Customer advises care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) 007-02040010
This document outlines the initial contact or change of care arrangements for all customers. All types of care arrangements need to be assessed and coded for Family Tax Benefit (FTB).
Staff trained in processing families claims in Process Direct, select the Process Direct tab. Otherwise, select Customer First.
Process Direct
On this page:
Customer advises care arrangements for FTB
Coding care assessments for FTB customers
Customer advises care arrangements for FTB
Table 1:
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer advises of care arrangements + Read more ... A customer may advise Services Australia of a care arrangement verbally, in writing, on a Details of your care arrangements form (FA012), This includes non-family assistance claims such as Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy or ABSTUDY. If the customer is currently in receipt of FTB, advises of separation from most recent partner and advises of a change in care arrangements at the same time, i.e. shared care, go to Step 1 in Table 2. If the customer is currently in receipt of FTB, advises of separation from most recent partner and advises no change in care arrangements, no further action is required for care arrangements. For all other action required where a customer separates, see Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and/or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) customer separates. Note: If the customer advises of separation, there are key tasks they must consider to keep their personal information safe. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details. 100% care change Where a change of care (100% care change) has occurred, and the child has:
Check for sensitive issues and make appropriate referral to a social worker. If all shared care information is confirmed by the other party and already coded on that party’s file, process the advised changes at first point of contact. Separate procedures apply if the customer:
Shared care Where a customer notifies shared care:
2 |
Determine if a care activity has commenced + Read more ... Check the customer's record to determine if the care decision is being undertaken by staff delivering Child Support services. Select the relevant child from the Relations menu:
Has a care activity been commenced in the Child Support system?
3 |
Child Support system has a commenced care activity + Read more ... No updates are required. If the care assessment was completed, go to the SCA screen. The Families Shared Care table displays the date the new care arrangement commenced, the care percentage, assessment method (CSP Care Decision) and carer. Record details of the contact on a DOC/Note. Procedure ends here. |
4 |
Child Support system has not commenced, finalised or lapsed a care activity + Read more ... If the losing carer is advising that a court order/parenting plan/written agreement for care arrangements is not being complied with (disputed care), see Disputed care step in the Initial customer contact table in Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB). If a care assessment is not yet commenced or finalised or has a status of Lapsed, and the activity cannot be completed end to end on the date received:
Go to Step 1 in Table 2. |
Coding care assessments for FTB customers
Table 2:
Step |
Action |
1 |
Assessing each carer + Read more ... Has care assessment information been confirmed by the other party and already coded on other party’s record?
Note: a problem (P24845) has been identified where shared care is not being correctly applied when a child is in the care of a parent who has transferred their FTB to their current partner (step-parent). The Resources page contains details of the workaround that must be applied every time care is reassessed on these records. |
2 |
Code decrease of care + Read more ... Where there is a decrease in care for the customer, apply the decrease for FTB customers, including customers in receipt of an income support payment to ensure that they are not overpaid.
SSC screen/shared care table, ‘shared care percentage’ and ‘principal carer indicator’ is used to determine principal carer status for income support payments. If the customer is single and receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (job seeker) or Special Benefit (SpB) and the principal carer status is changing, the Principal carer details (PCCD) screen will be automatically updated based on SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen coding. If the customer receives Parenting Payment Single (PPS) and no longer has principal care of the child, and the DOV coded on SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen is prior to 2 March 2024 update the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen with:
This ensures correct PP and pension child assessment. If this is the only PP child in care, PPS will cancel. After coding the reduction in care, go to Step 3. |
3 |
Evidence + Read more ... If a customer has:
Note: in most cases it is mandatory to attempt to contact the other carer, even if the other carer is not claiming FTB. Exceptions to this are:
Note: where FDV concerns are identified, the FDV Support Model must be followed and consideration be given to the involvement of a social worker where a child may be at risk of harm or where a customer's circumstances indicate vulnerability or risk to the customer's safety. See Social work service referral. |
4 |
Outbound call + Read more ... Was the contact successful and the care arrangement details confirmed?
5 |
Send documentation to the customer and other carer + Read more ...
