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Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and/or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) customer separates 277-50080050

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

If you have concerns about a child's safety, conduct the risk and referral process.

For information on Child Care Subsidy (CCS) changes in relationship status, Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims.

This page contains details for Service Officers to follow if a FTB, PPL and/or CCS customer advises of separation.

On this page:

Customer advises they have separated

Claiming or not claiming income support

Determining whether code RHH is correct on the record

Customer advises they have separated

Table 1




Support the customer to separate safely + Read more ...

If a customer separates, changes to their record must be made to reflect their new circumstances. These changes can result in a potential privacy breach if they are not done correctly. Customers must be supported to separate safely.

Conduct a separating safely check with the customer before updating any personal information or contacting the other party


Check payments received + Read more ...

Does the customer or partner receive an income support payment as well as FTB, PPL and/or CCS?

This includes students receiving ABSTUDY Incidentals Allowance (ABY/CUR) who may be entitled to full ABSTUDY including Living Allowance following separation.


Initial contact + Read more ...

FTB, PPL and/or CCS customer or their partner advises they have separated.

Customer advises they have separated:

  • If they advise their relationship status will change in future, do not key the change. Offer to issue appropriate forms and do a resubmit DOC for 14 days from the expected date of change. See new postage timeframes for correct resubmit dates
  • If they have their ex-partner appointed as their nominee, or if they are the nominee for their ex-partner, ask if they wish to cancel the nominee arrangement
  • If they are indicating that they and/or their children are at risk of family and domestic violence, go to Step 4


A Relationship details - Separated under one roof (SS293) form is required when FTB/CCS only customers separate but remain residing under the same roof. For example, a separated customer lives with their ex-partner. SUOR does not apply for PPL only customers.

It is not appropriate to issue a Separation details (MOD S) to FTB/CCS or PPL customers who separate and are not receiving an income support payment (ISP). This includes where FTB/CCS only customer is claiming separated under one roof.

For FTB/CCS only customers who are SUOR, verification of separation is done using the assessment of the SUOR form.

See Table 2 for steps verification of separation.

Partner advises separation

If the partner of the FTB/CCS/PPL customer is advising the separation, go to Step 6

Otherwise, go to Step 5.


Family and domestic violence present + Read more ...

For vulnerable customers, see the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct risk identification and offer suitable referrals, such as a referral to a social worker.

Where they indicate that they and/or their children are at risk of family and domestic violence, their relationship status can be updated immediately and verification requested (if needed).

Child support

If they have any children from this relationship in their care, discuss initial action to take child support.

Tell them that, if required to do so, failure to take reasonable action to get child support within the 13 week (91 day) timeframe can reduce the rate of FTB Part A to base rate.

Refer customers who indicate that they and/or their children are at risk of family and domestic violence to a social worker to discuss eligibility for a maintenance exemption.


Children in their care + Read more ...

Does the customer still have children in their care?

  • Yes:
  • No, in Customer First:
    • If a child has left their care, key child out of care to cancel payments for child, see Child leaves customer's care/custody
    • Update relationship status on Marital Status (MS) screen from date of separation and update address if changed
    • Check if the payment was previously made to a joint account. Update the bank details if required. For more details, see Changing payment destination
    • Procedure ends here


Partner is advising separation + Read more ...

Partner advising still living with customer and not changed address:

For PPL - SUOR does not apply to customers receiving PPL payments only. Continue to update the separation on the partner's record.

For FTB and CCS customers, if the partner indicates they have not changed address and are still living with the customer, do not update. Issue the Relationship details - Separated under one roof form (SS293). See Requesting information (CLK).

Record the details of the conversation with the customer on a DOC, including details of forms issued. Procedure ends here.

FTB/CCS/PPL Partner advising address has changed:

In Customer First on the Marital Status (MS) screen start a new line and key Event Date: as separation date and key 'SEP' in Marital Status: field. Select Continue. Screen flow will automatically swap from the partner's record to the customer's record after the MS screen is updated.

From the customer's Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen, swap to the partner's record and update the partner's address and any other relevant details such as rent and telephone details.

Finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Record the details on a DOC.

Child/ren in partner's care

If any of the children will be living with the partner after the separation, tell the partner that they can claim FTB/CCS for the child/ren. See Initial contact by customers claiming FTB.

Also consider if eligible for any other income support payment and other products and services.

Procedure ends here.


Customer has child/ren in care + Read more ...

