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International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates (ICVC) 011-22031026

This document explains information and processes for Service Officers about International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates (ICVC).

On this page:

Face to face enquiries - hand off for non-ICVC trained Service Officers

ICVC requests for children in Out of Home Care (OOHC)

Generate an ICVC

Review and print an ICVC

Long name or only name

Bypass personal details and passport system check

Email an ICVC

Face to face enquiries - hand off for non-ICVC trained Service Officers

Table 1




Customer requests an ICVC - non-ICVC trained Service Officers + Read more ...

In the first instance staff should:

  • encourage and support the customer to get their ICVC online
  • request an ICVC on behalf of a customer if they are unable to access it online
  • hand off or escalate customer enquiries if needed
  • download the ICVC and issue a copy from the Immunisation Document (IDS) screen in the AIR site if a customer has:
    • lost their ICVC or had a previous ICVC generated, and
    • the details have not changed

If a customer asks for an ICVC, hand off to an ICVC trained Service Officer:

  • If none are available, post a request for help from the buddy site in the Zone Real Time Management (RTM) chat
  • The Service Officer and buddy give support to the customer over the phone
  • When printing proof of vaccinations, the supporting site must change their printer to the site where the customer is located


Other ICVC enquiries - non-ICVC trained Service Officers + Read more ...

Contact an ICVC Service Officer for help.

If Services Australia Workspace/softphone is:

  • used, select International Certificate
  • not used, call the AIR public line and select the relevant IVR option for the customer


Confirm enquiry is resolved + Read more ...

Is the customer's ICVC enquiry resolved?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No, the ICVC Service Officer will contact:
    • AIR LPS for technical help, or
    • an AIR skilled staff member if there is a problem with the vaccination information on the ICVC

ICVC requests for children in Out of Home Care (OOHC)

Table 2: this table explains the process to be followed when a care agency requests a manual ICVC on behalf of a child under 14 years of age in Out of Home Care.

Note: for enquiries relating to individuals 14 years of age and over, see Proof of vaccination and the AIR and Authentication and release of information for AIR.




On behalf of a child in OOHC, a care agency requests a manual ICVC + Read more ...

If the child in care is under 14 years of age:

  • Contact the caseworker via phone and get both passport details of the child and their verbal consent on behalf of the child in care to share their immunisation details with DFAT

Has the caseworker provided consent and passport details?

  • Yes, go to Table 3
  • No, procedure ends here

If the child in care is over 14 years of age:

  • They must either contact AIR themselves to request an ICVC or access online
  • Procedure ends here


  • under the agency's privacy policy an individual 14 years of age or over has:
    • the capacity to make their own privacy decisions, and
    • an independent right to access their personal health information
  • when an individual is 14 years of age or over:
    • the agency cannot provide their immunisation information to parents and guardians without the individual's verbal consent
    • if verbal consent is given, it is valid for that instance only

Generate an ICVC

Table 3

Note: Out of Hours staff should only service customers that are warm transferred by the Australian Consulate.




Search for a customer + Read more ...

To search for a customer:

  • from the main menu select AIR Service Officer Portal
  • enter one of the customer's identifiers:
    • PIN/SIN
    • Medicare number and individual reference number (IRN)
    • Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI)
    • Full name and date of birth
  • Select Search

If the search results in a match, go to Step 2.

  • If the AIR is unable to locate an exact match, search using a different criteria
  • If multiple matches are returned, use the filter option using different criteria
  • If no match can be found the individual may not have an AIR record. Tell these customers to contact their vaccination provider and ask them to update the AIR. Once the customer's vaccinations are recorded on the AIR they can access proof of their vaccinations


Individual details + Read more ...

For individual details:

  • AIR Service Officer Portal - the Identify individual (results) page will show
  • Select the individual's PIN/SIN hyperlink

The following details will show:

  • customer personal details including:
    • full name and date of birth
    • address
    • identifiers such as PIN, Medicare and IHI
  • notices
  • vaccination status or statuses
  • evidence of Immunisation section


Service centre - provide customer with privacy notice + Read more ...

