Non-agency payment (NAP) 277-04230000
This document outlines the procedures for processing a Child Support NAP.
On this page:
Prescribed NAP are only for specific payments
Update, cancel or delete a NAP
Cuba allocation rules when allocating NAP credits
NAP advised to pay an overpayment
Enforceable maintenance liability ended or opted out with unallocated NAP remaining
NAP application received
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
NAP application received + Read more ... NAP applications can be lodged:
NAP applications can be provided:
Note: NAP information provided by a customer's representative can only be used in limited ways. See the References page for a link to the Child Support Guide 6.3.6 Customer authorised representatives. If a NAP application or advice is received:
2 |
Verbal NAP notification + Read more ... Ask the customer for the NAP details to establish the type of payment. For more information see non-prescribed NAP and prescribed NAP. Check for any:
Does the NAP appear to be a duplicate?
3 |
NAP not a duplicate + Read more ... If the NAP is not a duplicate:
Where the NAP application includes multiple payments, record the items separately with the date each payment was made. The date of payment is used by Centrelink to assess the payee's maintenance income for the financial year the payments were made. See Table 3 > Step 3 |
NAP intray received
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Nap intray received + Read more ... If a NAP Unactioned intray is received the initial processing steps have been completed but a decision has not been made. Check the progress of the application. Review the notepad on the NAP Detail window. Note: due to system functionality these intrays do not relate to overpayment NAP. Before intray due date Contact the applicant only if additional information is required. If the contact is:
On or after the intray due date Check if there is enough information to make a decision. If additional evidence has been requested, establish if the timeframe provided has expired. Do not finalise the intray if the timeframe provided for evidence has not yet expired, regardless of the due date of the intray. If the timeframe cannot be determined, contact the customer. Document the new timeframe in the NAP Detail window. If the NAP: |
2 |
Child Support Online Services + Read more ... Is the NAP notified by the payer?
No action is required if the NAP has been automatically accepted. If the payment reported does not meet the criteria, the NAP will automatically disallow, and a letter will issue to the customer.
3 |
Payer notified NAP + Read more ... When a payer advises of a NAP through Child Support Online Services:
Review the communication notepad. Record the information on the NAP Detail window to progress the application. See Non Agency Payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help. |
Gather supporting information
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Before making a decision to allow or refuse the NAP + Read more ...
2 |
Determine collection status of the case + Read more ... Check if the case was collectible at the time the NAP was paid. NAPs are only applicable when Child Support is responsible for collecting the child support liability. If the NAP is paid in a non-collect period:
A NAP reported after the case has ended may be accepted if it was paid in a collect period. During the opt-in arrears period payments are considered by calculating the opt-in arrears not by crediting a NAP. If payments during an opt-in arrears period exceed the liability raised, they will not be credited against future liabilities. This includes where the customers had an arrangement in the private collect period that was:
For information about how to apply a NAP to opt in arrears, see Applications for Collection. If the NAP was paid in a non-collect period or there are no outstanding child support payments when it is reported, see Table 7. |
3 |
Gather basic NAP information + Read more ... When taking a NAP application gather the following basic information:
Note: non-prescribed third party or non-cash NAP credits will be allocated at 100% of the ongoing liability until the credit has been fully used unless the customers agree for a lesser percentage to be periodically allocated. If the payer reported the NAP, confirm the payment with the payee if the NAP was reported by the payer. If the payee reported the NAP, no contact with the payer is required. Document the NAP details using the NAP macro and accept the payment. Understanding the different types of NAPs will assist in deciding what information and evidence is required to make a decision. See non-prescribed NAP and prescribed NAP. NAP Unactioned intrays If some or all of the basic information has not already been provided:
Confirmation can also be sought from the other customer. Record the NAP details if the NAP has not already been recorded. See Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help. |
4 |
Proof of Claims + Read more ... For NAP lodged via phone, additional evidence may be not required. If the payer lodged the NAP and there is a history of disputed NAP, ask the payer to provide supporting information. For medical payments determine the net cost to the payer. Ask the payer to provide evidence of the medical expense(s) and any rebates that they received. If the payee confirms the same details for the prescribed NAP as the payer (including any rebate amounts), more evidence from the payer is not required. If there is any discrepancy, ask the payer to provide written documentation to support their claim. |
5 |
Discussion with payee + Read more ... If the payer lodged the NAP, provide more information to the payee. See Contact with Child Support customers. Contact the payee to discuss the possible effects of the NAP on their Family Tax Benefit (FTB). Suggest they contact Centrelink to discuss this and cold transfer the customer if appropriate. A reduction in their Family Tax Benefit entitlement is not sufficient reason to dispute whether the NAP was in lieu of child support. Where family and domestic violence is identified as an issue, advise the customer that Child Support may need to contact the other parent to discuss the case details. For more information and referral services, see Family and domestic violence. For a non-prescribed NAP, confirm the details of the payment and if the payee agreed at the time the payment was made if it was to be treated as child support. If the payment is recorded as a prescribed NAP, confirm the details of the payment. See prescribed NAP for more information about making prescribed NAP decisions. The payee may dispute the payment was made and perhaps the payer cannot or will not provide the necessary evidence (for example receipts of payments made to third parties). See Table 6. |
6 |
International NAP + Read more ... NAP from NZIRCS customers Child Support does not have jurisdiction to credit a NAP in New Zealand Inland Revenue Child Support (NZIRCS) cases. Contact the customer and advise:
If the customer elects to withdraw the NAP application:
If the customer elects to proceed with the NAP application:
See Table 9. |
7 |
NAP from customers other than NZIRCS + Read more ... Payers or payees in other overseas jurisdictions may lodge NAP paid or received in another currency. When recording these payments, use the daily exchange rate that applied on the date the payment was made. If the currency is not listed on the Intranet use the currency converter on the OANDA currency converter website. The Resources page has a link to this website. If the payer lodged the NAP, confirm the details with the payee or the Central Authority of the country in which they live. Costs associated with transferring money internationally must not be included. Note: Child Support may consider advice regarding a NAP from an international Central Authority, regardless of whether Child Support or the Central Authority has made the assessment. This means Service Officers can contact either the Central Authority or the payee directly.
Note: Child Support cannot accept NAP if the liability received is an agency reimbursement liability. |
8 |
COA/Agreements/Court orders + Read more ... Identify if there is a court order, COA, or child support agreement. Consider whether the court order, COA or agreement has already determined if, and how the payment should be reflected on the parent’s account. For example, where a court order states that a parent will pay school fees in addition to periodic child support, it may be appropriate to disallow a NAP for these fees. An agreement or COA might also provide for a parent’s annual rate to be reduced to reflect payment of non-periodic costs, it would not be appropriate to accept a NAP for the same payments. |
Accepting non-prescribed NAP
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Confirm joint intent of non-prescribed NAP + Read more ... If the payee lodged the non-prescribed NAP:
Was the non-prescribed NAP lodged by the payee?
