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Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship 102-07030200

This document outlines the process to follow when an existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship.

On this page:

Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship

Starting an Australian Apprenticeship and payments other than YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY

Starting an Australian Apprenticeship and record is suspended

Coding requirements when starting an Australian Apprenticeship

Restoring payments upon starting an Australian Apprenticeship

Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship

Table 1




Customer advises they have started or will be starting an Australian Apprenticeship + Read more ...

Is the Australian Apprenticeship full-time?

Yes, go to Step 2.

No, the apprenticeship is only part-time and the customer is currently receiving:


Check if the full-time Australian Apprentice is currently receiving payments + Read more ...

Is the apprentice currently or previously receiving an Income Support Payment or ABSTUDY Living Allowance from Services Australia before starting their apprenticeship?


Check if the payment has been suspended or cancelled + Read more ...

Are the customer's payments suspended or cancelled due to starting an Australian Apprenticeship and DOC has been sent to NCA?


Date started full time apprenticeship + Read more ...

If the customer is currently receiving an Income Support Payment or ABSTUDY Living Allowance and the customer has started an apprenticeship, determine the start date of the full-time Australian Apprentice.

If the start date of the full-time apprenticeship is:


Austudy or Youth Allowance (YA) (student) starts full-time apprenticeship + Read more ...

If an Austudy or YA (student) has started full-time employment as an Australian Apprentice today or in the past, check if they have notified Services Australia within their notification provisions.

Did the customer notify the change in circumstances within their notification provisions?


YA (job seeker) starts full-time apprenticeship + Read more ...

If the customer's payment is currently suspended YBS (Youth Bonus Wage subsidy) (SUS-YBS) they can remain suspended under this reason while the Apprenticeship details are obtained, go to Step 8

For all other YA (job seekers) who have started full-time employment as an Australian Apprentice Check if they have notified Services Australia within the notification provisions.

Did the customer notify within the notification provisions?


Suspension of current payment + Read more ...

Service Officers must suspend payment until Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) provides the Australian Apprenticeship details.

If the customer's payment is currently suspended YBS (Youth Bonus Wage subsidy) (SUS-YBS) they can remain suspended under this reason while the Apprenticeship details are obtained, go to Step 8.

To suspend the payment, in Customer First:

  • Next: field, go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and suspend (SUS) using the code 'OTH' (other) from the later of either:
    • date paid to + 1, or
    • start date of full-time employment
    • the Entitlement Period Start Date (EPSD) in the fortnight the customer is expected to start the apprenticeship

In the Notes field, record the reason for suspension as customer has started full- time apprenticeship/traineeship.

Create a Q134 letter inside the suspension activity. The manual suspension letter must include the following information:

  • Reason for suspension
  • Date of effect
  • Payment Type
  • Reference to the relevant act, and
  • the customer's review and appeal rights. See the Resources page for the most appropriate text to use in the letter

DOC the suspension by recording all relevant details use Fast Note, select Auto text, use Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason. The Fast Note must have the following:

  • Decision made
    payment type, and
    Act/Guide reference upon which decision was based
    See Online Document Recording (ODR)
  • Date of effect of decision
  • Reasons for decision, including why the person was not qualified or why the payment is not payable, for decisions made under section 80
  • Complete the Fast Note

Tell the customer payments cannot restart until DEWR provides the Australian Apprenticeship details. Services Australia can hold a claim for up to 13 weeks pending confirmation of the Australian Apprenticeship details.

Once the suspension has been completed, Service Officers must make sure the Australian Apprenticeship team (NCA) are notified that the customer has already started or will start an apprenticeship in the future.

Refer to the Australian Apprenticeship team, go to Step 8.


Refer to the Australian Apprentice team + Read more ...

