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Job Seeker Management Activities 001-09150000

This document outlines how to action job seeker management activities generated on customer records.

On this page:

JSR/ADD and JSR/UPD activities

JSR/MFU and WAP/MFU activities

Contact the job seeker

Finalising job seeker management activities

Holding a work item

JSR/ADD and JSR/UPD activities

Table 1: This table describes job seeker management activities generated on a job seeker's record. These activities need further action and cannot be cancelled.




Job seeker management activities + Read more ...

Job seeker management activities such as JSR/ADD and JSR/UPD are created and allocated through work items to suitably skilled Service Officers, to:

  • identify further action required
  • help job seekers to access appropriate employment services

Services Officers may need to contact the job seeker to complete outstanding participation tasks. These include:

  • activation of a customer's Job Seeker Registration
  • completion of the Job Seeker Snapshot
  • referral to an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt)
  • administration and booking of ESAt appointments
  • referral to Employment Services Providers:
    • Workforce Australia
    • Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW)
    • Community Development Program (CDP)
    • Disability Employment Service (DES)

If the job seeker's payment is showing as SUS-IMP (job seeker is currently in prison), go to Step 9.

To action:


Job Seeker Registration (JSR/ADD) activities + Read more ...

The work item ZIAM_NOJSR_GEN is created when:

Most job seekers are to be registered as a Fully Eligible Participant (FEP) job seeker. Job seekers in Community Development Program (CDP) regions will require registration as Remote Fully Eligible (RFE).

Some job seekers can be registered as a Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO)/No Remote Referral Required (NRRR) job seeker. For example, principal carers already meeting their requirements who do not want to volunteer for referral to employment services. Complete the Job Seeker Snapshot for these job seekers if:

  • they want to access other employment services, or
  • they are NRRR and need an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt)

Special Benefit (SpB) job seekers granted under Job Seeker Payment (JSP) conditions and who have a Temporary Visa (TPV) class, can only be registered as volunteer job seekers.

Only cancel the activity when the corresponding job seeker claim has recently been rejected.

Once the job seeker has a JSR/ACT status, the JSR/ADD activity will auto complete.

To contact the job seeker to complete the Job Seeker Registration and Job Seeker Snapshot processes, see Table 3.


Job Seeker Registration/Update (JSR/UPD) activities + Read more ...

These work items:

  • are created to alert Service Officers that further action is required on a job seeker's record
  • will include a To Do Indicator (TDI) that will identify what action is required
  • will display on the Activity List (AL) screen

Action outstanding JSR/UPD activities through the Action Item displayed on the Participation Summary screen within Process Direct. Activities are listed in priority order and should be actioned from the highest priority, see Participation Summary screen.

Do not cancel these activities if:

  • the job seeker's benefit status line shows they are JSR/ACT, or
  • they are registered as a job seeker in the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) system

Attempting to cancel the JSR/UPD activity will result in an error.

If the customer does not require JSR, inactivate their JSR through Process Direct > Participation Summary > Job Seeker Registration and provider referral information tab. This auto completes the JSR/UPD activity.

Complete the relevant workflow to undertake the action appropriate for the job seeker, as indicated by the TDI attached.

To action the following JSR/UPD activities/work items:


ZALL_JSR_GEN work items

This work item is created for a variety of reasons and requires different actions from staff, depending on the relevant To Do Indicator (TDI) and if a keyword is attached.

An Action Item showing what action to take will display on the Participation Summary screen in Process Direct.

Job seeker registration status is inactive + Read more ...

In Process Direct > Participation Summary > Key information tab, staff may see the job seeker's JSR ID status as inactive. No contact is needed to complete this action item if the job seeker receives an income support payment with mutual obligation requirements.

To re-activate:

  • go to the Job seeker registration & provider referral information tab
  • select Start job seeker registration
  • select No to the question 'Do you wish to conduct a Job Seeker Snapshot for this customer?'
  • exit out of the Participation Summary workflow and the JSR ID will display as 'active'
  • select the SAP Refresh button
  • the Action Item on the Key Information tab in the Participation Summary workflow will display a new message
  • contact the job seeker to finalise the action and outstanding work item (if additional actions are outstanding), see Table 3

JSC TDI and JSCIREQ keyword + Read more ...

An activity with this TDI and keyword is created when the job seeker:

  • is receiving an income support payment with mutual obligation requirements, and
  • has a JSR/ACT status with no active Job Seeker Snapshot on their record

Contact the job seeker to complete the Job Seeker Snapshot, see Table 3.

JSC TDI and FEP keyword + Read more ...

An activity with this TDI and keyword is created when the job seeker:

This activity will not appear for job seekers in Community Development Program (CDP) regions.

Register a job seeker with mutual obligations as FEP unless they are Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO), and are:

  • long term exempt from mutual obligation requirements, or
  • participating in an approved activity that makes them Centrelink managed

When the Start job seeker registration workflow is completed in Process Direct, the JSR/UPD activity will complete.