If the losing carer/recent ex-partner is FTB current:
If the losing carer/recent ex-partner is:
See Information requests for FTB and PPL claims, and Add Newborn and PPL change of circumstances activities for help requesting care information. Note: there is no requirement to issue a FA012 locally, customers are to follow the instructions contained in the RFI to access the form online.
Note: due to the unsuccessful contact with the other carer, letters are sent to both the losing and gaining carers to provide both carers equal opportunity to provide evidence without unnecessary delays to process the FTB payment. Customer in hardship - gaining carer If the new carer is in hardship and is currently receiving an income support payment or has a claim pending, the FTB claim may be determined without delay. However, the change of care must still be confirmed, this can be by phone. If contact cannot be made and the evidence to support the decision is satisfactory, FTB can be paid to the gaining carer. The customer should be advised that if the care arrangements are contested, this may result in an overpayment for the customer. When the evidence is due to be returned, go to Step 6. |
6 |
Return of requested information + Read more ... Evidence not returned within allowable time frame Make 1 genuine phone contact attempt to the other carer. If contact attempt is successful, and the other carer:
If there is still no response received from either carer, in Customer First cancel FTB for the other carer (unless they are identified as vulnerable or at risk) using reason 'FRC' (Failed to Reply to Correspondence) on the Benefits Action (BA) screen from date paid to plus 1. Where the gaining carer is claiming FTB, code the gaining carer's claim 'NEF' (not effective), as it is not certain that the change of care has occurred. If the other carer is vulnerable or at risk, 2 genuine attempts to contact by phone should be made before cancelling the customer 'FRC'. FTB should not be granted/reassessed for the new carer. Do not change the care percentages until there is enough evidence to support such a decision. If the losing carer is in receipt of an income support payment, their entitlement may be affected by the change in shared care. See:
Further evidence may need to be requested from the gaining carer. If evidence is supplied by the gaining carer at a later date, this can be used to reassess the payment from the date the care changed (prior to date paid to plus one). Do not reassess the gaining carer until there is enough evidence to support the decision. Procedure ends here. Record details on a DOC/Note on each carer's record. Note: when the actual care decision is made, both gaining and losing carer records should be updated with the correct care details from the correct date. Do not use date paid to plus one, the correct date of the care change must be used. All carers have responded Compare available evidence and identify areas of contest (if any).
One carer responds Make a decision on the available evidence. A child can only be linked to a person (carers) record if:
When the actual care decision is made, record/s should be updated with the correct care details from the correct date. Do not use date paid to plus one, the correct date of the care change must be used. On the losing carer's record:
If the customer receives Parenting Payment Single (PPS) and no longer has principal care of the child and the DOV coded on SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen is prior to 2 March 2024, update the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen with:
Child changes recorded on 1 customer's record will ripple to other customers linked to the child. If the customer is in a different environment and updates are required, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions for assistance with environment transfers If the losing carer:
Ensure that the following information is recorded on a DOC/Note:
Update the gaining carer's record. Note: do not grant/reassess the gaining carer until there is enough evidence to support the decision. |
7 |
Disagreement over care arrangements + Read more ... All disagreed care assessments and updates are completed by Integrated Care skilled staff within Child Support Smart Centres (CSSC). Once evidence is returned or the activity/claim becomes 'DUE', this will be allocated to Integrated Care (INC) skilled staff to process. To hand-off to INC skilled staff:
Note: the work item does not need to be re-categorised, as by adding the 'DISAGREE' keyword, it will automatically flow to Integrated Care trained staff. For customers who are experiencing financial hardship or are a family in crisis and request urgent finalisation of the care arrangements:
Centrelink staff, procedure ends here. Integrated Care skilled staff (CSSC), go to Step 8. |
8 |
Making a care determination where the care change is disagreed + Read more ... This step should only be undertaken by Child Support staff trained in Integrated Care. Compare available evidence and identify areas of disagreement. Phone each carer to discuss the discrepancies and give them the opportunity to respond. Is care agreed after discussion?
9 |
Has sufficient evidence been provided to make a care decision? + Read more ...
10 |
Determine if the claimant is a step-parent + Read more ... Is the claimant a step-parent?
