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Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes 277-51070030

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

If you have concerns about a child's safety, conduct the risk and referral process.

This page contains the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes and how they are recorded and updated. To update maintenance action outside a new claim activity and for periods after 2007-08, use the Maintenance Action workflow. These tables may be used if the workflow is unavailable, to code maintenance action within a claim activity or to manually record maintenance action.

On this page:

Manual and automatic MAT code updates

Maintenance Action Test codes

Manual and automatic MAT code updates

Table 1




Overview of Maintenance Action Test (MAT) and MAT codes + Read more ...

If the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) is failed, Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A is limited to the base rate for the relevant child. Some MAT codes are auto-recorded by the system, some according to data transferred from Child Support.


Updating MAT code for FTB instalment customers in Customer First + Read more ...

Go to Mtce Ent'ment Grp Summary (MNGS) screen. Check that all children are correctly grouped according to child support entitlement. See How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit (FTB) record.

Once the children are confirmed in the correct maintenance groups, use the Maintenance Action workflow to update the maintenance action for a child.

If the workflow is not available, update the MAT manually:

  • 'S'elect child on MNGS screen and go to the Maint Child Details Summary (MNCD) screen:
    • To view further details, 's'elect Maintenance Action field to go to the Maintenance Action Result (MNMR) screen
    • To update details, key 'Y' in the Maintenance Input field on the MNMR screen to go to the Maintenance Action Input (MNMA)

MNMA screen coding

Note: if a maintenance exemption has been assessed and granted from an earlier DOV than the MXR (maintenance exemption requested) was coded from on the MNMA screen, the MXR coding must be deleted.

Key the following:


Updating MAT code for FTB lump sum claims + Read more ...

From 2011-12 onwards

All details relating to child support are transferred electronically via the Child Support Data Exchange process.

For 2008-09 through to 2010-11

Customers could choose to provide child support details, or to give permission for Centrelink to obtain details electronically from Child Support in which case details did not need to be manually coded.

If the customer advised child support details on their lump sum claim, the MAT code is recorded/displayed on the Maint LSC Maint Action (MLMA) screen in Customer First after selecting the child from the Maint LSC Group Summary (MLGS) screen.

For 2007-08 and earlier years

If the customer advised child support details on their lump sum claim, the MAT code is recorded/displayed in Customer First on the Child Maintenance Previous Year (CHMPY) after selecting the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen.

Not all MAT codes used for FTB instalment claims are relevant for lump sum claims. For lump sum claims, the MAT code is recorded according to details advised by the customer.

See Recording child support details for a previous year Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim.


Updating MAT code within a FTB new claim in Process Direct + Read more ...

Maintenance coding

Maintenance coding in Process Direct is done on the Maint Ent Grp Summary (MNGS) screen:

  • This screen is a post assess screen. All other claim coding must be completed before coding MNGS
  • Complete all claim updates and select Assess:
    • If a new maintenance group is required, an error displays on Errors (SWE) screen. Go to the MNGS screen and code the necessary updates
    • If other updates are required on MNGS screen for children already grouped, go to the MNGS screen from the Entitlements (ELD) screen
    • See the Process Direct tab on Processing standalone and combined claims for family assistance and/or Paid Parental Leave scheme payments for details on how to create a new maintenance group or manage existing maintenance grouping in a FTB new claim in Process Direct

Child support details for an FTB child from a previous relationship

  • Make sure children are grouped correctly on MNGS screen
  • If there is a requirement to obtain child support, a Maintenance Action Requirement letter will automatically issue to the customer if they are in the 13 week (91 day) DMA (deciding maintenance action) grace period when the FTB claim is granted. In most cases, a customer will be given an automatic DMA period of 13 weeks (91 days) for a child from the relevant date of event. A manual workaround may be required to simulate a DMA period for the customer
  • On the MNGS screen, select the Maintenance Group, and select the relevant Maintenance Child using the dropdown option. Scroll down to the Maintenance Action Results (MNMA) table
  • On MNMA table, if the DMA period has not stimulated correctly, escalate the case via the Digital Assistant Roxy. See Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for FTB customers
  • For shared care, Child Support will register one child support case instead of 2. See MAT for customers with shared care
  • If the customer has indicated they have taken action to obtain child support, update maintenance data using current procedures. See MAT for FTB customers

MNMA table coding

Note: if a maintenance exemption has been assessed and granted from an earlier DOV than the MXR (maintenance exemption requested) was coded from on the MNMA screen, the MXR coding must be deleted.

