Customer moves out of an Income Management (IM) or enhanced IM area 103-01030000
This document outlines the impacts on Income Management (IM) and enhanced IM when a customer moves out of an IM or enhanced IM area.
Relocating outside an IM or enhanced IM area
Customers who move out of a declared IM area or enhanced IM location may continue to be eligible to have their payments quarantined for IM or enhanced IM.
Refer to the Process page for more information.
Customers may appeal the decision relating to their IM or enhanced IM measure.
Effect on IM and enhanced IM
Cape York enhanced IM
Customers will remain on Cape York enhanced IM until:
- a Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management is lodged by the approved referring authority, or
- the notice expires
Child Protection measure (IM and enhanced IM)
Customers will remain on Child Protection until:
- a Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management is lodged by the approved referring authority, or
- the notice expires
Supporting People at Risk measure (enhanced IM)
Customers will remain on Spar enhanced IM until:
- a Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management is lodged by the approved referring authority, or
- the notice expires
Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipients (VWPR) Notice (social worker assessed) measure (IM and enhanced IM)
Customers on VWPR Notice (social worker assessed) will continue until:
- a social worker ends the Vulnerable Notice, or
- the Notice expires
Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipients (VWPR) (auto triggered youth category) measure (IM and enhanced IM)
Customers on VWPR (auto triggered youth category) in most circumstances will remain on IM or enhanced IM if they move out of an IM or enhanced IM. The customer can still apply for an exclusion from IM or enhanced IM.
Compulsory (Disengaged Youth (DEY) and Long Term Welfare Payment Recipients (LTWPR)) measures IM and enhanced IM
Customers on Compulsory (DEY or LTWPR) will continue for 13 weeks from the date the customer moved outside the Northern Territory. Customers can still apply for an exemption from IM or enhanced IM.
Voluntary IM (VIM) or enhanced IM (VeIM)
Customers on IM or enhanced IM can continue indefinitely, or customers can choose to end their VIM Agreement or VeIM agreement any time after completing the initial mandatory 13 weeks on the program.
The Resources page contains links to declared IM area and enhanced IM location information, branch intranet pages, IM and enhanced IM contact details and the policy helpdesk.
Related links
Cape York enhanced Income Management
Child Protection Income Management and enhanced Income Management
Supporting People at Risk (SPaR) Income Management and enhanced Income Management
Income Management and enhanced Income Management for Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipients (VWPR)
Voluntary Income Management and enhanced Income Management
Nominee Income Management (NIM) and Nominee enhanced Income Management (NeIM)
Ending enhanced Income Management
Disbursement of funds when Income Management ends
Reviews of Income Management and enhanced Income Management decisions