EDCH lines to reflect the 2 components of the course:

  • Select the line/row that has the original PSED of the combined course on the EDCH screen
  • Update the Student End Date: to the day before the Master/Doctorate component started
  • Key C in the Action: field to correct the EDC screen (Customer First)
  • Select the other line/row of the EDCH screen/table that has the PSED as the date the Masters component starts:
    • update the Student Start Date: to the same date that was used for the PSED (the date the approved Master component started)
    • update the Course Level: field to MST/DOC
    • key C in the Action: field to correct the EDC screen (Customer First)

Note: the student will now be entitled to allowances under the ABSTUDY Masters and Doctorate Award.

See Table 4, Step 1


Testing and Assessment + Read more ...

For ABSTUDY customers claiming the Testing and Assessment Award, update the appropriate screens with information provided in the claim. The preselected mandatory screens are:

  • Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct, or
  • Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First

Code the following:

  • Participation Status: field, key TAA
  • Course Level: field, code the relevant course level
  • Enrolment Verification: field, key VER (Enrolment Verified). The system does not accept the code VNR (Verification not Required), even if the Testing for Assessment payment enrolment verification is not required
  • Student Start Date: and Student End Date: fields, key the date the student starts and ends their Testing and Assessment activity
  • Select Product (SVP) – these details are not required. Enter through without completing the screen
  • Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) is preselected for students under 22 years. Details are not required. Enter through without completing
  • Education Payments Start Date (EPDC) – the date of commencement for payment is automatically calculated by the system. In some cases, may need manual adjustment. See Calculating the start date for ABSTUDY

See Table 4, Step 1.

Coding education details for EPA

Table 3




Coding the EDC screen + Read more ...

Select the correct system Code ISS in the Sys: field and SVPES in the Next: field.

On the EDC screen, complete the following fields based on the student's circumstances. A list of available codes can be found in field help (? in each field), if required:

  • Participation Status Event Date
  • Participation Status
  • Enrolment Verification
  • Course Level
  • Inst Course Start Date
  • Inst Course End Date field
  • Education Institute ID field
  • Field of Study
  • Institution Course Code
  • Student ID Number
  • Concurrent Institution for this course
  • Student Start Date
  • Student End Date
  • Allowable Time End Date
  • STARTUP-HELP Loan Ind - if the student is studying a Startup Year Course

For information in coding these fields go to Step 2.


Participation Status Event Date field + Read more ...

Complete Specific coding requirements for paying ABSTUDY students over a vacation break before adding a new Education Course Details (EDC) screen. This ensures there is no gap in ABSTUDY entitlement.

For new claim for students in:

  • a full year course, use 1 January or 1 July of the relevant academic year
  • any other course, use the start date of the course

For continuing students in the same course, who are:

  • entering a new year of secondary study, it is 1 January of the relevant academic year
  • only changing their workload, it is the date that the workload change:
    • came into effect (for past events)
    • will come into effect (for future events). For example if changing workload for a future semester, then the Date of Event is the day after the end of their current study period

For a new course, determine whether the student is continuing or has a gap in entitlement. If the student is considered to:

  • be continuing, then the PSED is the previous Student End Date (SED) + 1 day. Note: this is the amended SED after the relevant end date of the prior course has been confirmed
  • have a gap in entitlement, a new claim may be required, then the PSED for:
    • a full year course, is 1 January or 1 July of the relevant academic year
    • any other course, is the start date of the course


Participation Status field + Read more ...

To calculate a student’s study load see the Assessing Information tab in the Institutions National Course Approvals sub-site.

For information on concessional study load, see Assessing the pensioner study load concession for ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) or Assessing the disability study load concession for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

These calculations will assist to determine the correct coding for this field.

For ABSTUDY PES, the only codes able to be used in this field are the following:

  • FTS = Full-time student
  • U50 = 25-49% of full-time study load for the course, no disability concession
  • O50 = 50-74% of full-time study load for the course, no disability concession
  • C50 = 50% Concessional Student
  • C25 = 25% Concessional Student
  • ICP = 2nd course, pay Incidentals only


Enrolment Verification field + Read more ...

Some ABSTUDY customers have to provide Proof of enrolment (POE) in a course of study.

For Secondary school students, Proof of enrolment (POE) is not required. This field should be coded as VNR (verification not required).