  • Go to SWE and select Assess:
    • a warning message may present 'SR913 - Please navigate to MNGS to make sure grouping remains correct'. Go to the MNGS screen then select Assess again. No changes are required if the maintenance grouping remains correct

Note: due to auto-processing, the action to obtain child support result may differ from the MAT code that was manually input.


Automatic MAT code updates + Read more ...

Initial action

When a child is placed in an entitlement (active) group or when a customer is unlinked from the parent of a child, the system auto-updates the MAT code for the child to either:

  • NMA (no maintenance action) if it is outside the 13 week period. MAT has failed or
  • DMA (deciding maintenance action for a Stage 2 child) if it is within the 13 week (91 day) timeframe to take action to obtain child support. MAT has been met

The voluntary maintenance must be coded manually when it is received and

  • the MAT code is DMA or
  • the child is over 18

See Step 3 in the Recording private maintenance income table.

Customer reconciles with payer

When a customer is linked to the other parent of a child, the child is auto-placed in a current relationship (CRE) group on the Mtce Ent'ment Grp Summary (MNGS) and the MAT code updated to exempt CCR (Child of current relationship). This does not automatically result in a child support case ending. See Effect on Family Tax Benefit (FTB) where the customer elects to suspend or end a child support assessment. If the customer separates within 6 months of reconciling, the system automatically uses the previous maintenance details.

Case ends


  • Child Support retrospectively ends a case and
  • the recipient fails the MAT from a date in the past and
  • a negative adjustment occurs as a result

The case should be referred to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk for resolution.

The system also updates the MAT code according to:

  • expected changes, including:
    • F16 (child turned 16 years of age or is under 18 years of age and not in full-time secondary study)
    • F18 (child turned 18 years of age and is not in full-time secondary study or child is in full-time secondary study but extension of the child support assessment is not sought)
    • R18 (child is 18 years of age and in full-time secondary study and extension of the child support assessment is rejected)
  • other changes recorded (LCC - Child Left Care, exempt, L35 - In care and custody below 35%)
  • information transferred from Child Support. For example, PPW (Paying parent workaround) where the customer is 'payer' to the child support case for the child, CAM (Child Support assessment made), MAT met per entitlement load and CCC (Child Support has commenced payments), MAT met per disbursement load. Child Support also advises if the child support case is ended or a child ended in a continuing case


Information displayed on the Maintenance Action (MNMA) screen in Customer First + Read more ...

The child's name, date of birth, gender, age and Customer Reference Number (CRN) are displayed at the top of screen.

  • Payer Name field may display the name of the person who is paying or liable to pay child support. It may also display:
    • 'Payer exists - No CRN' (the payer's name is not on the Centrelink database)
    • payer's CRN followed by 'Sensitive' (if the payer is a Centrelink 'sensitive customer')
    • Payer's CRN followed by 'Name unvlb' (Name unavailable if the National Index is unavailable and the payer does not exist in the customer's local environment)
    • 'To Be Advised' (if the system is waiting for Child Support Entitlement Load data to advise of the payer's name)
  • Stage field is the stage under which child support entitlement is administered. The stage determines which Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes can be recorded as some codes do not apply to all stages. An edit will appear if trying to input a MAT code that is not valid for the stage (for example, coding 'PNC' - for a Stage 2 child) The value will be either:
    • ST1 = Stage 1 child
    • ST2 = Stage 2 child
    • PRE = Pre 1 June 1988
    • MXD = Any combination of pre-Stage 1, Stage 1, or Stage 2
  • Child Support Case ID field is the number assigned by Child Support. If blank, a number has not been allocated or the customer is not a Child Support customer. If a Child Support case exists, the child cannot be moved from the group
  • Grp field displays the group the child is attached to. It links the customer, payer and child/ren. An edit will appear if trying to input a MAT code not relevant for the current group, for example, coding a non-biological parent exemption when the child is in an active group
  • Mat Met? field indicates whether or not more than base rate Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A is payable for the child:
    • 'Yes' MAT is satisfied. MAT code should reflect the action the customer or current partner has taken for this child
    • 'No' MAT is not satisfied. The customer or their current partner has failed to take action to obtain child support for this child and is required to do so
    • 'Exempt' MAT is satisfied. The MAT code should reflect the reason the customer or partner does not need to take action to obtain child support for this child
    • '-' MAT has not been invoked, for example child is from current relationship or child is deceased

Maintenance Action Test codes

Table 2




MAT met codes + Read more ...