  • Create a Fast Note referral to the Australian Apprentice team
  • Search: field, enter all or part of the template name YAL/AUS apprentice action required
  • Select Search
  • Select the Fast Note from the template drop down, and select Confirm
  • Complete the template including:
    • Commonwealth Registration Number (if available)
    • Date apprenticeship started
    • Start date of full-time employment
    • Name (and ABN if available) of the employer
    • Details of fortnightly earnings
    • Date customer stopped studies
  • Once the template content is complete, select Continue
  • Do not close the open DOC created by the work item

Procedure ends here.

Australian Apprentice teams + Read more ...

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, all service delivery staff may complete this step if they are trained. Details are required from the DEWR. See Table 3.


ABSTUDY Living Allowance starts full-time apprenticeship + Read more ...

If a customer has started full-time employment as an Australian Apprentice today or in the past and are receiving ABTUDY Living Allowance, Service Officers must first confirm previous study details.

Has the student stopped their course?

Yes, and the student had started that course:


  • Remaining full-time. Student is eligible to continue receiving ABSTUDY living allowance
  • Changing to part-time:
    • Select the course the student has reduced their study load in from EDCH
    • Update the Student End Date using the date before the start of the reduced study load
    • Key 'C' in the Action: field to correct the information and press [Enter]
    • From EDCH select the EDC that has been corrected
    • Input a new Participation Status Event Date as the date they reduced their study load. Note: if a customer reduces their study load on the first day back after a break, the date to be used is the first day of the new term/semester. The date should not be the last day of the previous term/semester
    • Change the Participation Status to 'PTS'
    • Input an 'I' in the Action: field to 'Insert' the new information and press [Enter]. This will then show 2 lines on the EDCH screen for the current course, one as full-time and one as the part time study load
      - Select the new line that was just created, for the part-time study load, on the EDCH screen
    • Update the Student Start Date as the day they reduced their study load. Update the Inst Course End Date (if applicable) and the Student End Date to match the new Course End Date
    • Input a 'C' in the Action: field to 'correct' the EDC screen
    • Go to Step 10


Finalise activity and Fast Note + Read more ...

Record any relevant information on a DOC and finalise the activity.

Create an open work item using Fast Note: select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY and Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY apprentice action required

  • Select Confirm
  • Include:
    • start date of full-time employment
    • name (and ABN if available) of the employer
    • details of fortnightly earnings
    • date customer stopped studies

Procedure ends here.

Australian Apprentice teams + Read more ...

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, all service delivery staff may complete this step if they are trained.

Details are required from the DEWR. See Table 3.


ABSTUDY starts apprenticeship in the future + Read more ...

If the customer is still studying full-time, no update is required.

If customer has stopped study, see Table 2 in Payment of ABSTUDY when a student is deferring or discontinuing study before the end of the course. Then return to this step.

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: ABY
  • Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
  • Due Date: date customer advises start date of their apprenticeship
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Customer has advised they have started an apprenticeship on XX/XX/XXX. See Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship for instructions.'
  • Keywords: ABYAPT and NOREG
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: ABS

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Customer currently receiving ABSTUDY may not be eligible for ABSTUDY until they start their apprenticeship.

If there is a gap of 28 days or greater between stopping study and starting the Australian Apprenticeship, customers who require income support for this period, must claim Youth Allowance (YA) or JobSeeker Payment (JSP) as a job seeker.

Tell the customer to claim YA or claim JSP.

The customer can reapply for ABSTUDY as an Australian Apprentice from the date the Australian Apprenticeship started. See Claiming ABSTUDY

Procedure ends here.

Starting an Australian Apprenticeship and payments other than YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY

Table 2




Date started full time apprenticeship + Read more ...

If the customer is currently receiving an Income Support Payment (ISP) other than YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY, determine the start date of the full-time Australian Apprentice.

If the start date of the full-time apprenticeship is:


Non-student payment customer started an apprenticeship today or in the past + Read more ...

Check the customers current payment qualification upon starting full-time employment and coding requirements.