For Tertiary students, code VER (Enrolment verified) if proof of enrolment has been provided or is not required. If proof of enrolment is required, code VRR (Verification required). Where VRR is recorded, the system will request proof of enrolment from the customer 14 days prior to the study start date. It will suspend payments 14 days after the study start date if proof of enrolment has not been provided.


Course Level field + Read more ...

Valid codes are in the drop down list or via field help (?). Some codes are only available for certain payment types.

Tertiary Students

For assistance in coding the Course Level field for Tertiary students, see the Assessed Courses tab in the Institutions National Course Approvals sub-site.

Approved Scholarship courses: Some Tertiary Group C (TGC) and Secondary Non Schooling (SNS) courses may qualify a customer for a scholarship payment, if it is an approved scholarship course. Code:

  • TGC level courses as TSC
  • SNS level courses as SSN
  • University Preparation Courses as UPC

Combined Degrees: for ABSTUDY customers undertaking an approved combined degree that has both a Bachelor component and a Masters component approved, code the Course Level: field with the lower level.

Combined Course with Startup Year Course in final year: Students who enrol in a combined course that includes a final year Startup Year Course must have their entitlement for a STARTUP-HELP loan verified prior to commencing the Startup Year Course.

As students will not be selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan place until the end of their degree, only record the undergraduate component of the combined course on the EDC screen in the first instance.

The student will be issued with a Course End Date review at the time of completion of their degree. Students must advise if they are undertaking the Startup Year Course component of the Combined Degree. The students entitlement to a STARTUP-HELP loan must also be verified. Record the Startup Year Course on the EDC screen as a separate entry.

See Startup Year Courses for more information.

Honours: Code HGB where a student is undertaking standalone Honours level study:

  • immediately after a prerequisite course but at a different education provider, or
  • after a break in study from a prerequisite course

Note: this definition of a standalone Honours year may differ from what the education provider's handbook describes. See Student intending to undertake a course at Honours level.

Certificate courses: If the student is studying a Certificate course and is receiving ABSTUDY, code the Course level as:

  • Certificate 1 - C01
  • Certificate 2 - C02
  • Certificate 3 - C03
  • Certificate 4 - C04

Code a secondary level Certificate course as:

  • Certificate 1 - SC1
  • Certificate 2 - SC2
  • Certificate 3 – SNS
  • Certificate 4 – SNS

Secondary school students

For secondary school students receiving ABSTUDY, code the Course Level: field as follows:

  • Year 7 students with Year 7 Secondary Studies
  • Year 8 students with Year 8 Secondary Studies
  • Year 9 students with Year 9 Secondary Studies
  • Year 10 students with Year 10 Secondary Studies
  • Year 11 students with Year 11 Secondary Studies
  • Year 12 students with Year 12 Secondary Studies
  • Year 13 students with Year 13 Secondary Studies

If a customer repeats a year of school, code this as a separate course. For example, if a student repeats Year 12, the second attempt is coded on a new Education Course Details (EDC) screen as Course Level S12.

For special school students: For students considered to be studying at a secondary level, the year of study for coding purposes is Year 9, unless a year level has been specifically advised by the relevant education authority for that student.


Inst Course Start Date field + Read more ...

The Inst Course Start Date should be the actual course start date at the institution.

To code the correct Inst Course Start Date, you must use the:

  • date provided on the National Course Approvals sub site, or
  • Proof of Enrolment (POE) document, if different from the above dates

Where neither of the above are available, use the:

  • education provider's website, or
  • date advised in the students claim

The Inst Course Start Date is the date the course started in the year they are recommencing if:

  • an ABSTUDY customer is recommencing a course they studied previously, and
  • there is a gap in ABSTUDY entitlement

Do not code the Inst Course Start Date as 1 January unless:

  • classes actually start on that day (record a DOC confirming this) or
  • following specific coding instructions to ensure payment of ABSTUDY during a vacation break for certain students.

The Inst Course Start Date can be in the past. For example, when a student has started a course in a previous year but has only just claimed payment.

Orientation Week (O Week) for ABSTUDY

From 1 July 2016, higher education courses can no longer be considered to have commenced from the start of O Week. From 1 July 2016, the first day of the course is the earlier of the following:

  • the first day of attendance at classes in the course (not O Week), or
  • for external students, the first day of the enrolment period


Inst Course End Date field + Read more ...