Under Direct Phone Registration, 'APP' (Applied for a child support assessment) and 'CAC' (Applied for Child Support assessment and collection) should only be re-coded if it is verified with Child Support that the customer has applied for child support and the application is pending. If it is confirmed with Child Support that a case has been started but has not yet loaded, see Child Support data has not loaded onto Centrelink system or is incorrectly affecting customer's record.

Use the Maintenance Action workflow to update maintenance action for a child or maintenance group.

  • 'APP' manually recorded from the earlier of; the date proof is available that the customer has applied for a child support assessment, or the date the customer lodged an application for child support payments, as confirmed by Child Support or the customer verbally providing their online application ID number, and date and time from their online application receipt. An auto review is created 42 days from event date to update the code to 'DMA (deciding maintenance action for a Stage 2 child) /NMA'(no maintenance action) if entitlement data is not received. Where APP, CAC or PRP previously coded, see Step 8 in the Establish if a child support assessment is required table
  • 'CAC' manually recorded from the earlier of; the date proof is available that the customer has applied for a child support assessment, or the date the customer lodged an application for child support payments, as confirmed by Child Support or the customer verbally providing their online application ID number, and date and time from their online application. Auto review set for 42 days to change code to 'DMA/NMA'
  • 'CAM' (Child Support Assessment made). Auto processing per Child Support Entitlement load date
  • 'CCC' (Child Support has commenced payments). Auto processing per Child Support disbursement load date
  • 'COL' Applied for Child Support Collection. Recorded manually from the date the customer contacts to advise they have requested child support to collect on their behalf and have requested arrears for the previous private collect period (to be coded by Child Support Unit only). Auto review period set for 70 days, however Child Support may collect arrears for a period up to 90 days (more in limited situations) which will require the code to be recorded with more than 1 event date
  • 'CRR' Child Support refused registration. This is manually recorded. Child support/maintenance action is not required for children of the current relationship when customers are paid under Section 24 of the Social Security Act 1991. This code is to be used for group type 'ENT' for children for FTB instalment customers This code can be used for:
  • 'DMA' the event date is latest of child's Date of Birth, date child entered care, date of separation, or date the level of care increased to 35% or more or the date the customer first becomes eligible for FTB where the eligibility event occurs later than any of the above 4 events (manual coding is required see, 'MWP' below). Can be manually or auto coded. Auto review 91 days (28 days before 1 January 2007) from event date to update to 'NMA'. If voluntary maintenance is received and 'DMA' is recorded, the amount needs to be recorded as Voluntary maintenance
  • 'LMP' (MAT met for FTB lump sum claim)
  • 'MED' (Manual workaround pass). See Item 4
  • 'MWP' (Manual workaround pass). See Item 4
  • 'MXD' Social Worker or Service Officer has denied customer's request for exemption. Manually recorded from date exemption denied. Auto review 14 days from event date to update code to 'DMA/NMA'
  • 'MXR' (Customer has requested an exemption from MAT). Manually recorded from the date exemption requested. Auto review 60 days from event date to update code to 'DMA/NMA' ('MXR' can only be coded once per child)
  • 'OSC' (Payer overseas - Court Order obtained). Manually recorded from date obtained. See Action to obtain child support when the paying parent is overseas and the Maintenance Action Test
  • 'OSS' (Payer overseas in a reciprocal country, customer seeking court order). Manually recorded from date court order sought. See Action to obtain child support when the paying parent is overseas and the Maintenance Action Test
  • 'PDE' (Pseudo DMA Event). See Item 4
  • 'PNC' (Stage 1 customer collecting maintenance privately through an informal arrangement) can no longer be input from 10 December 2007. Record manually from the date customer advises
  • 'PPW' (Payer Pass Workaround). This code will (in limited circumstances) result in the 'payer' of a child support case automatically passing the MAT for their child/ren. The FTB claim must be finalised within the 91 day (13 week) 'Deciding Maintenance Action' (DMA) period and an active child support case must already be in place for the 'payee' of the child support case for the respective children
    • Consequential reassessment may result in the removal of the code. Once removed, the code cannot be manually reinstated. If the customer remains the 'payer' to a child support case, 'MWP' will need to be manually recorded by the Child Support Unit (CSJ) or the Integrated Care Team (INC). See Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for customers with shared care for details
  • 'PRP' Seeking proof of parentage. Manually recorded from the date the customer is advised to seek legal advice (can be coded without evidence in the first instance only). An MFU is created 85 days from event date to check details. Auto-reverts to 'NMA' after 99 days. To record PRP after the first instance, see Referrals to legal advice for action to obtain child support to satisfy the Maintenance Action Test (MAT)
  • 'SCO' Manually record from the date order sought. MFU created 85 days from event date to check details. Auto review 90 days to update code to 'NMA'