11 |
Claimant is a step-parent + Read more ... Note: where FTB is transferred out to partner (Transfer out to partner reason code displays on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen - from parent to step-parent) and the customer is a Centrelink and Child Support mutual customer, these records are to be referred for investigation. See the Process page of Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for further details of the workaround and text for DOC/Notes. Complete the following coding. Record updates on the child record:
Note: the Ripple Management Consequences (RMC) screen will display Ripple Activities involving other impacted records as a result of a care update. The Ripple Instruction Code will automatically set to Complete. Where ripple management is required to view the outcome of the update in the ripple participant's record, select Edit beside the ripple to be managed to change the Ripple Instruction Code to Started or Merge. After selecting Save, select Update to apply the changes. If the child is in a different environment, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions for assistance with environment transfers. Note: attempting to code an increase in care that will result in greater than 100% combined care will result in an error on the SCA screen and prevent the Service Officer from completing the coding. If an increase in care has been advised by a customer, assess and code shared care on the SCA screen on the Families Shared Care and SSC Shared Care tables for each carer separately in separate activities using the Families - Care Assessment workflow. The details for the customer with the reduction in care percentage MUST be coded first, followed by the customer with the increase in care percentage. If the current partner of the parent (step-parent) will receive FTB for the child:
Note: if Carer Allowance (CA) is current or assessed as eligible with change of care circumstances, see Changes to shared care for Carer Allowance (CA). Procedure ends here. |
12 |
Claimant is not a step-parent + Read more ... Complete the following coding on the claimant's record. Record updates on the child record:
Note: the Ripple Management Consequences (RMC) screen will display Ripple Activities involving other impacted records as a result of a care update. The Ripple Instruction Code will automatically set to Complete. Where ripple management is required to view the outcome of the update in the ripple participant's record, select Edit beside the ripple to be managed to change the Ripple Instruction Code to Started or Merge. Select Save and select Update to confirm the change. If the child is in a different environment, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions for assistance with environment transfers. Note: attempting to code an increase in care that will result in greater than 100% combined care will result in an error on the SCA screen and prevent the Service Officer from completing the coding. Where an increase in care has been advised by a customer, assess and code shared care on the Families Shared Care and SSC Shared Care tables on the SCA screen for each carer separately in separate activities using the Families - Care Assessment workflow. See Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB). The details for the customer with the reduction in care percentage must be coded first, followed by the customer with the increase in care percentage. Select the child record from the Relations menu and go to the:
Customer First
On this Page:
Customer advises care arrangements for FTB
Coding care assessments for FTB customers
Customer advises care arrangements for FTB
Table 1:
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer advises of care arrangements + Read more ... A customer may advise Services Australia of a care arrangement verbally, in writing, on a Details of your care arrangements form (FA012), This includes non-family assistance claims such as Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy or ABSTUDY. If the customer is currently in receipt of FTB, advises of separation from most recent partner and advises of a change in care arrangements at the same time, i.e. shared care, go to Step 1 in Table 2. If the customer is currently in receipt of FTB, advises of separation from most recent partner and advises no change in care arrangements, no further action is required for care arrangements. For all other action required where a customer separates, see Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and/or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) customer separates. Note: advise the customer about important steps, to keep their personal information safe. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details. 100% care change Where a change of care (100% care change) has occurred, and the child has:
Check for sensitive issues and make appropriate referral to a social worker, see Social Work Services. If all shared care information is confirmed by the other party and already coded on that party’s file, process the advised changes at first point of contact. Separate procedures apply if the customer:
Shared care Where a customer notifies shared care:
2 |
Determine if a care activity has commenced + Read more ... Check the customer's record to determine if the care decision is being undertaken by staff delivering Child Support services. Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen and 'S'elect the relevant child.
Has a care activity been commenced in the Child Support system?
