Contact after the death of a partner 099-01010040
This document outlines the possible assistance for the surviving partner when a member of a couple dies.
Assistance for surviving partner
The surviving partner may be entitled to bereavement assistance through Services Australia, when a member of a couple dies, and:
- both members of the couple were in receipt of an income support payment from Services Australia
- the deceased partner was not in receipt of an income support payment at the time of the death
- neither member was receiving income support payments at the time of the death
- the surviving partner receives payments from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
For an end-to-end process information to assist staff confirm and record a death action when a person, nominee or an organisation (the notifier) contacts Centrelink, notifying the death of an adult, see Centrelink - Notification, confirming and recording a death.
Cultural awareness
The name of a deceased person who is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, is generally extremely sensitive information.
Staff must only ask for the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander deceased person’s name when it is essential for the agency's purposes. In some cases, in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities, it is important that close relatives are not asked to discuss, write down, or see written, the name of the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander deceased person.
If such information becomes relevant, when a close relative is being interviewed, or asked to complete a form, consent must be requested to collect the information from another source, (for example, community council and/or hospital/clinic records).
For more details, see:
Assistance if their deceased partner was not in receipt of an income support payment
The surviving partner may be eligible for assistance from Services Australia. Assistance can include:
- Parenting Payment (PP) - for single customers with a qualifying dependent child/children who do not have the support of a partner
- Partner Bereavement Payment (PBV) can be paid to new claimants and existing customers on JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA), including:
- YA job seekers
- YA students
- YA apprentices
- dependent YA customers
- the customer will have their payment reassessed to the single rate
The surviving partner will not be entitled to a Lump Sum Bereavement Payment (LBP).
Assistance for a surviving partner when neither were receiving Centrelink payments
The surviving partner may be eligible for assistance such as:
- Parenting Payment (PP) - for single customers with a qualifying dependent child/children who do not have the support of a partner
- JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) for working age customers whose partner has died and have bereavement provisions including:
- Partner Bereavement Payment (PBV)
- exemptions from waiting periods and participation requirements
Both members of the couple were in receipt of an income support payment
Additional assistance may be available for the surviving partner. See:
Service Officer responsibilities
Service Officers should identify if a customer is eligible for an income support payment and other products or services. When suggesting income support payment claims, staff must consider whether the pre-claim circumstance screen should be coded, see Intent to claim and vulnerable customers.
If the surviving partner is distressed at the time of advising about the death, consider a referral to the social work service.
If the person is unable to provide information to confirm their partner's death at the time of contact, a Service Officer must confirm the death before any action is taken.
The person notifying of the death should be advised that information used for Centrelink, Child Support and Medicare payments and services is transferred within Services Australia. However, additional contact with one of the agencies programs separately may be required to update relevant information, depending on individual circumstances.
Reassessment of assets
If the surviving partner is in receipt of an income support payment and was a joint owner of the couple's assets, full ownership legally transfers to the surviving partner. However, the system will still only assess that the surviving partner owns 50% of the property until the surviving partner advises of the transfer of assets. A bereavement review may be conducted 16 weeks after the death of the partner to determine which assets have been transferred to the survivor.
Surviving partner working
If the surviving partner starts work, or is currently working, working credits may enable them to keep some of their income support payment while they are working. If their income reduces their fortnightly rate to nil and some of that income is employment income, they may remain current at nil rate for up to 12 fortnights and retain certain benefits.
Surviving partner’s income support payment requires them to be partnered or caring
Surviving partners receiving an income support payment that requires them to be partnered or caring for a person will continue to receive payments for the duration of the bereavement period. Payments that may be subject to this provision are Carer Payment (CP) - where the deceased is the care receiver.
At the end of the bereavement period, the customer must qualify for a payment in their own right. For example:
Care receiver partner
If the customer was receiving payments as a carer for their partner, and the care receiver was not in receipt of an income support payment, bereavement assistance may be available to carers, depending on:
- whether the carer receives Carer Allowance (CA)
- whether the carer receives an income support payment, and
- what type of income support payment is received
If the carer is in receipt of:
- CA only, the carer is not entitled to a bereavement payment
- Carer Payment (CP) only, the carer is entitled to a continuation of CP for the duration of the bereavement period. The carer is not entitled to a Lump Sum Bereavement Payment
- both CP and CA, the carer is entitled to a continuation of CP for the duration of the bereavement period. The carer is not entitled to a Lump Sum Bereavement Payment
- CA and an income support payment that is not CP, the carer is entitled to a CA bereavement payment
Other assistance
Staff can refer the notifier and relatives of the deceased to:
- a social worker, where appropriate
- Financial Information Service (FIS)
- Multilingual Phone Service (MPS)
- Indigenous Service Officers (ISO)
- information available on the Services Australia website including:
- Payment and Service finder
- What to do when a loved one dies page
- the contact details for state funeral assistance that may be available
For assistance with other department and agency processes, see:
- Child Support - Deceased Child Support customer management
- Medicare - Amend deceased persons Medicare enrolment requirements
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) - see Reporting the death of a veteran or DVA client on the DVA website
DVA bereavement assistance
In most instances, Services Australia is unable to offer initial assistance because DVA has similar bereavement arrangements for their recipients. However, if the deceased partner was also a customer of Services Australia, some bereavement assistance may be payable through Services Australia, depending on the type of payments received by each member of the couple at the time of the death.
Customers should call the DVA general enquiries line.
The Resources The Resources page contains links to forms and the publication 'Needing help after someone has died?', contact details, the Services Australia website and other external websites including the DVA website.
Related links
Amend deceased persons Medicare enrolment requirements
Authenticating a Centrelink customer
Calling a customer or returning a customer's call
Cultural considerations when someone dies
Centrelink - Notification, confirming and recording a death
Assets Test for single pension customers
Income Test for single pension customers
Claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
Claiming Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker)
Initial contact with students or Australian Apprentices claiming Youth Allowance (YA)
Claiming Parenting Payment (PP)
Partner Bereavement Payment (PBV)
Calculation of a Partner Bereavement Payment (PBV)
Centrelink Bereavement Statement
Death of an income support customer or their partner
Death of an adult care receiver and the effect on Carer Allowance (CA)
Death of an adult or child care receiver and the effect on Carer Payment (CP)
Death of a partner of a Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) customer
Previous partners and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation
Family assistance payments, Paid Parental leave scheme and bereavement
Parenting Payment (PP) and bereavement
Assessing entitlement to a Lump Sum Bereavement Payment (LBP)