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Initial contact after the death of a partner of a non customer couple 099-01010040

This document outlines the procedures to be followed where a member of a couple dies and neither was receiving payments from Services Australia at the time of the death.

Assistance for surviving partner

The surviving partner may be entitled to bereavement assistance through Services Australia.

This assistance can include:

  • JobSeeker Payment or Youth Allowance for working age customers whose partner has died have bereavement provisions. These include Partner Bereavement Payment and exemptions from waiting periods and participation requirements
  • Parenting Payment (PP) for single customers with a qualifying dependent child/children who do not have the support of a partner

Service Officer responsibilities

Service Officers should identify if a customer is eligible for an income support payment and other products or services.

If the surviving partner is distressed at the time of advising about the death, consider a referral to the social work service.

If the person is unable to provide information to confirm their partner's death at the time of contact, a Service Officer must confirm the death before any action is taken.

The person notifying of the death should be advised that information used for Centrelink, Child Support and Medicare payments and services is transferred within Services Australia. However, additional contact with one of the agencies programs separately may be required to update relevant information, depending on individual circumstances.

The Resources page contains links to the Income and Assets form (SA369) and the publication 'Needing help after someone has died?'

Assets Test for single pension customers

Claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP)

Claiming Youth Allowance (YA) job seeker

Initial contact with students or Australian Apprentices claiming Youth Allowance (YA)

Claiming Parenting Payment (PP)

Death of a customer and their partner is not in receipt of a Centrelink or Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) income support payment

Extra concession information

Income Test for single pension customers

Initial contact by customer after death of partner when the partner is not in receipt of payment

Social work service referral