Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers 277-51070000
This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.
This document explains what action is required to satisfy the MAT for a child from a previous relationship, or for a child who is not the biological child of the FTB customer or their partner.
On this page:
Reasonable maintenance action obligation and effect for FTB payments
MAT for FTB customers
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Does the customer have a current child support assessment for the child/ren? + Read more ... Check details on the Maintenance Action Indicator on the customer's record. Go to the Family Assistance/ Maintenance Action page. For further information, see MAT codes. Does the customer have a current child support assessment for the child/ren?
2 |
Action to obtain child support + Read more ... In some cases, it is not applicable for a customer to take action to obtain child support. For cases involving shared care where the payer in a child support agreement increases their level of care to more than 65%, see Table 3, Step 1. In all other cases involving shared care, see MAT for customers with shared care. Does the customer need to take action to obtain child support?
3 |
Child has turned 18 years of age + Read more ... Has the child completed Year 12 or equivalent?
In limited cases there may be an incorrect reduction to the rate of FTB part A paid for a child when they turn 18 years of age. This may occur where the customer has had a Child Support extension granted but the data has not been updated to the customer’s record. See Increasing FTB Part A after action has been taken to obtain child support, if the customer advises they have:
The following scenarios must be escalated to consider whether the customer should be treated as meeting the MAT. The Resources page contains a link to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk
The maintenance action code of 'MED' (Manual workaround pass) should be coded (only where approval to do so has been obtained from the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk) to ensure the customer continues to receive more than the base rate of FTB Part A where it is deemed reasonable maintenance action was taken. For help coding, see Maintenance Action Test (MAT). |
4 |
Child is turning 18 years old and is continuing in full-time secondary study + Read more ... To continue to receive more than the base rate of FTB Part A for a full-time secondary student once the child turns 18 years of age, a payee must apply to Child Support for an extension to their child support assessment prior to the child's 18th birthday. The assessment can be extended until the last day of the secondary school year that falls within 365 days of the child's 18th birthday. If the child's 18th birthday falls in the school holiday period in between 2 secondary school years, Child Support may reject the customer’s application to extend the child support case (or may refuse to let the customer apply to extend). If this occurs, these cases must be escalated to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk to consider whether the customer should be treated as meeting the MAT. If the payee fails to seek an extension, in most cases the MAT requirement will not be met from the 18th birthday and only the base rate of FTB Part A will be payable until the last day of secondary school for the year in which their child turns 18 years. |
5 |
Child support assessment extension required + Read more ... The MAT continues to apply where:
To continue to receive more than the base rate of FTB Part A (and, if applicable, to retain any ancillary benefits), before the child turns 18 years the payee must contact Child Support to apply for an extension to their child support case. Note: an application for an extension must be lodged before the child's 18th birthday unless there are exceptional circumstances that warrant a late application. Only Child Support can determine if exceptional circumstances apply. Customers are sent a letter by Child Support 3 months prior to the child turning 18 years, advising:
FTB customers with a MAT code of CAM or CCC for the relevant child/ren will be sent a letter 28 days prior to a child turning 18 years old, advising that if they do not apply for an extension to the child support case before the child turns 18 years of age, the amount of FTB they receive will reduce.
The Resources page contains a comprehensive set of scenarios demonstrating maintenance action test outcomes for children turning 18. Rejection of extension by Child Support If Child Support reject the application for an extension past the child's 18th birthday because the child is not in secondary study for Child Support purposes, but the child is in a category defined as a full-time secondary student for Centrelink purposes, a manual MAT exemption/pass will need to be applied. Refer these cases to a:
Child Support extension data has not been updated to the customers record If the customer has advised that they have already lodged an extension which is still pending or had an extension granted by Child Support for the 18 year old child, and the extension data has not been updated on the customer’s Centrelink record. See Increasing FTB Part A after action has been taken to obtain child support. Record details on a DOC. |
Reasonable maintenance action obligation and effect for FTB payments
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer required to take reasonable action to obtain child support + Read more ... Advise the customer that reasonable action to obtain child support must be taken within 13 weeks (91 days) (the DMA period) of the latest of:
The DMA period for the child will be automatically updated if any of the first 4 events are recorded. Scenarios where the fifth event may apply:
The Resources page contains examples of the above scenarios. Note: when a customer advises they are separating, see Separating safely - protecting personal details, to ensure personal information is kept safe. The fifth event (list above) does not trigger a DMA period and the PDE MAT code must be manually applied from the relevant date. A customer may claim FTB after their DMA period. This may occur when a customer:
When this occurs, consider whether it is reasonable to expect the customer would have known to take maintenance action upon arriving in Australia or during the SUOR assessment period. If the answer is no, consider extending the DMA period. Does PDE need to be manually applied to initiate a DMA period?
2 |
PDE to be manually applied to initiate a DMA period + Read more ... To manually commence a 13 week DMA period for a customer who meets the fifth criteria of the 13 week (91 day) timeframe, Service Officers must refer the case details to ICT via existing referral protocols. Where appropriate, ICT will apply a 'PDE' (Pseudo DMA Event) manual MAT code to simulate a DMA period for the customer. To refer a record to ICT, see Resources for a link to Business Process and Design Branch, then select the FCC ICT Referral Process link in the Featured content section. The PDE code initiates a DMA period which will trigger issue of MARNL(s) and the creation of reviews. PDE appears on the Maintenance Action Input (MNMA) screen and results in DMA on the MNMR screen. Coding of the PDE MAT code is restricted to ICT. Procedure ends here. |
3 |
Taking reasonable action + Read more ... If the customer's current partner is the biological parent of the child and the customer is not, the partner must take action to obtain child support. In most cases, the customer should apply for a child support assessment. Does the customer/partner intend to seek child support?