Note: if the job seeker's approved activity or exemption has expired on the Activity and Exemptions Summary (AEX) screen but they are participating in the activity, or they are exempt:

  • do not register the job seeker as FEP, and
  • do not refer them to an Employment Services Provider

If a Job Plan has not been negotiated within the last 12 months, the Key Information tab will display a new Action Item to negotiate a new Centrelink Managed Job Plan.

Contact the job seeker to complete the Job Seeker registration and Snapshot, see Table 3.

ESP TDI and ESPREF keyword + Read more ...

An activity with this TDI and keyword is created when the job seeker has:

  • an active Job Seeker Registration (JSR) and Job Seeker Snapshot,
  • not been connected with an Employment Services Provider, or
  • ceased their previously approved activity that they were participating in, to fully meet their mutual obligation requirements and require a referral back to employment services

Note: this activity will not appear for job seekers in Community Development Program (CDP) regions.

This activity may create for the following reasons:

  • A referral is required to Workforce Australia Services
  • A referral is required to Disability Employment Services
  • An ESAt is required, however the job seeker's claim has not been finalised

Determine the referral required before starting the activity.

Once an initial appointment with a provider is booked for the job seeker, the activity will complete.

  • Contact the job seeker to complete the referral to an Employment Services Provider, see Table 3
  • If the job seeker has a pending ESAt and their claim is yet to be finalised, or their ESAt has not been conducted:
    • Request medical evidence (if not previously requested within 14 days of the Participation Interview), and
    • Hold the work item for 3 months. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5
    • Assessment Services staff will be allocated the work item to determine if an ESAt appointment needs to be booked
    • Procedure ends here

RJC TDI with no parameter + Read more ...

These activities are created when a job seeker in a Community Development Program (CDP) region requires a referral to a CDP provider.

Refer the job seeker to a CDP provider if they meet all of the following:

  • are Remote Fully Eligible (RFE)
  • are not linked to an Employment Services Provider, CDP, or Disability Employment Services (DES)
  • do not have a deferred referral, and
  • do not have a current exemption from mutual obligation requirements

Contact the job seeker to complete a CDP provider referral, see Table 3.

TW5 TDI and TTWREF keyword + Read more ...

An activity with this TDI and keyword is created when:

Refer the job seeker to a TtW provider if they meet all of the following:

  • are TtW eligible as determined by the Job Seeker Snapshot
  • are 15 - 24 years of age
  • are an early school leaver or disengaged young person
  • meet residence or visa requirements, and
  • meet the eligibility requirements as determined by the DEWR ICT system

Contact the job seeker to complete the TtW Provider referral, see Table 3.


ZIAM_JSK_ESAT with ESA TDI and ESAREFRQ keyword + Read more ...

This work item is created when:

  • a Job Seeker Snapshot has been run, and
  • the job seeker's responses show that further assessment may be appropriate

The job seeker may need an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) or Job Capacity Assessment (JCA).

The ESAt flag should only remain when there is a need to assess a job seeker's:

  • capacity to work, or
  • connections to support

The Job Seeker Snapshot status will be pending until a decision is made regarding an ESAt referral.

To manage a pending Job Seeker Snapshot due to an ESAt referral being flagged, see Actioning a pending Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) activity.

Assessment Services staff only:

If an ESAt appointment needs to be booked and/or contact with the job seeker is required, see Table 3.


ZIAM_ESAT_SUS with ESA TDI and ESATATT keyword + Read more ...

This work item is created if a job seeker:

  • has mutual obligation requirements, and
  • payments are suspended because they failed to attend an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt)/Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) appointment. The payment is suspended with reason:
    • ES1 (failed to attend first cycle ESAt appointment), or
    • ES2 (failed to attend second cycle ESAt appointment)

This activity acts as a flag on the job seeker's record and does not require immediate action. It should not be cancelled but may be held for a maximum of 13 weeks from date of suspension, pending contact from the job seeker.

No action is required until the job seeker contacts.

To complete the outstanding non-attendance activity, see Step 14 in Table 4.


ZIAM_JSCI_ESP - ESP Suspension Ended - with ESP TDI and NSUS keyword + Read more ...

This work item is created when re-engagement with an Employment Services Provider is required after a Workforce Australia suspension period has expired.

This activity will not appear for job seekers in Community Development Program (CDP) regions.

No action on the work item or corresponding Action Item on the Participation Summary screen within Process Direct is required as the job seeker's Employment Services Provider will contact the job seeker after the suspension period.

See Step 16 in Table 4.


ZIAM_JSK_ESAT with ESA TDI with D26 parameter and ESAREFRQ keyword + Read more ...