The following types of payments are considered non-prescribed NAP:
2 |
Direct payment + Read more ... Direct payments are payments made directly to the payee via:
Direct payment NAP are credited in full to the payer's Child Support account where both customers intend the payment should be treated as child support. |
3 |
Third party payment + Read more ... A third party payment is any payment made by the payer to a third party in respect to a debt owed by
For payments made after 1 July 2008, customers can agree on a percentage of the ongoing liability to be met by third party NAP credits. If the customers cannot agree on a percentage, Child Support will allocate 100% of the ongoing case liability and arrears from the NAP credits until they are exhausted. For more information regarding these types of decisions, see Table 8 > Step 2. Even if a payer nominates for a payment to be lodged as a non-prescribed NAP, discuss the option of treating it as a prescribed NAP - Some payments can be treated as either type. This may be a better option if, for example, the customers did not mutually intend for the payment to be considered a NAP. If this is the customer’s preferred option, key a prescribed NAP. See Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help. If a non-prescribed NAP has already been keyed, delete it and re-key as a prescribed NAP. See Table 10 > Step 2. The Resources page has an example of this scenario - Frequently asked questions, Question 6. |
4 |
Non cash payments + Read more ... Non cash payment are made in a form other than money. This includes the transfer of property to the payee. Confirm the monetary value of the non-cash payment. If the customers do not agree on a value obtain sufficient 'independent information' to assess the amount of the transaction. For more information about independent evidence see Table 6 > Step 3 If the non-cash payment was made on or after 1 July 2008 to a third party, customers can elect for an ongoing percentage of the case liability to be allocated from the NAP credit. See Table 8 > Step 2. |
5 |
Customers' intentions determined + Read more ... If the payee disputes the NAP was made in lieu of child support, do not automatically disallow the NAP. Ask if there is another explanation for the payment. The Service Officer may be satisfied that there was mutual intent and the NAP should be accepted. For more information about establishing mutual intent, the References page contains a link to the Child Support Guide for non-agency payments. If the facts of the NAP application are disputed, ask both customers to provide evidence to support their claims. For examples, see Table 6 > Step 3. Do both customers agree to the facts of the NAP and have confirmed they intended the payment was made in lieu of child support? |
Prescribed NAP are only for specific payments
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
Prescribed NAPs are only for specific types of payments + Read more ... These include:
Mutual intent is not required for a prescribed NAP. Special rules determine the percentage that can be allocated from a NAP credit each month. There are also limitations to when Child Support can accept a prescribed NAP. For more information about prescribed NAP, see References for a link to the Child Support Guide on Non-agency payments. Note: if a payer initially applies for a prescribed NAP, the payment may also be lodged as a non-prescribed NAP. Explain the differences between the types of NAP and ask the customer which type is preferable to them. |
2 |
Discussion with payer + Read more ... Provide the payer with the following information:
3 |
When a prescribed NAP will not be accepted + Read more ... A prescribed NAP cannot be accepted if it was made on or after 1 July 2008, and at the time the payment was made:
Note: if the above conditions apply to the prescribed NAP but the payment was made prior to 1 July 2008, the NAP can be accepted regardless of when it is reported. Child Support cannot allow a prescribed NAP if the ongoing liability has been raised under a:
If any of these raised the ongoing liability, see Table 7. |
4 |
When credits from an accepted prescribed NAP will not allocate + Read more ... Prescribed NAP credits from an accepted prescribed NAP cannot be allocated if:
Once these conditions no longer exist, the NAP credits can continue to allocate to the payer's account. From 1 July 2018 if a payer’s percentage of care reduces to below regular care form a date in the past, a prescribed NAP may be manually credited to the retrospective period if the payer has paid 70% of their new liability for that period. If the above conditions apply to an accepted prescribed NAP but the payment was made prior to 1 July 2008, the NAP credit will continue to allocate if 70% of the ongoing liability is paid. Cuba will perform an automatic check of the care levels each month prior to allocating prescribed NAP credits. If Cuba has not allocated the prescribed NAP credits, check the care levels of the payer. If the payer has at least regular care of any of the children of the assessment, do not manually allocate the prescribed NAP credit. Note: effective 1 July 2006, the allocation rate for prescribed NAP increased from 25% to 30%. This applies to all prescribed NAP approved after 1 July 2006. This is the case even if the payer made the payment prior to that date. |
5 |
Check case + Read more ... Check the case to identify whether the prescribed NAP should be accepted, allocated or disallowed. Payer's level of care of the child/ren Check the payer's:
These care levels may affect if a prescribed NAP can be accepted or allocated. For more information when:
6 |
COA/Agreements/Court Orders + Read more ... Identify if:
If the administrative assessment is based on a court order, COA decision or agreement identify if payments that could be categorised as prescribed NAP were considered in the final decision. Also check any Part 6A objections or Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) first review or Social Security Appeal Tribunal (SSAT) (prior to 1 July 2015) decisions. If 'NAP type' payments were considered in any of these decisions, it may be appropriate to disallow the NAP. See the References page Child Support Guide on non-agency payments. Can the prescribed NAP be credited?
7 |
Other considerations + Read more ...
Can the prescribed NAP be credited? |
Disputed NAP
Table 6
Step |
Action |
1 |
Update NAP record in the NAP detail window + Read more ... If the NAP is in dispute, update the NAP record in the NAP Detail window. Examples where a NAP is in dispute include:
2 |
Special reasons to refuse to credit a NAP + Read more ... Since 1 July 1999 Child Support has been able to refuse to credit a NAP in special circumstances. The References page has a link to the Child Support Guide for non-agency payments. |
3 |
Request supporting evidence + Read more ... Seek further information/evidence so that a decision can be made if required. Evidence could include:
Note: do not encourage sworn statements or affidavits provided solely for Child Support purposes, as they have no greater value than unsworn and verbal statements. Sworn statements tendered in a different process, for example a court, may be of value. Request further written evidence. Document the evidence requested and the timeframes agreed to. Independent evidence Evidence provided by a third party with no apparent interest in the case is extremely valuable. Generally, it is the customer’s responsibility to provide necessary evidence. Occasionally it may be appropriate to use Child Support’s information gathering powers. To value a non-cash NAP, independent sources of valuations include:
Gather as much information as possible about the disputed payments and document this in a notepad in the NAP Detail window. |
4 |
Analyse evidence + Read more ... Make a decision based on the facts after:
Consider the following
5 |
Resolve dispute + Read more ... Satisfactory alternative reasons for a payment, examples are:
Disallow the NAP if:
Disallow a NAP
Table 7
Step |
Action |
1 |
Disallow NAP + Read more ... Disallow the NAP if in the circumstances of the case it is appropriate to do so. |
2 |
Non-prescribed NAP + Read more ... When making a decision regarding a non-prescribed NAP the critical issue is whether the Child Support Registrar is satisfied that both customers agreed the child support would be paid via a NAP at the time the payment was made. |
3 |
Prescribed NAP + Read more ... A prescribed NAP may be disallowed due to:
For more information, see Table 5 > Step 3. |
4 |
Document decision and finalise NAP + Read more ... Document the reasons for the decision using the NAP details macro. Include any finding about disputed facts and evidence that was relied on. Finalise the NAP record. Cuba will allow a prescribed NAP to be accepted if it was paid at a time when the payer had regular care or a lump sum agreement in place. Cuba will only provide a warning that these NAPs should be disallowed. The Service Officer must manually disallow the NAP. See Table 9. |
Allow/partially allow NAP
Table 8
Step |
Action |
1 |
Allow the NAP + Read more ... Allow the NAP if in the circumstances of the case it is appropriate to do so. |
2 |
Specified percentage + Read more ... Customers can elect for a specified percentage of the ongoing liability to be met by a third party NAP. The agreed percentage for a particular NAP cannot be changed later. The NAP credit will continue to allocate in accordance with the specified percentage, until the entire credit has been exhausted. If customers cannot agree on a percentage, Child Support will allocate 100% of the NAP against the payer’s account until the NAP credit is exhausted. The percentage is applied per NAP application, not per NAP item. See Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help, Create a NAP record for information about how to key an agreed NAP allocation percentage. Note: Centrelink will be notified of the total value of the accepted NAP amount rather than the amount being credited each month. For information on how Cuba automatically allocates the credit see Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help. Check NAP credit allocations. |
3 |
Consider Private Collection + Read more ... In cases where non-prescribed NAPs are regularly accepted, consider if private collection is an option for the customers. Discuss this option with the customers. Explain that Child Support can continue to enforce outstanding arrears and that the payee can opt back in for collection if payments are not made in full and on time. See Collecting child support payments privately and/or discharging arrears. |
4 |
Document decision and finalise NAP + Read more ... Document the reasons for Child Support’s decision. Include any finding about disputed facts and evidence that were relied on. Finalise the NAP record. |
Notify customers
Table 9
Step |
Action |
1 |
Letters automatically generated + Read more ... The NAP function automatically generates letters to the customers when NAPs are:
For information about which letters will generate, see Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help. An intray item generates advising there are multiple NAP letters when more than one letter of the same type but with different details issues:
2 |
Key discussion points for prescribed NAP - Payer + Read more ... Explain to the payer:
3 |
Key discussion points for prescribed NAP - Payee + Read more ... Explain to the payee:
Note: explain the effects of manual allocation of a prescribed NAP. See Table 11 > Step 2. |
Update, cancel or delete a NAP
Table 10
Step |
Action |
1 |
Reviewed Intray + Read more ... A NAP to be Reviewed intray generates if an event occurs on a case requiring NAP allocations to be re-examined. See Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help, Check NAP credit allocations and Manually allocate NAP credits. Do not update, cancel or delete a NAP record after the NAP has been accepted:
2 |
Deleting a NAP item + Read more ... Delete a NAP credit only if:
Cuba allocation rules when allocating NAP credits
Table 11
Item |
Category |
1 |
Cuba allocation + Read more ... Cuba has specific rules when allocating NAP credits. See Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help, Check NAP credit allocations for information and examples about how Cuba allocates NAPs. |
2 |
Manual allocations + Read more ... Payer catches up on missed payments If the payer misses child support payments but later catches up, prescribed NAP allocations that were not previously credited may be manually allocated. See Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help. Manually allocate NAP credits for information about how to manually allocate prescribed and non-prescribed NAPs. Payer catches up on missed payments where case has ended in arrears Consider crediting a NAP if:
Crediting can only occur towards liabilities:
This is not an automatic process. See Table 7 in Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help. The Resources page has an example. Care date of effect From 1 July 2018, a change in care that is notified more than 28 days after the change occurred will apply the decreased care percentage for the parent from the date care changed. If the care change causes a payer’s percentage to fall below regular care for a period a prescribed NAP may be manually credited if the payer:
Note: the payee must be advised of the effect of a manual allocation from a prescribed NAP. A prescribed NAP cannot be allocated on a nil account balance. |
NAP advised to pay an overpayment
Table 12
Step |
Action |
1 |
NAP to pay an overpayment of child support + Read more ... With overpayments customer roles are the opposite of the usual process.
2 |
Nap reported by payer + Read more ... If the payment has been reported by the payer:
3 |
NAP reported by the payee + Read more ... To answer the questions below, contact the customers if required. Use the NAP macro when taking a NAP application to record this information:
4 |
Discussion with the payer + Read more ... If the NAP was reported by the payee, contact the payer to:
Do both customers agree to the facts of the NAP and confirm the payment was for the payee overpayment?
5 |
Disputed NAP (overpayment) + Read more ... If a NAP payment for an overpayment is disputed, seek supporting evidence. Examples of a disputed NAP include:
6 |
Analyse evidence + Read more ... Make a decision based on the facts after:
Consider the following:
Has any of the overpayment been recovered after the NAP was made?
7 |
Resolve dispute + Read more ...
8 |
Allow/partially allow the NAP + Read more ... Cuba does not have the facility to allow a NAP for an overpayment. Action this workaround to implement the decision to allow the NAP. In the Manage Gift and Overpayment window in the overpayment’s case:
Issue the approved NAP – Allow letters to the respective parties. Ensure the following:
Procedure ends here. |
9 |
Disallow NAP (overpayment) + Read more ... If appropriate in this case, disallow the NAP. Cuba does not have the facility to disallow a NAP for an overpayment. Action this workaround to implement a decision to disallow the NAP. Document the decision in the Case window of the overpayment’s case. Issue the letters to both customers:
Contact the payee to negotiate repayment of the overpayment. Follow the process in Debt repayment. |
Enforceable maintenance liability ended or opted out with unallocated NAP remaining
Table 13
Step |
Action |
1 |
Confirm there is no current enforceable maintenance liability + Read more ... Check:
Note: this does not apply to a prescribed NAP, which can carry over to a different child support enforcement period as long as it relates to the same liability. |
2 |
Unallocated NAP remains and no current enforceable maintenance liability + Read more ... If an unallocated NAP remain on a case and there is no current enforceable maintenance liability, the NAP must be disregarded from the case:
See Table 5 in Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help |
3 |
Document in NAP Details window + Read more ... Documentation must include:
See References for a link to the Child Support Guide for non-agency payments. |
4 |
Check Letters + Read more ...
See Resources for manual letters. |