Processing end of course reviews for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and PES students 110-07040010
This document outlines details of processing end of year reviews for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY PES and PES students.
On this page:
End of course reviews for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY PES and PES students
End of course reviews for students continuing studies
End of course reviews for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY PES and PES students
Table 1
Step |
Action |
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Review form sent to student + Read more ... 8 weeks before the ABSTUDY Student End Date and 4 weeks before the ABSTUDY PES or PES Student End Date, an end of course review (SY075) form is sent. For continuation of PES or ABSTUDY, details need to be provided on the (SY075). ABSTUDY PES students who transferred to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) from Parenting Payment Single (PPS) due to their youngest child turning 14 years of age will no longer qualify for ABSTUDY PES on completion of their current course. They will be eligible to attract PES while a single principal carer on JSP until their child turns 16. For PES students, if the new course is a short course (less than 30 weeks full-time) they must reclaim unless:
The SY075 can be accepted as a new claim if it is lodged:
In certain circumstances, the SY075 can be used as an abridged claim if lodged within 52 weeks of last receiving PES. How has the End of Course review (SY075) form been returned?
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Student has called in response to SY075 + Read more ... If the student advises they:
If the student needs to reclaim (for example, PES student going from 1 short course to another short course) they must return the SY075. Details from the SY075 taken over the telephone does not constitute a claim. Complex issues (for example, start dates, allowable time calculation and course pending approval, etc) should be referred to specialist teams:
Procedure ends here. |
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SY075 or Fast Note is received at ABSTUDY or PES Smart Centre Processing team + Read more ... Has the student completed all necessary details on the form correctly, including the full details of the new course?
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Form is not complete + Read more ... Try to call the student on the phone, confirm their identity, and collect the necessary details over the phone. If the contact is:
If the course end date is reached within the 21-day review period, the payment will automatically cancel. It can be restored when the details are received. See Restoration of ABSTUDY payments, or Restoration of PES and ABSTUDY PES payments. Record action taken on a Note/DOC. Procedure ends here. |
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SY075 or Fast Note has been fully completed + Read more ... The SY075 is approved as an abridged claim form for the purposes of PES students moving between courses where there is a gap in entitlement of no more than 52 weeks. Has the student indicated they intend to continue study in the next available study period?
End of course reviews for students continuing studies
Table 2:
Step |
Action |
1 |
Study to continue in the next available study period + Read more ... Starting a 'new course' includes:
Note: if the previous course was a short course (unless articulated short course rules apply), the student cannot be considered a continuing student. The student will have to reclaim PES. If the customer completed their SY075 using the manage their study details online service or completed and signed their SY075, it can be considered an abridged claim, see Assessing claim for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). If the student is:
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Student is starting a new course + Read more ... PES students who will not qualify for the new course within 13 weeks of the current Student End Date must lodge a new PES claim. The new PES claim must be lodged within 13 weeks of the new course qualification date. If the SY075 was lodged too early, it can be used to reject the PES claim. Tell the student that they can claim:
Decide if the student has continued entitlement to payments for their new course. Assess the SY075 as an abridged claim if there is a gap in entitlement of less than 52 weeks. See Assessing claim for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). Students who intend on studying a Startup Year course, to be considered a continuing student must:
See Startup Year Courses for more information. If a student has not enrolled in a Startup Year Course as they are waiting approval for a STARTUP-HELP loan, they may wish to provide advice on another course they intend to enrol in, if not approved. For ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES, see:
For PES, see:
If a student advises of studying by either distance education or flexible learning, make sure the minimum workload criteria have been met. A PES new claim cannot be actioned while PES is still current. If the SY075 has been returned before the end date of entitlement of the current course, hold the PES new claim activity until the end of the entitlement period + 2 days, and record a DOC. Use Fast Note – select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Pensioner Education Supplement > PES Study Update Action Doc. Is the student entitled to payments for their new course?