If the customer is in a service centre:

Does the customer agree to the privacy notice they have read?

  • Yes, review and print the ICVC, see Table 3
  • No, tell the customer they will not be able to proceed with their request for an international certificate and they can request one online. Procedure ends here


Telephony - play privacy notice + Read more ...

If customer is on the telephone:

  • Tell the customer:
    • a recorded privacy notice will be played. This privacy notice explains how Services Australia collects, uses and shares their personal information for the International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
    • they must acknowledge this privacy notice to proceed with their request for an international certificate
  • To play the privacy notice:
    • select the Automated Messages icon from the Services Australia Workspace tool bar to open the Automated Message window, then AIR_ICVC_Privacy and Play. The message will play and will stop automatically once it is completed. Do not close the Automated Message window as this will stop the automated message
    • once the message has completed close the Automated Message window by selecting the X
    • the message can be stopped at any time if requested by the customer. If Play is pressed again the message will start from the beginning, there is no pause/restart

Service Officers must be on mute while the message is playing so the customer cannot hear anything other than the message. Other Services Australia Workspace functions will not be available while the message is playing.

Does the customer agree/acknowledge the automated messages they have heard?

  • Yes, review and print the ICVC, see Table 4
  • No, tell the customer they will not be able to proceed with their request for an international certificate and they can request their certificate online. Procedure ends here

Note: if the recording is not available read out the International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate privacy notice.

Review and print an ICVC

Table 4




AIR Site + Read more ...

From the AIR Service Officer Portal tab:

  • Select the Actions tab
  • Select Proof of Vaccinations
  • Select International COVID Vaccination Certificate (ICVC)
  • Select Launch IDS
  • Go to Step 2


Enter details + Read more ...


  • Document Type - select Australian Passport or Foreign Passport from the dropdown menu
  • Document number - enter the number of the passport the customer is using to travel overseas up to a maximum of 11 characters. This must be the passport they are entering the foreign country with
  • Document expiry - this is the date the passport is valid to
  • First Name, Family Name and Date of Birth are pre-populated with the details recorded with Services Australia. If the customer has a:
    • previous family name recorded, this can be selected from a dropdown menu
    • long name or an only name, see Table 5
  • Middle name - this may be blank or pre-populated with an initial. The middle name must be spelled in full to match the passport
  • Gender - select F, M or X after confirming with the customer which is recorded on their passport

Note: customers that go to a service centre to get their ICVC, must show their actual passport to a Service Officer.


Review information + Read more ...

Select Show data that will be shared to expand the details section.

View the details that will be shared with Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) and shown on the certificate.

Confirm with the customer that the information is:


Disclaimer and consent to share information + Read more ...

Service Officers must read out the consent declaration/s on the screen to the customer to get their consent to share their information. Choose <your> or <your child's> depending on who the certificate is being requested for:

Australian passport holders:

By agreeing to me submitting this request on your behalf, you consent to Services Australia verifying the authenticity of <your><your child's> passport details by sharing these details and <your><your child's> full name, date of birth and gender with the Australian Passport Office within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

You also consent to sharing <your><your child's> personal information, including vaccination information and passport details, with the Australian Passport Office to generate <your><your child's> certificate using ePassport technology.

You agree, you've read or listened to the International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate privacy notice and understand the information outlined in the notice.

Foreign passport holders:

By agreeing to me submitting this request on your behalf, you consent to Services Australia verifying the authenticity of <your><your child's> passport details by sharing these details and <your><your child's> full name, date of birth and gender with the Department of Home Affairs.

You also consent to sharing <your><your child's> personal information, including vaccination information and passport details, with the Australian Passport Office within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to generate <your><your child's> certificate using ePassport technology.

You agree, you've read or listened to the International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate privacy notice and understand the information outlined in the notice.

Ask customer: Do you understand and agree?

If the customer:

  • agrees, select Submit and go to Step 5
  • does not agree, advise they cannot proceed with request. Procedure ends here


Print certificate + Read more ...