Tertiary course

Code the Inst Course End Date with the education provider's anticipated course end date shown on:

  • the National Course Approvals sub-site, where available, noting exceptions for complete by and enrol by dates. This date should also be used as an estimate for future years
  • the education provider's website (including the exam period for enrolled study period/s), if no current year end date is available on the National Course Approvals sub-site, or
  • a Proof of Enrolment (POE) document, if different from both the above dates

Where a customer indicates a course end date before all of the above, code the earliest date of those above. Students enrolled in an accelerated course program, will have a different Inst course end date from their student end date. If the date is not available from any of these sources, use the date advised by the customer. Note: ABSTUDY Incidentals Allowance is paid based on the duration of the course dates coded on the EDC screen.

It is reasonable to use the course end date from the current academic year as an estimate for future years. Note: any date within 14 days before or after this estimated date will be accepted for QOL/QMA purposes.

Do not code the Inst Course End Date as 31 December unless classes actually finish on that date. If using 31 December, record a DOC confirming classes finished on that date.

ABSTUDY PES customer studying a short course

For ABSTUDY and PES purposes, a 'short course' is a course where the normal minimum duration for a full-time student to complete the course is not more than 30 weeks. This period includes any holidays and vacations. Customers completing a short course are only entitled to be paid for the duration of the course. This includes customers who are studying a short course under a part time or concessional study load, and complete their study after 15 September. These customers are only entitled to be paid to their course end date, not until 31 December.

To prevent the system from paying to 31 December the end dates on the EDC screen must be offset by coding the institution end date 1 date later than the student end date.

Secondary students

The Inst Course End Date for full-time secondary students, who do not intend to re-enrol at the next available opportunity, is deemed to be the last day of the last term in the year as set by the relevant State/Territory education department.

End date for year 12 students should be:

  • the last date the school considered the student enrolled, or
  • the date of the last exam, if this is earlier than the date the school considered the student to be no longer enrolled


Institution field + Read more ...

Institution codes can be found using the:

  • Web Link provided next to the Institution field on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First
  • Search for Institution link provided on Updating study details screen within the Staff Process Claim workflow
  • Via the Education Institution Summary Screen (EIS) screen

For institution codes for Higher Education, TAFE and Private Provider education institutions see the National Course approvals sub site.

Field of Study field

Use this field is to enter and display the field of study for the course the customer is currently undertaking.

Use the drop down list or field help (?) select the field of study based on the customer’s course.

Note: This field is only compulsory for tertiary students receiving Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) or Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).

Institution Course Code field

Use this field to enter the course code issued to the customer from their educational institution. It is generally found on the proof of enrolment.

If the customer provides the Course Code for the course they are undertaking, enter the code. For Private Providers, course codes are also available from the National Course Approvals sub-site.

The Institution Course Code field is not mandatory; however failure to complete may result in a Student Payment Review generating.

Student ID Number field

The customer must provide a Student ID number. Leave the field blank and A self service option is available for customers: Placed under section headings or general content where self service options are available. advise the student to provide the Student ID number via the My Profile Study Card option in their Centrelink online account within 14 days of it becoming available if the student:

  • does not have a Student ID number because the institution does not issue these, or
  • has an intention to study and has not yet enrolled

Concurrent Institution for This Course field

If the course involves study at a second institution, enter the code for the second institution in the Concurrent Institution For This Course field. Only code this field if the concurrent study is credited toward the same course at the primary education provider that the customer is enrolled with.


Student Start Date field + Read more ...

ABSTUDY PES customers must start their studies by the third Friday after the provider's course start date.

If a customer starts study:

  • earlier or on the third Friday after the Inst Course Start Date, code the Student Start Date the same as the Inst Course Start Date
  • later than the third Friday after the Inst Course Start Date, the student is only considered a student from the day they start studying. Code the Student Start Date as the actual day the customer started studying

Where the customer's start date is after the third Friday due to circumstances beyond the student's control, code the Student Start Date the same as the Inst Course Start Date.


Student End Date field + Read more ...

The Student End Date: field will default with the date entered in the Inst Course End Date: field.

This field may need to be corrected if the student's actual study end date differs from the formal course end date. For example, the customer advises they enrolled in an accelerated course program or have finished (or will finish) study in their course early.