Note: if Australian Apprentices processing staff are processing a new claim see Table 3 > Step 1.

Will the customer continue to qualify for their current payment upon starting full-time employment?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, tell customer to submit a new claim for payment as an Australian Apprentice and DOC the record

Australian Apprentices processing staff: If processing a new claim see Table 3 > Step 1.


Non-student payment customer will be starting an apprenticeship in the future + Read more ...

Start date of full-time employment is in the future and customer is currently being paid income support other than YA, ABSTUDY or Austudy.

Check if the customer continues to qualify for their current payment upon starting full-time employment for example, Parenting Payment Single.


Will the customer continue to qualify for their current payment upon starting full-time employment?


Starting apprenticeship and retaining eligibility for current payment + Read more ...

Would a transfer to an Australian Apprentice payment be more beneficial?


Starting apprenticeship check eligibility for current payment + Read more ...

Check if the customer will continue to qualify for their current payment when they start their apprenticeship.

  • If the customer will continue to qualify for the current payment in the interim (for example, will participate in job search, or remain as a full time student), go to Step 6
  • If the customer will not qualify for the current payment in the interim, (for example, does not wish to continue to participate in job search), go to Step 7


Customer will continue to qualify for their current payment until they start their apprenticeship + Read more ...

Customers who continue to qualify for the current payment until they start their apprenticeship (for example, will participate in job search, or remain as a full time student):

Tell the customer to submit an online claim.

For customers:

Create an open work item using Fast Note:

  • Select Auto text use Students, ABSTUDY and Apprentices > Update > AUS/YAL Future Apprentice
  • Select Confirm
  • Include:
    • Commonwealth Registration Number: (if available)
    • Date Apprenticeship will start:
    • Date started of full-time employment
    • Name (and ABN if available) of the employer
    • Details of fortnightly earnings
  • Suspend payment, from the Benefit Action (BA) screen using code OTH (Other) from the start date of full-time employment. Create a Q134 letter inside the suspension activity. See the Resources page for the most appropriate text to use in the letter. Manual suspension letter must include the following information:
    • Reason for suspension
    • Date of effect
    • Payment type
    • Reference to the relevant act, and
    • The customer's review and appeal rights
    • Document the suspension by recording all relevant details using the Suspend Cancel Reason Fast Note. Create an open work item using Fast Note, select Auto text, use General > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason
  • The Fast Note must have the following:
    • Decision made, payment type and Act/Guide reference upon which decision was based, see Online Document Recording (ODR)
    • Date of effect of decision
    • Reasons for decision, including why the person was not qualified or why the payment is not payable, for decisions made under section 80
    • Complete the Fast Note

Australian Apprentice teams + Read more ...


Customer will not qualify for current payment before starting apprenticeship + Read more ...

Customer does not qualify for the current payment before starting their apprenticeship (for example, does not wish to continue to participate in job search):

  • Suspend payment, from the Benefits Action (BA) screen using code OTH (Other) from the start date of full-time employment. Create a Q134 letter inside the suspension activity. See the Resources page for the most appropriate text to use in the letter. Manual suspension letter must include the following information:
    • Reason for suspension
    • Date of effect
    • Payment type
    • Reference to the relevant act, and
    • The customer's review and appeal rights

Document the suspension by recording all relevant details Use Fast Note. Select: Auto text use General > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason

  • The Fast Note must have the following:
    • Decision made, payment type and Act/Guide reference upon which decision was based, see Online Document Recording (ODR)
    • Date of effect of decision
    • Reasons for decision, including why the person was not qualified or why the payment is not payable, for decisions made under section 80
    • Complete the Fast Note

Customer must submit a new claim for payment as an Australian Apprentice.

For customers:

Starting an Australian Apprenticeship and record is suspended

For Australian Apprentices processing staff only

Table 3




Payment has been suspended or cancelled + Read more ...

Review the DOC advising start of full-time apprenticeship/traineeship.