Once submitted, if a:

Note: face to face staff do not need to attach the cover letter if giving the ICVC directly to the customer.

If a customer has lost their ICVC and the details have not changed, download the certificate and issue a copy from the Immunisation Document Screen (IDS) in the AIR site.

Long name or only name

Table 5




Customer has long name + Read more ...

If the customer has a long name on their passport that is not recorded on CDMS:

  • access the Document Verification System (DVS) to verify an Australian issued document in the same name as the passport or foreign passport with Australian visa. See Table 6, Step 4
  • over key the names in the Family name, First name and Middle name fields to match the passport
  • review the details that will be shared with Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), see Table 4, Step 2
  • read the customer the consent declaration, see Table 4, Step 4
  • select Bypass
  • print certificate, see Table 4, Step 5


Customer has only name + Read more ...

If the customer has an only name:

  • access the Immunisation Document Screen (IDS) and enter the only name in the Family name field
  • leave the First name field blank. Do not enter a hyphen '-'
  • select the Onlyname checkbox
  • review the details that will be shared with Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), see Table 4, Step 2
  • read the customer the consent declaration, see Table 4, Step 4
  • print certificate, see Table 4, Step 5

Bypass personal details and passport system check

Table 6




Warning message + Read more ...

The following warning message will show:

'Information provided does not match existing passport information. Please confirm details and select Bypass.'


Confirm information + Read more ...

Confirm with the customer that the passport and personal details entered are correct:


Verify with the customer + Read more ...

If the customer's name on CDMS and passport are:


DVS check + Read more ...

Service Officers:

  • Tell the customer that another identity document with the same name and date of birth as the passport will need to be verified
  • Access the Document Verification System (DVS) to verify an Australian issued document
  • Read DVS consent statement:
    • Do you understand that identification documents you provide to Services Australia will be checked with the issuing authority to confirm validity. The documents are subject to agency compliance and audit processes. In providing these documents, you consent to the agency validating the documents with the issuing authority
  • If the CDMS and passport names are the same but the passport does not have an Australian visa, Service Officers can DVS:
    • a drivers licence
    • Australian passport (dual citizens)
    • NZ passport (NZ passport holders only)
  • If the CDMS and passport names are different, Service Officers must DVS an Australian issued document with the same name and date of birth as the passport:
    • marriage certificate
    • certificate of name change
    • birth certificate
    • reissued birth certificate in the new name
    • citizenship certificate
    • driver's licence
  • Verified identity documents, will get one of 4 results:
    • Y - Matched
    • N - Not matched
    • D - Document is invalid or not electronically captured
    • S - System availability error
  • If the identity document:
    • is verified. If the name on the Medicare system is different to the passport update the customer's name in Immunisation Document Screen (IDS) to match passport information. If ICVC does not automatically generate then select Bypass and go to Step 5
    • is not verified, see the DVS results table on the Resources page. Tell the customer they cannot proceed until another document from the list is verified


  • the DVS processing form must be used to record the DVS result. Do not use the bypass function if an 'S' response is received when trying to verify documents
  • if issues continue with document verification, escalate to AIR LPS. Do not tell customers to contact Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).


Print certificate + Read more ...

Once submitted:


  • Service Officers must get Team Leader approval before emailing ICVCs to customers in Australia
  • Face to face staff do not need to attach the cover letter if giving the ICVC directly to the customer

Email an ICVC

A Team Leader must 100% quality control check all emailed ICVCs before they are sent.

The PROOF.OF.VACCINATION mailbox is only used to send copies of the ICVC. All incoming emails will get an automatic reply to contact the AIR via phone.

Table 7




Perform security check + Read more ...

Perform security check on the customer. See Authentication and release of information for Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

Go to Step 2.

Note: a caller must pass a security check for any enquiry that requires a Service Officer to access or provide information about:

  • a child
  • individual, or
  • recognised vaccination provider before any information can be released


Confirm if customer can access online services + Read more ...

Can the customer access their ICVC through their Medicare Online Account via myGov or their Express Plus Medicare mobile app?