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Student not continuing study + Read more ... If a student is not continuing their study, their payment will automatically cancel when the course end date is reached. A letter is automatically sent telling the student their payment has been cancelled and about their right to review and appeal. If the student says they will stop studying on a different date from the course end date on SY075, update this detail in either Process Direct or Customer First, as shown below. Note: for the appropriate date for coding the cancellation, see Deferring or discontinuing study before end of course for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). Process Direct:
Customer First:
Procedure ends here. |
4 |
Receiving PES + Read more ... If the student has:
For help in processing the review, see:
Key the new study details in either: Process Direct:
Customer First:
If the customer has a benefit status of CAN/EDR, on the Benefit Action (BA) screen restore PES. Do this in either: Process Direct:
Customer First:
Procedure ends here. |
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Receiving ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES + Read more ... Student is entitled to payments and receiving or was receiving ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES:
For ABSTUDY Living Allowance students only, once the script has updated the study details it will identify if the student qualifies for Relocation Scholarship (RS). If so, the script will need the Service Officer to key family home address details for the student to decide the correct rate of RS.
For example:
Take any appropriate action and record details on a Note/DOC. Note: if the customer has a benefit status of CAN/EDR, on the Benefit Action (BA) screen, see Restoration of Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and ABSTUDY PES or Restoration of ABSTUDY payments. |
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Extending course dates - PES + Read more ... If the student is extending or continuing the same course, make sure they meet the study load requirements before updating. Consider if the student will exceed Social Security allowable time payable for that course or level of study. See Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study and Assessing study load requirements. If the customer has a benefit status of CAN/EDR, on the Benefit Action (BA) screen restore PES. Do this in either system: In Process Direct, if the student remains eligible:
Customer First:
Procedure ends here. |
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Extending course dates – ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES + Read more ... If the student is extending or continuing the same course, make sure they meet the study load requirements before updating. See study requirements for ABSTUDY, or study requirements for ABSTUDY PES. Consider if the student will exceed the ABSTUDY Reasonable Time and Limits of Assistance payable for that course or level of study. See Determining progress and duration of assistance for ABSTUDY and Study requirements for ABSTUDY. After Reasonable Time and Limits of Assistance have been investigated if the student remains eligible:
Procedure ends here. |
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No continuing eligibility for new course + Read more ... The student's record needs to reflect the outcome of the SY075 even if not entitled to payments for the new course. Advise the student in writing:
If the student is not entitled to payments for their new course because:
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Not an approved course or allowable time has been exceeded + Read more ... If the new course is not an approved course or the institution is not approved for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY PES or PES purposes, the unapproved course should not be coded on the EDC screen. See Coding education details and Coding ABSTUDY education details. ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES: Manually cancel from the last day the student studied in the current course. Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen, then cancel the payment from the appropriate date for Reason: Not an Approved Course (NAC) or for Not an Approved Institution (NAI) PES: Ensure 2 working days have passed since the current course payment eligibility end date on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) in Customer First. This is to allow the cancellation letter to be issued If 2 working days have not passed since the most recent course payment eligibility end date on the EDC screen:
The system will generate a letter telling the student why their payments have been cancelled/rejected, and advising their review and appeal rights. Procedure ends here. |
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Study load undertaken + Read more ... The student will no longer be undertaking a sufficient study load to be eligible for their payment. Code this in either: Process Direct:
Customer First:
ABSTUDY PES and PES students On the Customer Study Details (EDC) in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First, code the Participation Status field as either:
The system will automatically decide if the PES student is not undertaking a sufficient study load and will cancel the payment accordingly. Note: institutions have their own study load requirements. For example, number of hours for what they consider to be full-time. These requirements may differ between institutions and states. For ABSTUDY students, code the Participation Status field on the EDC screen as PTS (part-time study load). The system will cease ABSTUDY Living Allowance payments from the date the student last undertook full-time studies. Note: under the ABSTUDY Part-time Award, students undertaking part-time studies are entitled to Incidentals Allowance. This means that the student will remain current on ABSTUDY but will only be paid Incidentals Allowance. An automatic letter will tell the student when and why their payments will be cancelled and advise their review and appeal rights. Procedure ends here. |
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Qualifying payment is JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or YA (job seeker) + Read more ... The student is an ABSTUDY PES student whose qualifying payment is JSP or YA (job seeker). The new course details must be coded as a new claim activity to ensure the system correctly rejects the ABSTUDY PES payment due to JSP or YA no longer constituting a qualifying payment for ABSTUDY PES. If the student will be undertaking a full time course load investigate if the student will qualify for ABSTUDY Living Allowance. |