This work item is created when a principal carer whose special family circumstances - Family and Domestic Violence (D26) exemption has expired and they:

The activity will not be created if the job seeker has had an ESAt referral since the exemption end date or an unfinished Participation Interview.

Note: in all circumstances where a customer has experienced family and domestic violence, see Family and domestic violence to identify and offer referrals and consider a social worker referral.

Assessment Services staff only:

If an ESAt appointment needs to be booked and/or contact with the job seeker is required, see Table 3.


Customer imprisoned at time of receiving Job Seeker Management Activity + Read more ...

If a job seeker is suspended due to imprisonment (IMP) at the time of receipt of the job seeker management activity and corresponding work item, the record must be investigated to determine if a release date is recorded. See Confirming prison admission and release dates.

Note: Service Officers do not need to make any contact with either the Service Officer in Face to Face Incarcerated Customer Servicing team or the prison/institute directly. Only interrogation of the record is needed.

Is a release date recorded on the customer's record?

  • Yes:
    • Hold the work item for 14 days after the release date. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5
    • DOC the record to detail the job seeker was imprisoned at the time of the allocated work item and the work item has been held to 14 days after release date recorded
    • Procedure ends here
  • No:
    • Hold the work item for 13 weeks. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5
    • DOC the record to detail the job seeker was imprisoned at the time of the allocated work item and the work item has been held for 13 weeks due to no release date recorded
    • Procedure ends here

JSR/MFU and WAP/MFU activities

Table 2: This table describes Job Seeker Registration/Manual Follow-up (JSR/MFU) and Working Age Participation (WAP/MFU) with 'WAPDSHM' and 'WAPMRP' keyword activities that can be completed manually or cancelled (if appropriate).




Job seeker management activities + Read more ...

Job seeker management activities such as JSR/MFU and WAP/MFU are created and allocated through work items to suitably skilled Service Officers to:

  • identify further action required
  • help job seekers to access appropriate employment services

These work items are allocated to prompt contact with the job seeker (where appropriate) to complete outstanding participation tasks. These include:

  • referral to the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) or Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)
  • referral to Disability Employment Services (DES)
  • updates of job seeker approved activities and negotiation of Centrelink Managed Job Plans

To action JSR/MFU or WAP/MFU activities with:


ZALL_REF_GEN with AMEP/SEE keyword + Read more ...

These work items are created when:

  • it is identified when the Job Seeker Snapshot is run that the job seeker may benefit from:
  • contact is required with the job seeker to:
    • discuss a referral to SEE /or connection to AMEP, and
    • confirm they are willing to accept a referral/connection

Make sure the job seeker:

  • meets the eligibility criteria for SEE or AMEP, and
  • has tested their eligibility for connection to AMEP before considering a referral to SEE

If the job seeker is a newly arrived migrant, over 18 years of age and does not have functional English, tell them to contact their local AMEP provider.

Record a DOC using the Notes icon in Process Direct or a Fast Note in Customer First.

For job seekers who are born overseas, check visa and residency details on the following screens before proceeding:

  • Legal Residence (RSLEG), and
  • Residence Results Display (RSRD)

Contact the job seeker to assess their eligibility and acceptance of a referral to SEE or connection to an AMEP provider, see Table 3.


ZCOC_JSK_DES_REF with DES keyword + Read more ...

This work item is created when a job seeker:

Refer the job seeker to a DES provider if they meet all of the following:

These MFU activities must be manually completed in Customer First after the referral is completed.

Contact the job seeker to complete the referral to a DES provider, see Table 3.


ZALL_JSK_PLN with WAPDHSM keyword + Read more ...

This work item is created to prompt Service Officers to update/review the job seeker's Job Plan. This occurs when a job seeker may be eligible for, but does not currently have, one of the following approved activities recorded:

  • Part-time Work (PTW)
  • Self-Employment (SEL)
  • Paid Work and Self Employment (Combined) (PWS)
  • Study and Self Employment (Combined) (SSE)
  • Study and Paid Work (Combined) (SPW), or
  • Voluntary and Paid Work (Combined) (VPE)

If the job seeker has been referred to a DES provider, record the approved activity on the Activity and Exemptions Summary (AEX) screen. The DES provider will update the Job Plan.

Error 'In the context of Data services an unknown internal server error occurred'

An issue exists when Service Officers are allocated some ZALL_JSK_PLN work items. When Service Officers select the work item ID to go to Process Direct, the error 'In the context of Data services an unknown internal server error occurred' may display. This error stops access to the job seeker's record to update the AEX screen and negotiate a new Job Plan (if required).

Do not escalate the CRN to ICT/Roxy if this error occurs. A system enhancement will be implemented as soon as possible.

If this error occurs, manually access the job seeker's record from Work Optimiser:

  • Enter the Work Item ID in the Work Item ID field. Select Search or press Enter
  • Select the Work Item ID
  • On the Work Item Summary screen, copy the job seeker's CRN
  • Enter the job seeker's CRN into Process Direct Customer Summary search
  • Select the job seeker's record from the work item list
  • Go to the relevant Process Direct screens

Contact the job seeker to record a Centrelink approved activity and negotiate a Job Plan, see Table 3.