  • Yes, help to troubleshoot their issue and ask them to try getting the certificate online
  • No, they cannot self-service. Go to Step 3


Explain email process to customer + Read more ...

Use the following script to tell the customer:

  • We don't send personal or sensitive information over email because it is an unsecure channel
  • We will only send your personal information using the Services Australia secure email facility. This allows us to communicate with you in a secure manner
  • Your international certificate contains your personal and sensitive health information so it will need to be sent by secure email
  • When we send a secure email an automatic email message will be generated to notify you that you have a secure email. The email will be from '' with the subject line 'Services Australia Secure Email'. The notification email prompts you to click on a link that takes you to the secure email service registration page. You can access the secure email facility using most internet browsers. It doesn't require you to install anything but you need to register to use the facility. If you haven't received a secure email from us previously, you need to register first
  • Once you're registered, you can log in to the secure email facility to see the actual email and your international certificate
  • As a standard rule, we don't send emails with links or attachments because it can create an opportunity for scam activity. It's important that you never open any links or attachments if you don't know the recipient and as an agency, we wouldn't send you routine emails with links or attachments. The use of the secure email is in exceptional circumstances only like this one. If you have any doubts about emails you receive from us, you can visit our website and search 'scams' for more information
  • Are you happy for us to send your International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate using secure email?

If the customer:

  • agrees, go to Step 4
  • asks to have the certificate sent by unsecure email because they do not want to register for the secure email facility, tell them:
    • Unfortunately, secure email is the only way we can send you the information. Otherwise, we'll need to send the certificate using other secure methods such as post


Confirm customer email details + Read more ...

Confirm with the customer the email address that is recorded on their record in CDMS. Ask the customer to spell out their email so it is correctly recorded in CDMS.

Did the customer confirm their email address?


Generate the ICVC + Read more ...

To generate the certificate:

  • see Table 3. The Immunisation Document Screen (IDS) in the AIR site can be used to view ICVCs that customers have previously requested
  • save the certificate in the International Covid-19 Certificate folder in local shared drive
  • go to Step 6

Note: if the folder is not available refer to a Team Leader.


Create email + Read more ...

  • Create an email:
    • Open Outlook and select New Email
    • In the From field, select 'PROOF.OF.VACCINATION'. If this option does not appear, select Other E-mail Address and enter 'PROOF.OF.VACCINATION' then select OK
    • In the To field, enter the email address confirmed
    • Use the standard email template Z2770 - International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
    • Add the ICVC generated at Step 5 as an attachment
  • Review the email to make sure all details are correct
  • Send to Team leader for quality control and approval
  • If the customer is in Australia or not transferred from DFAT, contact a Team Leader to see if the request meets any of the following reasons to approve email:
    • The customer is at the airport
    • The service centre refused/was unable to help the customer with their request. Note: Team Leaders can provide feedback about the service centre using the staff feedback tool
    • The customer needs a digital copy to apply for pre-approval from a foreign authority to travel
    • There is a known system issue disadvantaging the customer until the issue has been fixed


Send email + Read more ...

Once the Team Leader has approved the email:

  • select Send email
  • select OFFICIAL: Sensitive as the Email Classification and Personal privacy as the Access - Information Marker
  • select Send
  • delete the certificate from the International Covid-19 Certificate folder

Note: if an email is sent to the wrong person or email address, escalate to Team Leader as a privacy incident.


Record comment + Read more ...

Add relevant comment to the customer record in CDMS.

If the customer:

  • was referred from DFAT:
    • Contacted by DFAT's [DFAT agent ID number]. International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate sent to [enter email address]
  • called from overseas:
    • Contacted by customer overseas and confirmed unable to access online services. International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate sent to [enter email address]. Approved by [Team Leader who approved logon]
  • called from Australia and approved by Team Leader:
    • Contacted by customer in Australia and confirmed unable to access online services. International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate sent to [enter email address] [reason Team Leader approved email]. Approved by [Team Leader who approved logon]