MAT exempt codes + Read more ...

These codes mean that the customer/partner does not need to take action to obtain child support for the child. Assessment by a Social Worker is not needed.

To update maintenance action for a child or maintenance group, use the Maintenance Action workflow:

  • 'APX' (Customer or current partner was single when they legally adopted the child). Auto-records once adoptive parent details are coded on the child's Child Miscellaneous Circs (CHM) screen
  • 'BLI' (Customer or current partner is a blind Social Security Pensioner). Auto processing
  • 'BVC' (Customer receives Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) blind pension). Manually recorded from the date the customer advises
  • 'BVP' (Partner receives DVA blind pension Date customer advises). Manually recorded from the date the customer advises
  • 'C18' (Child 18). Auto processing from the date child turned 18 years of age if the child has completed Year 12 or equivalent, or from the date the child support assessment extension ends or from the child's 18th birthday where a DMA event occurs within 13 weeks before the child's 18th birthday and the child is in FTSS or is exempt from FTSS
  • 'CCR' (Child of current relationship). Auto processing from the date the current relationship group established. See How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit record
  • 'CHD' (Child deceased). Auto processing from the end of the 98 day bereavement period, or the end of the payer relevant period. See Action required when Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer no longer entitled to child support
  • 'CNO' (Court Order not Obtainable Stage 1) can no longer be input from 10 December 2007
  • 'FCX' (Foster carer exemption). Auto-records when foster parent details coded on child's Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen. This code is also to be used for grandparents. See How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit (FTB) record
    Foster care can be either:
    • formal - carer is mediated by a state or territory welfare authority
    • informal - a relative or friend assumes care of a child in a private arrangement, for example grandparent or sibling
  • 'IMP' (Imposition due to the customer having a court order stating they will not seek child support). Manually recorded from the date of the court order
  • 'IVF' (In vitro non-biological parent). To be used in the following circumstances:
  • 'L30' (In care and custody below 30 % -not entitled to child support). Since June 2007, auto updated per details recorded on the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen. Cannot be input with a date later than 30 June 2008
  • 'L35' (In care and custody below 35%). Auto updated per details recorded on the FSC screen. Child Support will not register cases if the level of care is less than 35%. FTB is not payable for less than 35% care
  • 'LCC' (Child left care). Auto-recorded from the date left care. See Action required when Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer no longer entitled to child support
  • 'LPD' (Liable parent deceased). Can only be input if the child is in an entitlement group on the Mtce Ent'ment Grp Summary (MNGS) screen. Once recorded, the child will be auto-placed in a deceased parent group on MNGS screen. Can be recorded manually or automatically from the date the parent died. See Action required when Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer no longer entitled to child support
  • 'NBP' (Non-biological parent receiving child support). Recorded manually or automatically from the date customer advises. See How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit record
  • 'OCX' (Other carer exemption). Used only where the child is a non-biological child of the person caring for the child. Record manually from the date 'legal responsibility' awarded by court. This code should not be used for grandparents, refer to 'FCX' (Foster carer exemption).
    'OCX' exemption is used if:
    • the claimant has legally adopted the child, or
    • a family law order or registered parenting plan is in force which gives them contact or residence rights for the child
      Note: child support/maintenance action is not required for children of the current relationship when customers are paid under Section 24 of the Social Security Act 1991. This code is to be used for group type 'OTH' for children for FTB lump sum claimants
  • 'OSN' (Payer overseas - Non Reciprocal Country). See Action to obtain child support when the paying parent is overseas and the Maintenance Action Test
  • 'OSR' (Payer overseas in a reciprocal country, proof of parentage not met). MFU activity created in 2 years to review exemption. See Action to obtain child support when the paying parent is overseas and the Maintenance Action Test
  • 'PCR' (Presumed current relationship at 17/6/2000 Auto conversion) can no longer be input from 10 December 2007
  • 'PCP' (Parentage cannot be proved). Record manually from the date legal advice provided. See Centrelink action on proving parentage for child support
  • 'PNK' (Parentage unknown) for first request of its kind by the customer for a child (or children in the case of a multiple birth). Manually recorded from the date exemption granted. See Exemptions from seeking child support for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers
  • 'PRE' (Child born before 1 June 1988) can no longer be input from 10 December 2007. Auto processing Centrelink
  • 'TXC' (Temporary conversion exemption 17/6/2000) can no longer be input from 10 December 2007