Obtain the Australian Apprenticeship details from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR).

In cases where the Australian Apprenticeship details are not available, the payment must remain suspended/cancelled while waiting for DEWR to provide the details.

Contact the customer to tell them the reason for the delay.

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: customer's payment type
  • Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
  • Due Date: 13 weeks from:
    • date of suspension, or
    • date customer notified if payment is suspended Youth Bonus Wage Subsidy (YBWS) 26 week suspension period (SUS-YBS)
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Customer has advised they have started an apprenticeship xx/xx/xxxx. Payment already suspended or cancelled. Check if Australian Apprenticeship details have been established. Return to Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship for instructions.'
  • Keywords:
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

If the Australian Apprenticeship details have not yet been established and:

  • the customer's payment is suspended YBS:
    • check the cancellation date for YBS
    • if cancellation is in the future, in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
      Service Reason: customer's payment type
      Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
      Due Date: date the same as CAN-YBE date
      Source: INT
      Date of Receipt: today's date
      Notes: 'Customer has advised they have started an apprenticeship on xx/xx/xxxx. Check if Australian Apprenticeship details have been established. Return to Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship for instructions.'
      Keywords: NAPEMPL, NOREG and NOREJ
      Workgroup: leave blank
      Position: leave blank
      Transfer to Region: leave blank
    • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • the customer was transferring between benefits (for example, JobSeeker Payment to Austudy), code the YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY claim. Reject the claim for reason NAT (Not an Apprentice)
  • the customer was transferring activity within the same benefit. Tell the customer YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY was cancelled because confirmation of their Australian Apprentice status has not been recorded by DEWR. Make one genuine attempt to contact the customer to advise the cancellation reason. See Calling a customer or returning a customer's call. Tell the customer their review and appeal rights

Once the Australian Apprenticeship details have been obtained:


Customer transferring activity type + Read more ...

Customer transferring activity type and Australian Apprenticeship details obtained by Australian Apprentice team.

Determine if there is a gap in entitlement. This may be due to:

  • the customer starting work as an Australian Apprentice but, when the Commonwealth registration number was issued, it was current from a later date
  • the customer was being paid as a student, stopped studies before starting full-time apprenticeship and was receiving YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY, and did not wish to participate in job search in the interim
  • the customer was being paid YA (student or job seeker) or Austudy, and failed to notify of the start of the Australian Apprenticeship within the relevant notification period
  • the customer's payment was suspended under the Youth Bonus Wage Subsidy (YBWS) before starting their apprenticeship
    Note: a customer is entitled to remain suspended YBS until the date they start their apprenticeship. A gap in entitlement is to be considered if they started their apprenticeship after the 26 week suspension period ended and payments have cancelled YBE. If a customer's suspended payment YBS has been coded with a gap between the suspension period and apprenticeship grant date customer's Working Credit entitlements will not be transferred to Student Income Bank

Is there a gap in entitlement?


Gap in entitlement exists + Read more ...

If the gap is:


Customer is a student + Read more ...

Was the customer a student?

Coding requirements when starting an Australian Apprenticeship

For Australian Apprentices processing staff only

Table 4




Gap in entitlement for YA and Austudy of less than 13 weeks + Read more ...

The customer is eligible to be paid up to the earlier of:

  • the last date of study, or
  • the day before they started the Australian Apprenticeship

Update the Study Details:

  • on the EDC screen, end the course of study and change the Student End Date: field to the earlier of the above dates
  • update the NES screen, insert NST from Student End Date +1
  • create a DOC to record the updates

See Table 5 > Step 1.


Notification obligations + Read more ...

Did the customer notify of the change in circumstances within their notification provisions?


Cancel customer's payment + Read more ...

If the customer failed to advise of the change in circumstances within their notification provisions, in Customer First:

  • Cancel the customer's payment via the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Service reason: field, select appropriate service reason from the drop down menu
    • Action: field, CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: field, OTH - Other
    • Effect Date: field, Date the customer started Apprenticeship
    • Notes1: field, 'Customer started FT Apprenticeship'
    • Receipt Date: field, Date of notification

Create a Q134 letter inside the cancellation activity. See the Resources page for the most appropriate text to use in the letter. Manual cancellation letter must include the following information:

  • Reason for cancellation
  • Date of effect
  • Payment type
  • Reference to the relevant act, and
  • The customer's review and appeal rights

Document the cancellation by recording all relevant details using the Suspend Cancel Reason Fast Note:

  • Select Auto text, use General > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason
  • The Fast Note must have the following:
    • Decision made, payment type and Act/Guide reference upon which decision was based, see Online Document Recording (ODR)
    • Date of effect of decision
    • Reasons for decision, including why the person was not qualified or why the payment is not payable, for decisions made under section 80
    • Complete the Fast Note
  • Contact the customer, tell them to lodge a claim online

Procedure ends here.


Payment type before starting apprenticeship + Read more ...

Was the customer being paid ABSTUDY before starting their apprenticeship?

  • Yes,
    • code the Education Course Details
    • Participation Status event date: Start date of the apprenticeship
    • Participation Status: of APT (Apprentice/Trainee) from the date of qualification as an Australian Apprentice
    • go to Step 7
  • No, and the:
    • customer's payment is cancelled YBE and they started an Australian Apprenticeship within the 26 week suspended YBS period go to Step 5
    • customer's payment is not cancelled YBE, go to Step 6


Approved workaround to restore cancelled YBE + Read more ...

If the customer is:

  • not cancelled YBE, go to Step 6
  • cancelled YBE, restore the payment using either Process Direct or Customer First

Process Direct:

  • Cancel the customer's payment via the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Service reason: field, select appropriate service reason from the drop down menu
    • Action: field, CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: field, OTH - Other
    • Enter date of effect as date before the apprenticeship start date or date of notification (whichever is later)
  • Select Save
  • Code Receipt Date, Channel and Service Reason
    if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
  • Select Save

Customer First:

  • Cancel the customer's payment via the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Service reason: field, select appropriate service reason from the drop down menu
    • Action: field, CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: field, OTH - Other
    • Enter date of effect as date before the apprenticeship start date or date of notification (whichever is later)
    • Notes: staff must add notes to the activity to prevent an error
  • Complete Source and Receipt date and Submit Change

If the payment does not restore, some possible (but not limited to) fixes could include:

  • End date the job seeker's full-time work status on the Customer Employment Status Update (EAES) screen
  • Key a 'zero' income for the last employer that the job seeker had when they stopped work
  • Make sure they complete all outstanding reporting periods, or
  • End date the 'other income' on the Other Income Summary (OINS) screen

Staff must take care and consideration to make sure:

  • customers are not paid incorrect arrears or
  • unnecessary debts are raised and
  • letters are inhibited

Go to Step 6.


YA and Austudy - updating the Education Status (NES) screen + Read more ...

For YA and Austudy only, update the NES screen. Select the Student Information link under the Study heading in Workspace.

If the customer is transferring from a YA (job seeker) including if payment is suspended YBS:

  • the Student Information will already be coded as 'NST'
  • in the Event Date: field, code the start date of Australian Apprenticeship
  • in the Student Status: field, code APT (Australian Apprentice)

If transferring from a student and they have continuous entitlement:

  • the Student Information will already be coded as 'NST'
  • in the Event Date: field, code the date the customer will start their Australian Apprenticeship
  • in the Student Status: field, code APT (Australian Apprentice)

If transferring from a student and there is a gap in entitlement:

  • the Student Information will already be coded as 'NST'
  • in the Event Date: field, code the date the customer will start Australian Apprenticeship
  • in the Student Status: field, code APT (Australian Apprentice)


Update the Apprenticeship Details (NAPD) screen + Read more ...

Once the Study Details (for ABSTUDY) or Student Information (for YA and Austudy) screens have been coded, this should trigger the link with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations' Apprenticeships Data Management System (ADMS).

ADMS may return a number of records to match and will show on the External Name List (XIL) screen.

The Service Officer must select the right customer to link the records.

The ADMS database will then transfer information to Services Australia and update the NAPD screen with the apprenticeship details.

If the ADMS link is not operational, manually code the apprenticeship details on the NAPD screen. Do this in either:

  • Process Direct
    • Go to the Apprentice Details (NAPD) screen
    • Select Add. On the Create Apprenticeship Details screen, complete the Australian Apprenticeship details
    • Select Save
    • Key the Receipt Date, Channel and Service Reason
      if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
    • Select Save
    • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
    • Selecting Assess again, then select Finish
    • Record details of the update
    • Select Finalise
  • Customer First
    • Go to the Apprenticeship Details (NAPD) screen
    • Key the Australian Apprenticeship details


Check if customer is a dependent + Read more ...

Is the customer a dependent customer on Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY?


Consider approval of away from home rate for a dependent customer on Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY + Read more ...

Dependent Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY customers may be eligible to receive a higher rate of payment if they need to live away from home in order to undertake their Australian Apprenticeship.

The away from home rate may be payable if:

  • home conditions make it difficult to work in an Australian Apprenticeship
  • it takes 90 minutes or more to travel 1 way from their permanent (that is, family) home by public transport to reach the Australian Apprenticeship place of employment

For more information, see:

If the criteria for the away from home rate has been met, select the Independence link in Workspace and record details.


Employment income + Read more ...

Code the Employment Income with the following:

  • Apprentice Employer: field, Yes
  • Event Date: field, the date the employment income was paid to the customer
  • Frequency: field,
    • IOP - Income for One Period, where the customer's employer pay period duration is equal to or less than the entitlement period duration, or
    • LOP - Long Period, where the customer's employer pay period duration is greater than the entitlement period duration.

Note: where LOP is coded, Service Officers will be prompted to code the start and end date of the employer's pay period.

  • select Save Response
  • select Yes to 'Are there more employment details to declare for this employer?'
  • Event Date: field, the Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) will pre-populate as appropriate
  • Type of Employment Details Update: field, HOP - Hours For One Period
  • Status: field, FTO - Full-time ongoing
  • Hours: field, the amount of hours for which the customer was paid

Employment Income must be coded manually if coding is needed within a new claim activity.

Make sure the Apprentice customer is placed on two-weekly reporting.

Contact the customer by phone, to confirm their income for each fortnight since the date they became qualified as an Australian Apprentice.

If the Apprenticeship details are being coded as part of a YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY claim, see:

If payments are to be restored, see Table 5 > Step 1.

Restoring payments upon starting an Australian Apprenticeship

For Australian Apprentices processing staff only

Table 5




Restore payments from the Australian Apprenticeship start date + Read more ...

YA and Austudy

If the customer's payment is suspended SUS-YBS or cancelled (CAN-YBE), go to Step 2

For all other YA and Austudy customer including if their payment is cancelled OTH:

  • Restore benefit via the Benefits Action (BA) screen
  • Record the Effect Date: the date will default or enter the date of restoration

Although payments are restorable (that is, no claim is needed) where there has been a gap in entitlement of up to 13 weeks, and the payment has cancelled, nil payment will be made in respect of the gap. An Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) must be coded as a workaround to have the payment restored from the correct date. The customer does not need to lodge a new claim as it is deemed a restoration.

  • if there has been a gap in entitlement (that is, gap of 1 day or more) and the customer's employment income is too high to qualify for payments, the record will cancel after any available working credits are depleted
  • if there has been continuous entitlement and the customer's employment income is too high to qualify for payments, the record will cancel after 6 fortnights of nil entitlement
  • Go to Step 3


  • To make sure there is no gap in entitlement an update to previous EDC coding is required:
    • 'S'elect the previous course on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen with the old course details
    • change the date in the Student End Date: field and the Allowable Time End Date: field to 1 day before the apprenticeship start date
    • in the Action field, key 'C' for correct
  • Restore benefit via the BA screen
  • Code the Effect date: field with the date from previous cancellation
  • Go to Step 3


Restore SUS-YBS or CAN-YBE payments + Read more ...

YA and Austudy

In Customer First

If payment is suspended YBS.

Go to benefit action (BA) screen

  • Key payment type in the SVC Rsn field
  • Key RES for restore in Action field using reason code YBS
  • Notes: enter this text 'manual restoration date required'
  • Date of effect: date is either the date customer started Australian Apprenticeship OR date of notification (whichever is later)
  • Complete Source field and the date of receipt in the Date of Receipt (DOR) field. The date of restoration and DOR need to be the same.
  • Go the Assessment Result (AR) screen and finalise the activity

If payment is cancelled YBE

  • Make note of the CAN-YBE date of event (DOV)
  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and complete the following fields
    • The payment type in the SVC RSN field
    • 'CAN' in Action field
    • Code 'OTH' in Reason field
    • Enter date of effect as date before CAN-YBE DOV
    • Code Source and DOR
  • Go the Assessment Result (AR) screen and finalise the activity
  • Note: care/consideration must be given to make sure customers are not paid incorrect arrears or unnecessary debts are raised and, that letters are inhibited

Once payments have been CAN- OTH payments can be restored:

  • Go to Benefit Action (BA) screen
    • In Svc Rsn field, select or key benefit type
    • In Action field, key 'RES'
    • Effect Date: field with the date from which the Commonwealth Registration Number is current.
    • Complete Source and DOR fields
  • Go the Assessment Result (AR) screen and finalise the activity

Note: if the payment does not restore, some possible (but not limited to) fixes could include:

  • End date the job seeker's full-time work status on the Customer Employment Status Update (EAES) screen
  • Key a 'zero' income for the last employer that the job seeker had when they stopped work
  • Make sure they complete all outstanding reporting periods, or
  • End date the 'other income' on the Other Income Summary (OINS) screen


Finalising restoration + Read more ...

  • Customers with an activity of Australian Apprenticeship are automatically profiled as 2 weekly stimulus reporters
  • After going to the Entitlement (ELD) screen in Process Direct or the Assessments Results (AR) screen in Customer First, check the Reporting Regime Summary (RPRS) screen shows the customer is on 2 weekly reporting
  • Explain self-service and Self Service Reporting. Register the customer for these services
  • Advise of reporting obligations and the date employment income must be declared
  • When transferring from job seeker to an Australian Apprentice, the Apprentice will continue to be entitled to a Health Care Card and can use the existing card until a new card is issued
  • Record details on a DOC and finalise activity

Procedure ends here.


Finalise previous benefit + Read more ...

If the previous benefit was JSP or YA (job seeker):

  • if there is a gap between the JSP or YA (job seeker) date paid to and the claim start date as an Australian Apprentice, and
  • the customer is meeting their mutual obligation requirements as a job seeker, and
  • has a working credit balance,
  • restore JSP or YA (job seeker) in order to deplete working credits before transferring the activity type to Australian Apprentice

Make sure the final JSP reports are processed:

  • the Authorised to Date: and Date Paid To: dates are equal on the NSS General Information (NGI) screen

Tell the customer their Health Care Card will cancel from the date they become an Australian Apprentice. Discuss automatic re-issue of Health Care Card for their Australian Apprenticeship when they submit a claim.

If a manual cancellation is required before the new claim can be processed, cancel the previous benefit from the date of suspension.


Code the Youth Allowance, Austudy or ABSTUDY Australian Apprentice claim + Read more ...