If the customer:

  • has lodged a claim, record the anticipated Inst Course End Date for the new course unless the customer has indicated a Student End Date that is earlier than the Inst Course End Date. Use the date advised by the customer
  • has deferred or discontinued study during a study period, code the date the student last attended studies
  • is no longer undertaking a sufficient study load to qualify for payment, code the date the student last met the study load requirements. That is, the day before their study load reduced


Startup Year Course + Read more ...

Is the student studying a Startup Year Course?


Allowable Time End Date + Read more ...

The Allowable Time End Date: field on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen does not need to be coded for each student. However, the date must be coded where the student’s reasonable time is expected to expire prior to the student completing their course.

In some cases the Allowable Time End Date: field is automatically calculated, and coded by the system. It is not necessary to remove the coding if the

  • date has been automatically coded, and
  • allowable time end date is later than the student end date

For more information see Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study and Determining progress and duration of assistance for ABSTUDY .

An ABSTUDY student’s eligibility under reasonable time rules:

  • is measured at the start of the academic year for which assistance is being sought, and
  • at that time, the student must have studied less than the maximum time allowed

Where a student is eligible under reasonable time at the start of the academic year, they remain eligible under reasonable time until the end of the academic year. This includes where reasonable time would have been met or exceeded during that year.

Has the student reached their maximum reasonable time or limits of assistance for the course of study?


New claim, Exceeded Reasonable Time + Read more ...

An ABSTUDY student’s eligibility under reasonable time rules:

  • is measured at the start of the academic year for which assistance is being sought, and
  • at that time, the student must have studied less than the maximum time allowed

Where a student is eligible under reasonable time at the start of the academic year, they remain eligible under reasonable time until the end of the academic year. That includes where reasonable time would have been met or exceeded during that year.

Scenario 1: Student has met or exceeded reasonable time/limits of assistance before starting the new course:

  • Student is not eligible for ABSTUDY assistance for this course
  • Reject claim COP
  • Record details in a DOC
  • Procedure ends here

Scenario 2: Reasonable time/limits of assistance will be met during the new course:

  • Record Allowable Time End Date field with the final day of the academic calendar in the year which reasonable time has been met after that years Institution start date
  • Go to Step 15


Non New claim, Exceeded Reasonable Time + Read more ...

An ABSTUDY student’s eligibility under reasonable time rules:

  • is measured at the start of the academic year for which assistance is being sought, and
  • at that time, the student must have studied less than the maximum time allowed

Where a student is eligible under reasonable time at the start of the academic year, they remain eligible under reasonable time until the end of the academic year. That includes where reasonable time would have been met or exceeded during that year.

Scenario 1: Student has exceeded reasonable time/limits of assistance before starting the new course:

  • Customer has no entitlement for the new course
  • Delete provision coding for new course on EDC
  • Select the previous study’s EDC and record the Inst Course End Date for the new course in the Allowable Time End Date field
  • Record details in a DOC
  • Procedure ends here

Scenario 2: Reasonable time/limits of assistance will be met during the new course:

  • Record Allowable Time End Date field with the final day of the academic calendar in the year which reasonable time has been met after that year’s Institution start date
  • Go to Step 15


Coding course details + Read more ...

The Comments field is only used to record the exact name of the course the student is enrolled in. Do not record reasonable time assessments or any other comments here as this field displays to the customer when they use 'Manage study details'. All additional comments must be recorded in a DOC.

This field:

  • can be left blank for Secondary students
  • must be completed with course name only for all other study levels


Coding the Footer Details + Read more ...

If required, in Customer First, go to the:

  • Source: field, to key the source of the information
  • Receipt Date: field, key the day the customer provided the information

Go to the Action: field, select INS or key I to insert the information recorded.

See Table 4, Step 3.

Finalising update

Table 4




Approved scholarship course + Read more ...

Is the customer starting an approved scholarship course?


Away from Home or independent + Read more ...

Has the customer been granted the Away from Home rate or are they independent students who qualify for Relocation Scholarship?


Complete the process + Read more ...

  • Complete the Source: and Date of Receipt: fields, if required
  • If on the EDC screen press [Enter] to exit the screen
  • If customer is a continuing student and restoration is required, go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen to restore the payment
  • Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details on a DOC

For current customers, procedure ends here.

For new claims, continue to assess the claim. In the finalisation DOC, include any additional information to support the decision.