If a child from this relationship is still in the customer's care:

  • Confirm if the care arrangement is going to change or remain the same
  • If the care arrangements are not changing, tell the customer they will need to contact Services Australia if their care arrangements change to avoid overpayments
  • If a shared care arrangement now exists, an update to the Care Alignment (!CADDS) screen is required in Customer First to advise of this. It may also be necessary to issue a Details of your shared care arrangements (FA012) form. If their shared care percentage has reduced, their new percentage should be recorded at first contact. See Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
  • Tell them about initial action to get child support. Tell them if required to do so, failure to take reasonable maintenance action within the 13 week (91 day) timeframe may reduce the rate of FTB Part A to base rate. See Maintenance Action Test
  • Get details of any maintenance income. Record any of the following maintenance types if necessary:

If a child from a previous relationship is still in the customer's care:

If a non-biological child is still in the customer's care:

If a step child is still in the customer's care:

Check child care details for CCS current customer, for example, children attending care, service providers. If CCS only customer wishes to claim FTB, see Claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB). If a child has left their care, key child out of care to cancel payments for child. See Child leaves customer's care/custody. Tell them that the new carer may be eligible to claim FTB/CCS for the child.


Identify eligibility for income support and other products and services + Read more ...

If they:

Claiming or not claiming income support

Table 2




Verification of separation + Read more ...

There is no requirement to verify separation if a non-income support FTB, PPL and/or CCS customer unless a FTB/CCS customer advises they are still living under the same roof.

In these cases, verification of separation occurs using the assessment of the SS293 form/s.

Go to Step 2.


Claiming Income Support + Read more ...

Customer is claiming or will claim income support

If the customer is claiming income support:

  • Direct them to lodge a claim online. Separation details relevant to the claim will be captured within the income support claim. This includes triggering the SS293 form/s where a customer separates and continues to live with their ex-partner (SUOR). Record details on a DOC
  • If their ex-partner is permitted to enquire, update the PPE authority (unless the customer has indicated that their ex-partner is still permitted to enquire):
    • In Customer First, insert a new line on the Marital Status (MS) screen
    • Restate partnered Marital Status field as the same as the previous entry
    • Update the Person Permitted to Enquire indicator PPE Cust and PPE Ptnr: fields as 'N' from the day before the date of separation
    • The date must be the day before the separation date to prevent an error when coding the date of separation
  • Code a DOC on the customer's record
  • Go to Step 3

Customer is not claiming income support

If the customer is not claiming income support and they are:


Change of address before claiming income support + Read more ...

If the customer is advising of a change of address before they lodge a claim for income support:

  • Open the Address Details (AD) screen to update the address. Staff must key ‘No’ in the Make Partner the same field to make sure the address update is not applied to the ex-partner record.
  • Open the Accommodation (AC) screen:
    • Key ‘C’ in the Accommodation details for field. An auto ULK code will display in the Rent Verification field and payment of Rent Assistance (RA) will stop
    • If there have been no changes to the rent details update the Rent Verification field with the same code that existed before ULK. RA can continue to be paid
    • In all other circumstances, re-verify the rent details

For more information see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA).

Go to Step 6


Issue a Relationship details – separated under one roof (SS293) form + Read more ...

Issue SS293 form/s

Where the customer advises they live under the same roof as their ex-partner, request an SS293 - Relationship details - Separated under one roof form.

Issue the Relationship details - Separated under one roof form (SS293) and appropriate letter.

Note: do not issue a SS293 form to an ex-partner if the customer has identified safety concerns. If the customer has a separate postal address, ensure forms are only sent to the postal address.

It is important to record the separation date as the MOD S will not be needed and SS293 form/s does not capture the date of separation.

Procedure ends here. A MoC work item allocates to MoC streaming staff for action if a customer uploads the form or it is scanned to the customer's record.


Customer is not SUOR - process separation + Read more ...

Process separation and any other new details in Customer First.

Go to the Marital Status (MS) screen:

  • enter 'MS' in the Next: field to access a new screen for updating
  • Event Date: field, record the date of separation
  • Marital Status: field, select separated marital status
  • PPE Cust and PPE Ptnr: field, update to 'N'
  • Qualifier Code: field, leave blank
  • Source: field, select relevant source of information
  • Receipt Date: field, date the information was received
  • select Continue to navigate to the Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen
  • update any other changes, including Office Code (OC) screen, by selecting the appropriate screens from the CDTS screen.
    Note: select 'S' for any screen to be updated to make sure only the customer's record will be updated

If the customer:

  • is updating their address details:
    • on the Address Details (AD) screen, update the address. Staff must key 'No' in the Make partner the same: field to make sure the address update is not applied to the partner record
    • on the Accommodation (AC) screen: Key 'C' in Accommodation details for: field. An auto ULK code will display in Rent Verification: field and payment of Rent Assistance (RA) will stop. If there have been no changes to the rent details, update the Rent Verification: field with the same code that existed before ULK. RA can continue. In all other circumstances, re-verify their rent details
    • for more information, see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
  • is not updating their address details:
    • on the Accommodation (AC) screen: Key 'C' in Accommodation details for: field. An auto ULK code will display in Rent Verification: field and payment of Rent Assistance (RA) will stop
    • If there have been no changes to rent details, update the Rent Verification: field with the same code that existed before ULK. RA can continue. In all other circumstances, re-verify their rent details
  • has payments made to an account which their former partner has access to, or a joint account, discuss changing their payment destination
  • is caring for a dependent child:
  • has their former partner is appointed as their nominee, ask if they wish to cancel the nominee arrangement
  • has changed their email address, see Adding, changing or removing an email address

Check the current income estimate is reasonable and follow up new estimate/payment choice/work/training/study test if needed. Do not key the partner's income as $0 due to the separation, as the partner's income will cease to be included from the date of separation.

If the activity is generating arrears, see Step 10 in the Determining if arrears are payable table.

For more details, see Updating income estimates for the current financial year. Make sure the correct date of event is used.

Finalise activity on Assessment Results (AR) screen. Create a Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Update > Stated SEPARATED from Partner DOV: to record details of separation.

Retrospective marital status changes for PPL customers

Marital status changes for PPL claims for children with Expected Date of Birth (EDOB) / Actual Date of Birth (ADOB) on or after 1 July 2023.

The customer’s PPL entitlement is based on their marital status at the date of the customer’s initial PPL claim.

Customers who are:

  • single on the date they submit their PPL claim, can claim up to the maximum PPL entitlement
  • partnered on the date they submit their PPL claim can claim up to the maximum PPL entitlement minus the reserved entitlement

If the customer notifies that the marital status they provided within their PPL claim was incorrect and updates are made from or before the date of claim lodgement, the system will reassess the customers entitlement. Any additional PPL entitlement will be added to the customer’s balance of unclaimed PPL days.

There is no change to PPL entitlement when a customer advises a date of separation after the date of claim. This includes when a customer:

  • has lodged a PPL preclaim and been assessed as eligible, and
  • advises a date of separation after the preclaim lodgement date and
  • Add Newborn not yet processed or lodged

Confirm that the customer does not wish to claim income support.

Have they confirmed they do not wish to claim?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No, they advise they do wish to claim - tell them to lodge a claim online. Go to Step 6


Claiming or transferring to other income support payment + Read more ...

See the following for claiming or transferring to other income support payments:

Procedure ends here.


Customer remains entitled to income support payment they received while partnered + Read more ...

Determining whether code RHH is correct on the record

Table 3




Customer has 'Reconciliation' (RHH) MAT code on Maintenance Action Result (MNMR) screen + Read more ...

Referral to the Child Support Unit required

Create a Fast Note to the Child Support Unit. Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Families > Enquiry > Maintenance Enquiry.

Note: the Maintenance Enquiry template automatically includes the relevant 'ACTCSU' keyword. If the request is urgent, the 'URGENT' keyword must be manually added to the Fast Note.

  • Child Support Unit Service Officers, go to Step 2
  • All other Service Officers, procedure ends here


Check if the record has incorrectly retained the RHH MAT code + Read more ...

Has the RHH MAT code been incorrectly retained on the customer's record?

  • Yes, update MAT code to Pseudo DMA Event (PDE), go to Step 3
  • No, record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here


PDE to be applied to the record + Read more ...

From the December 2016 release, the 'PDE ' code became a manual code. PDE simulates a DMA period, and when coded on the Maintenance Action (MNMA) screen, results in DMA on the Maintenance Action (MNMR) screen. The PDE MAT code can only be entered by staff with relevant access.

Refer the case to ICT via normal escalation procedures to have the 'PDE' MAT code applied. This makes sure relevant letters are issued to the customer advising of the requirement to take maintenance action.