MAT exempt codes, social worker assessment + Read more ...

These codes can be recorded after an exemption has been granted by a social worker. See Exemptions from seeking child support for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers.

Use the Maintenance Action workflow to update maintenance action for a child or maintenance group.

  • 'IMP' (Full exemption due to imposition - harmful or disruptive effect). Manually recorded from the date exemption granted
  • 'PMC' (Not receiving full child support entitlement, partial exemption due to cultural reasons). Manually recorded from the date exemption granted. If a partial exemption has been granted and the customer collects privately, record the amount the customer receives. See Recording private maintenance income on Centrelink systems
  • 'PMI' (Not receiving full child support entitlement, partial exemption due to imposition). Manually recorded from the date exemption granted. If a partial exemption has been granted and the customer collects privately, record the amount the customer receives. See Recording private maintenance income on Centrelink systems
  • 'PMV' (Not receiving full child support entitlement, partial exemption due to violence). Manually recorded from the date exemption granted. A Manual Follow-up (MFU) is created in 12 months for social worker review. If a partial exemption has been granted and the customer collects privately, record the amount the customer receives. See Recording private maintenance income on Centrelink systems
  • 'PNK' (Parentage unknown), for second or subsequent child requests or more complex cases or where the customer specifically requests a referral to social worker. Manually recorded from the date exemption granted
  • 'VIO' (Exemption due to violence). Manually recorded from the date exemption granted. Sets up a future 12 month MFU review. Note: Social Workers have discretion in determining whether to schedule a future review of a VIO exemption, and if so, the length of the review period. If the Social Worker decides a future review of the exemption is appropriate, the review must be manually recorded by a Service Officer using the Review Registration (RVR) screen (VIO exemptions do not trigger an automatic annual review). For coding instructions, see Exemptions from seeking child support for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers
  • 'XCC' (Exemption due to exceptional cultural circumstances). Manually recorded from the date exemption granted


MAT manual workarounds + Read more ...

'MWP' (Manual workaround pass)

Manually recorded where a customer's MAT is or will be failed incorrectly.

'MWP' can be coded in the following situations:

  • Incorrect Child Support data: Scenarios where it may be appropriate to override Child Support information with this code include:
    • From 1 July 2008 where the care of a child is shared, Child Support has one case for the payee and payer. As a workaround, the 'MWP' MAT code is used for the payer. This can only be coded by the Integrated Care team or CSU staff. See Maintenance Action Test for customers with shared care
  • Customer claims maladministration:
    • where the customer claims they were not aware of the requirement to take reasonable steps to obtain child support because of maladministration by Centrelink. Send a request to the FAO Level 2 Policy Helpdesk for approval to code a MWP. This will provide the customer with 28 days to take maintenance action
      Note: when coding an Authorised Review Officer (ARO) decision for maladministration, referral to the FAO Level 2 Policy Helpdesk is not required
    • an example may be where the customer was provided incorrect information which caused the customer not to take maintenance action at an earlier date
    • if approval to code 'MWP' is received from the FAO Level 2 Policy Helpdesk record the 'MWP'. Send a Q107 to the customer advising of the requirement to take action to obtain child support within 28 days. In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
      Service Reason: FTB
      Review Reason: OTH (Other)
      Due Date: 28 days from date the Q107 is sent
      Source: INT
      Date of Receipt: today's date
      Notes: 'Q107 issued xx/xx/xxxx to review MWP code. If no maintenance action taken, manually update the MAT code to NMA.'
      Keywords: MATMWP
      Workgroup: leave blank
      Position: leave blank
      Transfer To Region: leave blank
    • the review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • Customer and/or partner is under the age of consent and living as a member of a couple with the other parent of their child, they are not required to take reasonable action to obtain Child Support against that person, in these cases input:
    • the MWP maintenance action test code (manually coded on the MNMA screen) for the relevant child/ren. See Customer or partner under the age of consent
    • in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
      Service Reason: FTB
      Review Reason: OTH (Other)
      Due Date: date the youngest member of the couple reaches the age of consent
      Source: INT
      Date of Receipt: today's date
      Notes: 'Check relationship status and MAT code as youngest member of couple has reached age of consent. Return to OB 277-51070030 for action.'
      Keywords: MATMWP
      Workgroup: leave blank
      Position: leave blank
      Transfer To Region: leave blank
    • the review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
    • a 'Display on Access' (DOA) DOC indicating that the customer has had the MWP MAT code input because one or both of the couple is under the age of consent and the parents are cohabitating but are unable to be treated as a member of a couple due to age of consent. If the customer separates, MWP will no longer be applicable and the MAT will apply, it will need to be updated manually from the date of separation
    • when the review matures, contact the customer by letter or phone to confirm their continued living arrangements at that time.
      If the customer is:
      -still partnered when both parties reach the age of consent - update their marital status. See Updating relationship status table in Change in relationship status from single to partnered. Once the marital status has been updated, make sure that any child/ren of the relationship have been placed in a current relationship group. See How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit record
      -no longer partnered - advise the customer that they are required to take reasonable maintenance action in order to continue to receive more than base rate of FTB Part A. See Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for Family Tax Benefit customers
  • Disputed parentage cases: in the event that either:
    • the 'paying parent' in a child support assessment, has subsequently been confirmed not to be the parent of the child/ren, or
    • the FTB claimant's current partner is subsequently proven not to be the parent of the child/ren
      'MWP' is to be recorded from the date the customer first became entitled to apply for maintenance from the newly nominated parent. The customer will be required to seek maintenance from the newly nominated parent where possible. See How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit record
  • Left care without consent cases:

'MWF' (Manual workaround failed)

Recorded manually. Used when MAT is passed incorrectly, for example, a case has been ended but this information has not loaded onto the system.

Where the customer is no longer satisfying the MAT, this code is input when 'MWP' was previously coded.

'PDE' (Pseudo DMA Event)

Recorded manually to simulate a DMA (grace) period where the customer meets the fifth criteria of the 13 week (91 day) timeframe as none of the scenarios in the fifth event will auto-trigger the DMA (grace) period.

Service Officers (SOs) must refer the record to ICT via existing referral protocols. Where appropriate ICT will apply the 'PDE' (Pseudo DMA Event) MAT code to simulate a DMA period for the customer.
Note: to refer a record for coding, see Business Processing Branch and select the FCC ICT Referral Process link in the Featured content section.

The PDE code manually initiates a DMA period which will trigger the auto-issue of Maintenance Action Requirement Letters (MARNL) and the creation of reviews.

Note: 'PDE' appears on the MNMA screen and results in 'DMA' on the MNMR screen. Coding of the PDE MAT code is restricted to ICT and Families Business Division Staff.

'MED' (Manual workaround pass)

Used when the child is in secondary study, but not for CSP purposes. If either of these situations occur, refer to the Families Override Contact/SP to code. In both instances, make sure a clear DOC is recorded, outlining all relevant details.

'PRP' (Seeking proof of parentage)

Used as a manual workaround where the paying parent is overseas in a reciprocating jurisdiction and the customer has lodged a child support application. This code is used in these cases because Child Support have 90 days to register the maintenance liability in this scenario. Therefore, customers are given 90 days before Centrelink reviews maintenance action in progress. See Action to obtain child support when the paying parent is overseas and the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for further details of the manual workaround.


MAT fail codes + Read more ...

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A will be limited to the base rate for the child.

Use the Maintenance Action workflow to update maintenance action for a child or maintenance group.

Centrelink coding:

  • 'AXB' (Accepts base rate). Customer has had the consequences of not taking reasonable action to obtain child support explained to them and has made an informed decision not to take action. Manually coded from the date of the conversation with the customer
  • 'FAI' (Failed to attend interview for exemption). Manually recorded from the date of interview
  • 'F18' (Child turns 18 years of age and is not in full-time secondary study or child is in full-time secondary study but extension of the child support assessment is not sought)
  • 'NAC' (Actual payment below entitlement and no exemption recorded). This occurs when an amount that is lower than the assessed amount is coded as actual. Auto code only
  • 'NAR' (Failure to collect child support adjustment). The customer has not taken adequate steps to obtain child support arrears. This code is auto-applied if the customer is recorded as 'MAT Passed - no' on the Maintenance Adjustment Details (MNRX) screen. This code can no longer be produced from a date later than the December 2007 Major Release
  • 'NMA' (No maintenance action). This can be recorded manually from the date the customer failed to take reasonable action. It can also be auto-recorded due to an automatic system review. See Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers
  • 'MWF' (Manual workaround failed). See Item 4

Codes transferred by Child Support:


Child Support case end codes + Read more ...

These codes are recorded per Entitlement Loads.

The maintenance income relevant period is ended from the date of effect notified by Child Support.

In some cases, an exemption is auto-recorded so that MAT is not failed.

A Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity is created in many cases so that details can be checked by Child Support Unit (CSU) staff. See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews.

  • 'CCE' (Child Support case ended by customer). MAT fail. Payee has requested to end case for reason other than one listed below. MFU created
  • 'DVE' (Domestic violence, after approval by Centrelink social worker). MAT exempt. MFU created if 'VIO' not already recorded for same or earlier date of effect. Future 12 month MFU also generated
  • 'OTV' (Other reasons). MAT fail. This could be because of a child support terminating event (for example, death of payer) or because an objection has been upheld. MFU created
  • 'PNW' (Payer not Australian Resident). MAT exempt. Payer has left Australia and is not in reciprocal jurisdiction for collection of child support, 'OSN' not already recorded for same or earlier date of effect
  • 'PNX' (Payer is not a parent). MAT exempt. Child Support can end case if there is a decision by the Court or the payee has requested to end the case and has commenced a new child support case against another payer, (Services Australia approval is needed if payee has not commenced a new case against another payer.) MFU created. Activity does not auto complete. Details need to be investigated by CSU staff before completing activity. See Effect on Family Tax Benefit (FTB) where the customer elects to suspend or end a child support assessment
  • 'RHH' (Reconciliation). MAT exempt. Payee has reconciled with the payer and has asked Child Support to end the child support case, only applies where 'CCR' (Child of current relationship) is not already recorded from the same or an earlier date of effect. MFU created


Child Support child end codes + Read more ...

These codes are recorded per Entitlement Loads from Child Support.

The case for the child is ended from the date of effect notified by Child Support, but the child support case is continuing for other children.

In some cases, an exemption is auto-recorded so that MAT is not failed.

A Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity is created in many cases so that details can be checked by Child Support Unit (CSU) staff. See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews.

  • 'ALE' (Actual vs Lawful). MAT exempt. Child Support case based on court ordered level of care not actual care. Parents have varied court ordered level of care or other party (not parent) has care of child. 'L30' not already recorded from same or earlier date of effect. MFU created
  • 'CDE' (Child deceased). MAT exempt. 'CHD' not already recorded from same or earlier date of effect. MFU created. Activity does not auto complete. Details need to be investigated by CSU staff before completing activity
  • 'CLP' (Child left care). MAT fail. Child not already recorded as 'LCC' from same or earlier date of effect. MFU created
  • 'L3E' (Assessment made before 1 July 2008). Level of care less than 30%. MAT exempt. 'L30' not already recorded from same or earlier date of effect. Child Support will not register or continue case for less than 30% care, yet FTB is payable for less than 30% care. MFU created
  • 'OEV' (Other reasons). MAT fail. for example, child is partnered, child has been adopted, child not an Australian resident, child subject to welfare order, child now over 18 years of age. MFU created
  • 'PNF' (Ineligible child). MAT exempt. Child is ineligible, rather than ended, if they are taken out of the case from the start date of the case. Most likely scenario is payer is not the other parent but could also be because, for example, the child was never in care. MFU created. Activity does not auto complete. Details need to be investigated by CSU staff before completing activity. See Effect on Family Tax Benefit (FTB) where the customer elects to suspend or end a child support assessment