3 |
Child Support system has a commenced care activity + Read more ... No updates are required. If the care assessment was completed, select the child from the CHS screen and navigate to the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen where the date the new care arrangement commenced, the care percentage, assessment method (CSP Care Decision) and carer will be displayed. Record details of the contact on a DOC. Procedure ends here. |
4 |
Child Support system has not commenced, finalised or lapsed a care activity + Read more ... If the losing carer is advising that a court order/parenting plan/written agreement for care arrangements is not being complied with (disputed care), see 'Disputed care' step in the 'Initial customer contact' table in Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB). If a care assessment is not yet commenced or finalised or has a status of Lapsed, and the activity cannot be completed end to end on the date received, update (!CADDS) to Commenced. Go to Step 1 in Table 2. |
Coding care assessments for FTB customers
Table 2:
Step |
Action |
1 |
Assessing each carer + Read more ... Has care assessment information been confirmed by the other party and already coded on other party’s record?
Note: a problem (P24845) has been identified where shared care is not being correctly applied when a child is in the care of a parent who has transferred their FTB to their current partner (step-parent). The Resources page contains details of the workaround that must be applied every time care is reassessed on these records. |
2 |
Code decrease of care + Read more ... Where there is a decrease in care for the customer, apply the decrease for FTB customers, including customers in receipt of an income support payment to ensure that they are not overpaid. Code the reduced care percentage on the FTB Shared Care (FSC) (coding the Preliminary Indicator as 'Y') and SSA Shared Care (SSC) screens (coding percentage of care and Principal Carer indicator) until an actual care assessment can be made. Code from the date care reduced. When coding care, ensure the correct date of receipt (DOR) is used. If the child has their own record: code the updates in the child's PER record before returning to the respective customers’ records. If the customer receives Parenting Payment Single (PPS) and no longer has principal care of the child and the DOV coded on SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen is prior to 2 March 2024, update the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen with:
This ensures correct PP and pension child assessment. If this is the only PP child in care, PPS will cancel. After coding the reduction in care, go to Step 3. |
3 |
Evidence + Read more ... If a customer has:
Note: in most cases it is mandatory to attempt to contact the other carer, even if the other carer is not claiming FTB. Exceptions to this are:
Note: where FDV concerns are identified, the FDV Support Model must be followed and consideration be given to the involvement of a social worker where a child may be at risk of harm or where a customer's circumstances indicate vulnerability or risk to the customer's safety. See Social work service referral. |
4 |
Outbound call + Read more ... Was the contact successful and the care arrangement details confirmed?
5 |
Send documentation to the customer and other carer + Read more ...
If the losing carer/recent ex-partner is FTB current, run the Child Change in Care Arrangements script to issue a Q810 to the gaining carer, requesting evidence for a change in shared care and issue the losing carer with a Q810 and Details of your child's care arrangements form (FA012). Note: the FA012 will allow the losing carer the opportunity to provide Services Australia with information regarding their care arrangements. If the losing carer/recent ex-partner is:
Note: when sending a FA012 or calendar along with the Q810 or other chosen letter, the letter must be printed locally to allow the required enclosures and reply paid envelope to be included. The Resources page in Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) contains the calendar. See the Resources page for a link to print the FA012 form. If the FA012 has already been issued for this care period do not issue another form unless requested by the customer or other carer.
Note: due to the unsuccessful contact with the other carer, letters are sent to both the losing and gaining carers to provide both carers equal opportunity to provide evidence without unnecessary delays to process the FTB payment. Customer in hardship - gaining carer If the new carer is in hardship and is currently receiving an income support payment or has a claim pending, the FTB claim may be determined without delay. However, the change of care must still be confirmed, this can be by phone. If contact cannot be made and the evidence to support the decision is satisfactory, FTB can be paid to the gaining carer. The customer should be advised that if the care arrangements are contested, this may result in an overpayment for the customer. When the evidence is due to be returned, go to Step 6. |
6 |
Return of Q810/Q999 + Read more ... Evidence not returned within allowable time frame Make 1 genuine phone contact attempt to the other carer. If contact attempt is successful, and the other carer:
If there is still no response received from either carer, cancel FTB for the other carer (unless they are identified as vulnerable or at risk) using reason 'FRC' (Failed to Reply to Correspondence) on the Benefits Action (BA) screen from date paid to plus 1. Where the gaining carer is claiming FTB code the gaining carer's claim 'NEF' (not effective), as it is not certain that the change of care has occurred. If the other carer is vulnerable or at risk, 2 genuine attempts to contact by phone should be made before cancelling the customer 'FRC'. FTB should not be granted/reassessed for the new carer. Do not change the care percentages until there is enough evidence to support such a decision. If the losing carer is in receipt of an income support payment, their entitlement may be affected by the change in shared care. See:
Further evidence may need to be requested from the gaining carer. If evidence is supplied by the gaining carer at a later date, this can be used to reassess the payment from the date the care changed (prior to date paid to plus one). Do not reassess the gaining carer until there is enough evidence to support the decision. Procedure ends here. Record details on a DOC on each carer's record. Note: when the actual care decision is made, both gaining and losing carer records should be updated with the correct care details from the correct date. Do not use date paid to plus one, the correct date of the care change must be used. All carers have responded Compare available evidence and identify areas of contest (if any).