ZALL_JSK_MFU with WAPFMRP keyword + Read more ...

This work item is created to prompt Service Officers to contact the job seeker and negotiate a Centrelink managed Job Plan. This occurs when a job seeker has either a Centrelink or provider approved activity already recorded on the AEX screen within the job seeker's record and a Centrelink managed Job Plan is yet to be negotiated.

Principal carers under 55 years of age (provider approved only)

  • PVW - principal carer parents under 55 years of age participating in approved voluntary work for at least 30 hours per fortnight
  • PPW - participating in a combination of study and paid work for at least 30 hours per fortnight
  • PVS - participating in a combination of approved voluntary work and study for at least 30 hours per fortnight
  • PSV - participating in a combination of approved voluntary work, study and paid work for at least 30 hours per fortnight
  • PVP - participating in a combination of approved voluntary work and paid work for at least 30 hours per fortnight

Partial Capacity to Work - (provider approved only)

  • PPW - participating in a combination of study and paid work for at least 30 hours per fortnight

Any job seeker linked with Workforce Australia (provider approved only)

  • PSW - any job seeker participating in a combination of paid work and study for 70 hours per fortnight

Centrelink or Provider approved

  • VPE - mature age 55+ participating in combination of approved voluntary work and paid work for at least 30 hours per fortnight
  • VWK - mature age 55+ participating in approved voluntary work for at least 30 hours per fortnight
  • PTW - mature age 55+, partial capacity to work (PCW) and principal carer (any age) participating in at least 30 hours of paid work per fortnight

DEWR have made the determination to suspend or exit these job seekers due to fully meeting their mutual obligation requirements.

Service Officers must:

  • advise the job seeker what it means for them to become Centrelink managed
  • remind the job seeker to advise of income received and changes to their circumstances when they report

Note: those job seekers with approved activities PVW, PSW, PPW, PVS, PSV and PVP will be referred back to employment services when their activity period ends or expires.

Centrelink approved activities:

See list of activities that can be approved by Centrelink staff to fully meet requirements.

Note: staff must not negotiate a Job Plan for job seekers placed in DES Post Placement Support. See the job seeker's current Placement Type on the Provider referral information table within the Participation Summary workflow. For those in DES Post Placement Support, the DES Provider will update the job seeker's Job Plan.

These MFU activities will automatically complete in any of the following scenarios:

  • a WAP/PLN activity has been completed for a finalised Job Plan workflow with the relevant approved activity code
  • an activity is completed through Assessment Results (AR) screen resulting in:
    • the customer no longer having mutual obligation requirements
    • a benefit cancellation on or before system creation date
    • the approved activity on the AEX screen being updated or deleted (no longer fully meeting requirements through that specific activity)
    • a future dated benefit cancellation (completed without an update on the DOE of the benefit cancellation)

Contact the job seeker to negotiate a Centrelink managed Job Plan, see Table 3.

Contact the job seeker

Table 3: This table describes action required when contacting a job seeker to finalise job seeker management activities.




Contact the job seeker + Read more ...

Before contacting the job seeker, determine what action is required using:

  • a Display on Access (DOA) DOC, outlining previous attempts to contact and details of outstanding action required
  • the Action Item section within the Key Information tab of the Participation Summary screen
  • the Message section of the relevant tabs on the Participation Summary screen
  • relevant activity on the History Activity List (HAL) screen

If a:

  • first outbound contact attempt with the job seeker is required, go to Step 2
  • JSR 1st attempt to contact DOC is already recorded on the Document List (DL) screen, a second outbound contact attempt is required, go to Step 3
  • job seeker contacts following receipt of a Q164 - Request to contact letter, go to Step 5
  • job seeker has not responded to a Q164 letter, go to Step 6


First outbound attempt to contact job seeker + Read more ...

Service Officers must make 2 genuine attempts to contact the job seeker.

If the job seeker has a mobile number and is registered for SMS messaging, create a pre-call notification (SMS only) using Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC). After creating the SMS, wait 5 minutes before making the outbound call attempt.

If contact with the job seeker is successful, see Table 4.

Job seeker cannot be contacted due to being in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility

  • Record the reason there was no contact attempt in a DOC using the Notes icon in Process Direct or Fast Note within Customer First
  • Hold the work item for 13 weeks from date of admission to drug and alcohol rehabilitation. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5
  • Procedure ends here

Job seeker cannot be contacted, but telephone contact details are recorded

  • Record details about the outbound contact attempt using the JSR 1st attempt to contact Fast Note in Customer First, so the next Service Officers can action the second attempt and finalise the activity
  • Select the Display on access box
  • Check OTH-Urgent free text message exists displays in the Reason field
  • The Expiry Date field should default to the maximum date allowed (60 days from today)
  • Hold the work item to the next calendar day. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5
  • Procedure ends here

Job seeker cannot be contacted and telephone contact details are not recorded, incorrect or outdated

If the purpose of the contact was for:

  • a referral to Skills for Education (SEE) or connection to the Adult Migrant English Programme (AMEP):
    • manually cancel all SEE/AMEP Manual Follow Up (MFU) activities from the Activity List (AL) screen in Process Direct, or
    • complete the MFU activities in Customer First
    • document that the job seeker cannot be contacted to discuss a referral to SEE or connection to AMEP
    • procedure ends here
  • all other Job Seeker Management Activity processing, go to Step 4


Second outbound attempt to contact job seeker + Read more ...

Make a second genuine attempt to contact the job seeker.

If the job seeker has a mobile number and is registered for SMS messaging, create a pre-call notification (SMS only) using Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC). Following creation of the SMS, wait 5 minutes before making the outbound call attempt.

Was contact with the job seeker successful?

  • Yes, go to Table 4
  • No, and the contact was for:
    • a referral to Skills for Education (SEE) or connection to the Adult Migrant English Programme (AMEP):
      - Close the 'JSR 1st attempt to contact' Display on Access (DOA) DOC
      - Annotate the 'JSR 1st Attempt to contact' DOC, stating that the 2nd attempt to contact was unsuccessful
      - As SEE is a voluntary program, manually cancel all SEE/AMEP Manual Follow Up (MFU) activities from the AL screen in Process Direct, or
      - complete the MFU activities in Customer First
      - procedure ends here
    • all other Job Seeker Management Activity processing:
      - close the 'JSR 1st attempt to contact' Display on Access (DOA) DOC
      - record details of the unsuccessful contact using the JSR 2nd attempt to contact Fast Note
      - select the Display on access box
      - check OTH-Urgent free text message exists displays in the Reason field
      - the Expiry Date field should default to the maximum date allowed (60 days from today)
      - go to Step 4


Issue a Q164 letter + Read more ...

Issue a Q164 letter asking the customer to contact Services Australia.

They have 14 days + time allowed for delivery to respond.

Determining the response due date

After issuing the letter, hold the work item until the day after the response due date. For customers in:

  • major cities/regional areas, the response due date is 23 days from the day after the letter is issued:
    • letter issued (day 0) + 9 days to allow time for mail delivery +14 days to respond = 23 days
  • remote areas and overseas, the response due date is 30 days from the day after the letter is issued:
    • letter issued (day 0) + 16 days to allow time for mail delivery + 14 days to respond = 30 days

If the due date falls on a public holiday or weekend, the due date will be the following business day.

See the Resources page for examples.

Note: work items held using the:

  • Activity List (AL) screen will release for action on the date used in the Resubmit date field
  • Change of Circumstance (CoC) Interaction will release for action on the date used in the On Hold Expiry Date field

For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5.

If the job seekers address is recorded as No Fixed Address or Confidential:

  • create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC. Include:
    • why the job seeker needs to be contacted
    • what action to take if they do contact
  • hold the work item for 13 weeks. If the job seeker contacts or updates their contact details (address or telephone) during this time, staff must attempt to contact the customer when work item is re-allocated

Procedure ends here.


Job seeker contacts after receiving a Q164 letter + Read more ...

If the job seeker contacts after receiving a Q164 - Request to contact letter:


Job seeker fails to respond to the Q164 letter + Read more ...

If the job seeker does not contact by the due date, their payment may need to be suspended. Before suspending, check that it is appropriate to do so. See Suspension of payments (CLK) for information about factors to consider.

Payment already suspended

  • Do not cancel the work item
  • Hold the job seeker management work item for 13 weeks from the suspension date. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5
  • Procedure ends here

Appropriate to suspend payment

If it is appropriate to manually suspend a job seeker for Failing to Respond to Correspondence (SUS-FRC):

  • In Customer First, go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Key the payment type as the type of benefit in the Svc Rsn field
    • Key the action to be taken in the Action field
    • Key the suspension reason 'FRC' in the Reason field
    • Select [Enter] and the date of effect will default, or key the date of effect of the suspension in the Effect Date field. For further information, see Suspension of payments
    • Complete the Source and the Date of Receipt fields
    • Submit the update, leaving the activity started on the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Create a DOC to record the decision to suspend:
    • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason
    • Update the relevant Fast Note fields as required
    • Select the Link to existing activity option in the Document Completion field. If multiple started activities exist on the job seekers record, select the appropriate activity from the drop down list and link the Fast Note DOC to it
    • Include details of the reason for suspension
    • Record the Date of Event and Date of Effect fields
    • Include the follow-up action required if the customer contacts
    • Advise if contact with the agency is required before payment can be restored or if smart centre telephony staff can restore the payment
    • Select Continue to complete the Fast Note. The DOC will be attached to the started suspension activity on the AL screen
    • Select and finalise the started suspension activity on the AL screen
    • Do not cancel the work item
    • Hold the job seeker management work item for 13 weeks from the date of suspension. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5
    • Procedure ends here

Not appropriate to suspend payment

  • Contact the job seeker
  • Do not cancel the work item
  • Hold the job seeker management work item as per the Q164 process. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5

Finalising job seeker management activities

Table 4: This table explains how to finalise job seeker management activities.




Finalising JSR/ADD, JSR/UPD, JSR/MFU and WAP/MFU activities + Read more ...

Consider the information within the:

  • Display on Access (DOA) DOC, outlining previous attempts to contact and details of outstanding action required
  • Action Item section within the Key Information tab of the Participation Summary screen
  • Message section of the relevant tabs within the Participation Summary screen
  • relevant activity on the History Activity List (HAL) screen

On successful contact with the customer, go to the Key Information tab within the Participation Summary of Process Direct to view and action all outstanding job seeker management activities.

MFU activities that do not automatically complete, must be:

  • manually cancelled from the Activity List (AL) screen in Process Direct, or
  • manually completed in Customer First

Note: to make sure the job seeker is referred to the most appropriate provider, the Service Officer must run the Job Seeker Snapshot before making an Employment Services Provider referral.


  • register the customer as a job seeker, go to Step 2
  • complete the Job Seeker Snapshot, go to Step 3
  • complete a referral to an Employment Services Provider, go to Step 4
  • make a referral to Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) or connect to Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), go to Step 9
  • manage a pending Job Seeker Snapshot, go to Step 12
  • manage pending Job Seeker Snapshot - Principal Carer following Family and Domestic Violence exemption, go to Step 13
  • manage ESAt attendance, go to Step 14
  • manage a Centrelink approved activity/negotiate a Job Plan, go to Step 15
  • manage re-engagement with an Employment Services Provider, go to Step 16
  • finalise processing, go to Step 17


Register customer as a job seeker + Read more ...

  • Register a job seeker with mutual obligations as Fully Eligible Participant (FEP) unless they are a Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO)
  • Complete the Job Seeker Snapshot as part of FEP registration
  • Action outstanding JSR/UPD activities via the Action Item displayed on the Participation Summary screen within Process Direct. Activities are listed in priority order and should be actioned from the highest priority, see Participation Summary screen
  • The action item will navigate users to the start Job Seeker Registration workflow

Do not cancel these activities if:

  • the job seeker's benefit status line shows they are JSR/ACT, or
  • they are registered as a job seeker with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) system

Attempting to cancel the JSR/UPD activity will result in an error.

If the customer does not require JSR, inactivate their JSR via Process Direct > Participation Summary > Job Seeker Registration and provider referral information tab. This auto completes the JSR/UPD activity.


Go to Step 4.


Complete the Job Seeker Snapshot + Read more ...

Do not cancel these activities if the job seeker's benefit status line shows they are JSR/ACT or they are registered as a job seeker with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) system.

Attempting to cancel the JSR/UPD activity will result in an error.

  • Select the Action Item. The Action Item will go to the appropriate screens/workflows to complete the activity. See Participation Summary > Key Information screen within Process Direct for processing guidelines and actioning issues. Select the Start job seeker registration button to complete the Job Seeker Snapshot
  • Once the Job Seeker Snapshot is complete, the JSR/UPD activity will auto complete, even when the Job Seeker Snapshot status is still pending. For example, if an ESAt is triggered
  • If the job seeker has been referred to, or commenced in, Disability Employment Services (DES), lodge a mySupport request to cancel the JSR activity. Service Officers cannot update the Job Seeker Snapshot
  • If the outcome of the Job Seeker Snapshot requires a referral to an Employment Services Provider, select the Action Item to make an appropriate referral


Go to Step 4.


Deferred referral or mutual obligation exemption + Read more ...

If the job seeker qualifies for a:

Has the job seeker had a deferred referral or mutual obligation exemption applied?


Complete referral to a Workforce Australia Services Provider + Read more ...

Determine which referral type is required before starting action.

  • Select the Action Item to make appropriate referrals. The Action Item will go to the appropriate screens/workflows to complete the activity. Processing guidelines and actioning issues can be found in Process Direct > Participation Summary > Key Information screen
  • The activity will auto complete when:
    • the job seeker is referred to a Workforce Australia Provider, and
    • the online diary workflow is completed


To book a provider appointment, go to Step 10.


Complete referral to a Workforce Australia - Transition to Work Provider + Read more ...

  • Select the Action Item to make appropriate referrals. The Action Item will go to the appropriate screens/workflows to complete the activity. Processing guidelines and actioning issues can be found in Process Direct > Participation Summary > Key Information screen
  • The activity will auto complete when:
    • the job seeker has been referred to a Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW), and
    • the online diary workflow is completed

See Selection or allocation of a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider.

To book a provider appointment, go to Step 10.


Complete referral to a Disability Employment Service Provider + Read more ...

Check the ESAt/JCA recommended referral outcome on the Referral Summary (RRSUM) screen in Process Direct:

  • Find the current referrals within the Referral Summary table and select the ESAt/JCA Report hyperlink
  • If the ESAt or JCA outcome is showing as referral to DES, then go to the Participation Summary > Online Diary > Create new referral > DES - Disability Employment Service

See Referring a job seeker to Disability Employment Services (DES).

Once the Job Seeker has been referred to a Disability Employment Services Provider, if the work item generated was a:

  • JSR/UPD activity, it will auto complete when the online diary workflow is completed
  • MFU activity, manually complete the activity in Customer First

To book a provider appointment, go to Step 10.


Complete referral to a Community Development Program (CDP) Provider + Read more ...

  • Select the Action Item to make appropriate referrals. The Action Item will go to the appropriate screens/workflows to complete the activity. Processing guidelines and actioning issues can be found in Process Direct > Participation Summary > Key Information screen
  • Once the Job Seeker has been referred to a Community Development Program (CDP) Provider and the online diary workflow is completed, the activity will auto complete


To book a provider appointment, go to Step 10.


Complete referral to Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) or connect to Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) + Read more ...

For job seekers who are recommended for a referral to SEE by the Job Seeker snapshot:

  • check visa and residency details on the Legal Residence (RSLEG) and the Residence Results Display (RSRD) screens before proceeding

If they are:

  • not interested in proceeding with a SEE referral, or not eligible:
    • manually cancel the MFU from Process Direct or complete in Customer First
    • record a DOC stating the reasons using the Notes icon in Process Direct or a Fast Note in Customer First
  • willing to participate and eligible for SEE, follow the Referral workflow in Process Direct:
    • key START in the Super Key
    • from the Task Selector, select Create SEE/AMEP Referral to proceed with the Skills for Education and Employment on-line eligibility checklist

For job seekers who are recommended for connection to AMEP by the Job Seeker Snapshot:

  • check visa and residency details on the Legal Residence (RSLEG) and the Residence Results Display (RSRD) screens for eligibility before proceeding

If they are:

  • not interested in participating in AMEP, or not eligible:
    • manually cancel the MFU from Process Direct or complete in Customer First
    • record a DOC stating the reasons, using the Notes icon in Process Direct or a Fast Note in Customer First
  • willing to participate and eligible for AMEP:
    • tell them to contact their local AMEP provider
    • record a DOC using the Notes icon in Process Direct or a Fast Note in Customer First


Go to Step 17.


Provider appointment + Read more ...

Once the job seeker has been referred to the appropriate provider:

  • make sure a provider appointment is booked within the next 2 working days (if available)
  • tell the job seeker of their appointment details verbally or in writing
  • make sure the job seeker receives proper notification and reasonable notice of the appointment

Go to Step 11.


Record details + Read more ...

Record details on a DOC with details of the contact with the job seeker, and that notification has been given using:

  • the Notes icon within Process Direct, or
  • the Provider Appointment Fast Note in Customer First. Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Jobseekers > Update > Provider Appointment Booked

Go to Step 17.


Manage a pending Job Seeker Snapshot + Read more ...

Check the Job Seeker Snapshot result via Participation Summary > Job Seeker Registration & provider information.

  • A pending Job Seeker Snapshot status means the job seeker requires an ESAt or JCA. For an ESAt flagged for medical reasons (or both medical and non-medical reasons), determine if medical evidence has been provided
  • If medical evidence has not been provided, check if a request to provide medical evidence was made within 14 days of the Job Seeker Snapshot being run on the Document List (DL) screen
  • If no request was made or medical evidence is yet to be provided, request medical evidence
  • If the job seeker has an outstanding claim hold the work item until the expected claim finalisation date. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5

Assessment Services staff will be allocated the work item to determine if an ESAt appointment is required to be booked.

The Job Seeker Snapshot status will be pending until a decision is made regarding an ESAt referral.

The ESAt activity is finalised using one of the following workflow options:

  • Copy an existing ESAt or Job Capacity Assessment (JCA)
  • Withdrawing the ESAt flag
  • Deferring the booking of an ESAt appointment
  • Booking of an ESAt appointment by Assessment Services

If medical evidence was requested more than 14 days from the date of the last Job Seeker Snapshot, the ESAt should be withdrawn, see Actioning a pending Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) activity.

Go to Step 17.


Manage a pending Job Seeker Snapshot - Principal Carer following Family and Domestic Violence exemption + Read more ...

Assessment Services staff only:

Refer the principal carer to an ESAt if they are not eligible for a further exemption:

  • go to the online diary within Participation Summary in Process Direct
  • book an ESAt appointment using the 'VLNTR' (Volunteer) referral reason. Note: in all circumstances where a customer has experienced family and domestic violence, see Family and domestic violence to identify and offer referrals and consider a social worker referral

For more information about management of the pending ESAt and/or subsequent appointment bookings, see Actioning a pending Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) activity.

Go to Step 17.


Manage ESAt attendance + Read more ...

  • Hold the work item for 13 weeks from the suspension date pending contact from the job seeker. Do not cancel the work item. For instructions on how to hold the work item, see Table 5
  • When the job seeker contacts:
    • arrange a new ESAt appointment via the ESAt Attendance workflow on the Process Direct Task Selector
    • this will complete the outstanding non-attendance activity

See Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) and Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) appointments.

Go to Step 17.


Manage a Centrelink approved activity/negotiate a Job Plan + Read more ...

WAPDHSM keyword

If the job seeker has an expired approved activity on the Activity and Exemptions Summary (AEX) screen, but is still participating in the activity, or has a WAP/MFU with keyword WAPDHSM, and can be coded as meeting mutual obligation requirements through an employment related approved activity:

  • update the activity start and end dates on the AEX screen within Process Direct
  • the Key Information tab will display a new Action Item to negotiate a new Centrelink Managed Job Plan (if required) once the AEX screen coding is completed
  • Note: if the job seeker is a Disability Employment Services (DES) job seeker in Post Placement Support, only update the AEX screen, as the DES provider will update the Job Plan
  • check the MFU activity is cancelled in Process Direct, or completed in Customer First, after the Job Plan has been negotiated

WAPFMRP keyword

Centrelink or the provider has already approved the relevant activity on the AEX screen and Service Officer is required to negotiate a Centrelink managed Job Plan.


Go to Step 17.


Manage re-engagement with an Employment Service Provider + Read more ...

No action on the work item or corresponding Action Item on the Participation Summary screen within Process Direct is required as the job seeker's Employment Services Provider will contact the job seeker after the suspension period.

The Participation Summary screen on the Activity Type/Non-Applied Exemptions tab provides information on the types of activity and exemptions the job seeker is undertaking.

If the job seeker remains eligible for an alternative activity type/exemption, review the job seeker's current circumstances. See:

Note: these activities are not presently allocated to Service Officers. Future system enhancements are expected to remove this activity and the corresponding Action Item.


Finalise job seeker management activities + Read more ...

Discuss the job seeker's mutual obligation requirements including requirements to attend any booked appointments and possible consequences if they fail to attend (if applicable).

Check that all the job seeker management activities are finalised:

  • Select View details for the relevant AMR listed on the History Activity List (HAL) screen to display the completed status of the activity
    Note: activities with a completed status are not displayed on the Activity List (AL) screen within Process Direct
  • Manually:
    • complete all MFU activities in Customer First, or
    • cancel them from the AL screen in Process Direct
  • Close Display on Access (DOA) DOCs about previous attempts to contact the job seeker

Note: only place job seeker management activities on hold when instructed in this procedure. If job seeker management activities do not finalise, follow the current Technical Support Model before reporting as an ICT issue.

Holding a work item

Table 5: This table describes how to hold a Job Seeker Management work item.




Hold a work item + Read more ...

If an allocated work item cannot be completed, staff must hold the work item.

Was the work item allocated as a Change of Circumstance (CoC) Interaction?


Hold a work item allocated as a CoC Interaction + Read more ...

In Customer First, CoC Interaction records are listed on the Customer Summary screen.

  • Go to the Workspace within Customer First
  • Search for Online Interaction Summary in the search window
  • Select Online Interaction Summary
  • Place work Item ID in the Activity ID field and select search
  • Select the activity via the hyperlink
  • Select Edit at the top of the screen
  • Change the status from For Manual Action to On Hold
    • Select the activity status and change it to On Hold from the drop down list
  • Go to the Dates tab and select Expand
  • Update the hold date on the On Hold Expiry Date line:
  • select the calendar icon in the date column
  • select the appropriate date
    • Note: where a Q164 letter is issued, add an extra day to the response due date (determined at Table 3, Step 4), so the activity is released after the customer's last day to respond
  • Select Save

Note: do not place the work item on hold without an expiry date. This will place the work item on Hold indefinitely, resulting in the item never reallocating.

Procedure ends here.


Hold a work item allocated on the AL screen + Read more ...

  • Go to the AL screen
  • Select the activity
  • Select Hold
  • On the Activity Details (AY) screen, select the appropriate date in the Resubmit date field
    Note: where a Q164 letter is issued, add an extra day to the response due date (determined at Table 3, Step 4), so the activity is released after the customer's last day to respond
  • Select Continue

Procedure ends here.