4 |
Customer/partner seeking child support assessment + Read more ...
Read the following to the customer: 'Once you receive an assessment from Child Support you can decide whether you want to privately collect child support payments or if you want Child Support to collect child support payments on your behalf'. 'You are always advantaged by receiving child support as soon as possible, as only a proportion of the child support you receive will affect your family assistance'. 'You can make an application for a child support assessment online via the Services Australia website. If this is not an option, I can transfer you now to Child Support who can make an assessment of the child support payments you should receive'. 'You do not have to apply today, you have 13 weeks from the date of event to apply for a child support assessment or to request an exemption from applying for a child support assessment. You may wish to delay applying to sort out parenting issues'. Does the customer want to apply right now?
5 |
Customer/partner not intending to seek child support + Read more ... Is the customer/partner seeking an exemption from seeking child support?
6 |
Not seeking an exemption + Read more ... Tell the customer that:
Has the customer chosen to accept FTB Part A base rate?
7 |
Customers may choose to accept base rate FTB Part A. + Read more ... Customers may only choose to accept the base rate of FTB Part A if they do not have an active child support assessment for the child. It is important to ensure the customer is aware of the financial consequences of accepting the base rate of FTB A and makes an informed decision to accept base rate. A referral to a social worker should be considered as a maintenance exemption may be appropriate:
Note: if AXB is coded within the 13 week (91 day) timeframe, the AXB will not apply until the end of the DMA period. This is because the customer cannot fail the MAT during the DMA period. Procedure ends here. |
8 |
Ensure the customer is aware of their child support obligation + Read more ... Ensure the customer is aware of their obligation to take reasonable action to obtain child support and advise that a Maintenance Action Requirement Notification letter will be automatically issued to the customer if they remain within the 13 week (91 day) timeframe when the FTB claim is granted or the circumstance change is recorded. The MARNL advises the customer of the action required and the effect on their FTB rate if they do not take action by the specified date. A reminder MARNL will be sent to the customer 21 days after the initial MARNL was sent if:
If the DMA period has lapsed, an automatic letter will be sent advising the customer they have not taken reasonable action to obtain child support and that base rate FTB Part A will be paid until action is taken. Record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here. |
9 |
Update customer record + Read more ... If customer is still linked to the person who is to pay child support, the records must be unlinked before the maintenance action can be updated. See Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and/or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) customer separates. See Item 2 'Updating MAT code for FTB instalment customers' in MAT codes to update the MAT code for the child to APP or CAC from the earlier of:
If the other parent is not a resident of Australia, use PRP (seeking proof of parentage) as a manual workaround to ensure the recipient is given 90 days before an automatic review is applied. See Action to obtain child support when the paying parent is overseas and the MAT. Note: if APP, CAC or PRP was coded in the past 3-6 months, see Step 8 in the Establish if a child support assessment is required table in Applications for child support assessment through Centrelink. Confirmation that the customer has applied for child support could include:
Record details on a DOC. Include the name of the child and the paying parent and the date. Finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. |
Reasonable maintenance action when the payer in a child support agreement increases their level of care to more than 65%
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Payer in a child support agreement increases their level of care to more than 65% + Read more ... Where an FTB child is the subject of a child support agreement and the payee under the agreement has less than 35% care (and a child support terminating event has not occurred) the agreement will end for the child. The agreement may be suspended for 28 days after the care percentage changed, or up to 26 weeks in some cases. A suspension period is provided so that the agreement can re-start for the child if the person regains at least 35% care during the agreement suspension period. Child support may become payable to the new carer (previously the payer) when the agreement ends or is suspended if there was already an administrative assessment in place when the agreement was accepted. The MAT requirements when an agreement ends or is suspended for a child will vary depending upon whether:
MAT requirements are different for WA Ex-nuptial cases. Refer the case to the Child Support Program Branch. If the agreement is:
2 |
Initiating Binding child support agreement + Read more ... If a customer who is a payer under an initiating binding child support agreement has an FTB child and their level of care increase to more than 65%, the agreement may end or be suspended for a period. The customer will need to take reasonable maintenance action. If the customer contacts, refer them to Child Support to discuss maintenance action. This will allow all required information to be obtained and advice given to the customer about their child support options. For contact details, see Child Support. For the individual with increased care above 65%, (previous payer under the agreement) to satisfy the MAT, the following action is required:
The customer’s FTB entitlement will then be based on the child support formula assessment, and they will meet the MAT. |
3 |
Non-initiating child support agreement + Read more ... If the child support case was not started by the agreement and the agreement ends or is suspended, child support will be payable under a formula assessment to the parent (new payee) who has gained care of the child from the date the agreement ends. They will therefore meet the MAT, unless a child support care suspension period applies beyond the 13 week DMA period (if applicable), see Table 1. |