One carer responds Make a decision on the available evidence. A child can only be linked to a person (carers) record if:
When the actual care decision is made, record/s should be updated with the correct care details from the correct date. Do not use date paid to plus one, the correct date of the care change must be used. On the losing carer's record:
Note: if in receipt of PPS no longer principal carer of the child, and the DOV coded on SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen is prior to 2 March 2024, on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen code OTN from date care changed. Child changes recorded on 1 customer's record will ripple to other customers linked to the child
If the losing carer:
Record on a DOC:
Update the gaining carer's record. Note: do not grant/reassess the gaining carer until there is enough evidence to support the decision. |
7 |
Disagreement over care arrangements + Read more ... All disagreed care assessments and updates are completed by Integrated Care skilled staff within Child Support Smart Centres (CSSC). Once evidence is returned or the activity/claim becomes 'DUE', this will be allocated to Integrated Care skilled staff. Put work item on hold and hand-off to Integrated Care (INC) skilled staff:
Note: the work item does not need to be re-categorised, as by adding the 'DISAGREE' keyword, it will automatically flow to Integrated Care trained staff. For customers who are experiencing financial hardship or are a family in crisis and request urgent finalisation of the care arrangements:
Centrelink staff, procedure ends here. Integrated Care skilled staff (CSSC), go to Step 8. |
8 |
Making a care determination where the care change is disagreed + Read more ... This step should only be undertaken by Child Support staff trained in Integrated Care. Compare available evidence and identify areas of disagreement. Phone each carer to discuss the discrepancies and give them the opportunity to respond. Is care agreed after discussion?
9 |
Has sufficient evidence been provided to make a care decision? + Read more ...
10 |
Determine if the claimant is a step-parent + Read more ... Is the claimant a step-parent?
11 |
Claimant is a step-parent + Read more ... Note: where FTB is transferred out to partner (TOP is coded on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen - from parent to step-parent) and the customer is a Centrelink and Child Support mutual customer, these records are to be referred for investigation. See the Process page of Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for further details of the workaround and text for DOCs. Complete the following coding. If the child is a customer, record updates on the child's record. The updates will ripple to each customer record linked to the child. See Ripple manager consequences. If the child is in a different environment, swap to that environment to code the changes. Attempting to code an increase in care that will result in greater than 100% combined care will result in an error on the FSC and SSC screens and prevent the Service Officer from completing the coding. If an increase in care has been advised by a customer, assess and code shared care (on the FSC and SSC screens) for each carer separately in separate activities. The details for the customer with the reduction in care percentage MUST be coded first, followed by the customer with the increase in care percentage. If the current partner of the parent (step-parent) will receive FTB for the child:
Note: if Carer Allowance (CA) is current or assessed as eligible with change of care circumstances, see Changes to shared care for Carer Allowance (CA). Procedure ends here. |
12 |
Claimant is not a step-parent + Read more ... Complete the following coding on the claimant's record. If the child is a customer, record updates on the child's record. The updates will ripple to each customer record linked to the child. See Ripple manager consequences. If the child is in a different environment, swap to that environment to code the changes. Attempting to code an increase in care that will result in greater than 100% combined care will result in an error on the FSC and SSC screens and prevent the Service Officer from completing the coding. Where an increase in care has been advised by a customer, assess and code shared care (on the FSC and SSC screens) for each carer separately in separate activities. See Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB). The details for the customer with the reduction in care percentage must be coded first, followed by the customer with the increase in care percentage. Select the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen and navigate to the: